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Read our primer articles on Oil Analysis and Tribology

Hello everyone,

My name is Michael, I am a senior engineer at Digital Awakenings, in the near future I will be taking on a project to write a software package for oil analysis reporting.

So here is where I need your help. I would like to know what you look for in reporting software, what you havent seen but would like to, what you hate about current packages.

any suggestions and information is welcome.

Thanks for your time.

Michael Kowalski
Digital Awakenings
Chief Software Engineer
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This is what I would like to see:

  • Trending of samples with graphics. With pre-set options like ie. "Diesel engine wear metals". Also option to trend by "hrs on oil/miles/km/"
  • Detailed machine/unit information, with possibillities to add service comments and more.
  • Solution to compare sample results with other results from the same type of machinery.
  • Solution to compare sample results with other results from virgin oil (new unused).
  • Automatic diagnostics by pre-defined values and +/-% of avg. results.
  • Export of: data per component, graphs, results, machine lists with comments, summaries and statistics.
  • Emailing of reports by: DOC/XLS/PDF and as html email. (pref automatic).

This is what I could think of right now. I will add the list when/if I think of something else..
Hope it gives you some ideas.
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