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While the Noria flash cards will not guarantee passing of the MLT or MLA certification exams given by the ICML, I found them very useful study tools. It gives a different approach to studying than the regular "read from a book" approach. They work the best if you can use them while studying with a second person. I have helped colleagues study for this exam and the first thing I ask is if he/she has flash cards.

In addition to knowledge on the flash cards and other study material...nothing can take the place of actual knowledge and experience with equipment. Having a good handle on that coupled with the flash cards and sitting through the MLT training course...there should be no problem in passing the exam.

I hope this helps...and I wish you luck.
You can contact the ICML directly thru their website ICML Website to see if a local exam could be arranged. I have done this for several people I work with and usually it is set up thru a local college or trade school which provides an impartial proctor to administer the exam. ICML requests this service to be performed Pro Bono or the proctor fee be borne by those taking the exam. There are several foreign language exams available and you can find whatever information you need thru the website.
Thanks for the feedback, Randy. I'm looking at taking the exam in September in Branson. I've found the flash cards to be great. I keep the stack by my kitchen table, and just grab a few and go through them when I get a spare moment. I have 7 years of experience as a Lubrication Tech, but the cards have a lot of information that I did not know about. Go Timberwolves!!
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