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Originally posted by Houckster:
About 15.3K.

Re Terry, I know that his word would have more value here but as I pointed out, I want to have Synlube's results first and then if that's good then I send another sample to Terry.

Why don't you send one to each, Synlube and Terry at the same time. Let us know the results of both.
Asking a manufacturer if they think their product is good is not of much use. Since Terry does not own any stock in Synlube his evalutation would carry more weight. He should do his work without any knowledge of what the Synlube lab says.

You may not realize it, but one of the things that attracted me to Miro is his willingness to be truthful. He is a no-nonsense guy who would tell me if something is wrong and advise what would be needed to fix it. He also genuinely loves getting feedback from the field. My belief is that the results I get back will come very close to what Mr. Dyson reports who, as I understand it, already has some experience with SynLube. BTW, it is important to know about SynLube before analyzing it as it because it has components in its additive package that would lead to misinterpretation otherwise.

SynLube Oil Analysis

Mazda1 wrote:
Why don't you send one to each, Synlube and Terry at the same time. Let us know the results of both.
As I wrote above, there is no point sending a sample to Dyson UNLESS SynLube gives the oil a thumbs up. Though most here won't accept a good report from SynLube I think most would accept a bad one and in such a case spending $40 or so to get a second bad report would be pointless.
BRUCE381: Thank you for an entirely worthless post. Go take your meds.

From Barkerman:
That's too bad. I thought we were going to see a uoa. If there's a chance that this stuff in nothing special you sure don't want to expose it to a uoa. It's better to just do some more advertising.
Why don't you read my posts? You will see a UOA!
On basis Amsoil boast a 100k OCI and Synlube reduce OCI depending on use, perhaps not barmy.

Synlube may also take same view as Ford does with thin oils!

Synlube may have as interseting basestock as GC.

Solids are being used by Elf.

Synlube now have added 0W40 to range.

Intrigued to see UOA.

Perhaps non Synlube users are being conned into short OCIs as wear may be highest after oil change!
From Barkerman:

That's too bad. I thought we were going to see a uoa. If there's a chance that this stuff in nothing special you sure don't want to expose it to a uoa. It's better to just do some more advertising.

Why don't you read my posts? You will see a UOA!


You have not commited to sending a sample to a third party, you said maybe. This thread has been running since July and there has not been anything of substance. There is an interest in this Synlube stuff. People would like to believe that somthing like Synlube could exist, but I guess it's not to be.
I honestly think you haven't read the my posts closely enough. You're missing my point.

The point of the UOAs is to see if the product gives a good result. Isn't that right? Sending the first sample to SynLube gives them a chance to establish their validity. If they supply a UOA with a good result, then a sample will be sent to Dyson for further comfirmation. I drew two samples of the oil for testing at the same time. Much has been made that SynLube will hype their product rather than report accurately. This gives us a chance to see if that claim is true.

Now, just what is the point of sending a sample to Dyson if SynLube reports that the oil is NOT holding up? It is only if SynLube sends back a positive UOA that it makes any sense to submit a sample to Dyson.

Doesn't this make sense?
It makes perfect sense to me. I wouldn't waste a second $40. US sending another sample to some guru unless the first sample comes back with good results. We should start a pool on how many pages this thread will go, or how many years it will go. I'm going to start things off with a guess of 68 pages and the year 2007.
Paul in Haliburton.
The point of the UOAs is to see if the product gives a good result. Isn't that right?

Sending the first sample to SynLube gives them a chance to establish their validity.

Establish Validity??? What are you smoking An ICP spectro of wear metals will be Established by using certifed standards to callibrate the test equipment. There is NO validity to establish DUH. 10 ppm lead is 10 ppm lead.
If ICP machine is correctly calibrated any lab will give within a few percent same answer.

So basicly if your oil sample sucks then you will not want to advertise that so you will not send out to an INDEPENDENT lab that we all can trust right?
BRUCE381: If you will take the time to go back over the posts, you will see that your comments simply miss the point. The question that has been raised is whether SynLube would report accurate results, not whether the a proper test method would. Thus my comments. You can't expect to read the last two or three posts and know what's going on here.

INHALIBURTON: Yes, this is a long-winded thread and I fully expect the controversy to continue even if BOTH SynLube AND Dyson give good reports.
I think Houckster is missing something. A lot of us would like to know what's up because the idea of a better oil is very seductive. The problem is that there have been too many snake oil products in the past, enough to say that almost all past wonder products have been rip-offs. Every now and then a better product shows up. Some of these products are the better deal, but suffer because they promised more than they delivered, even though what they delivered was enough to justify the label new and better. This thread has 10 pages, now, and that's proof that people whant to know. This company, Synlube, may be the real deal, but it's really difficult to seperate the facts from the hype. There is an additonal problem with Synlube. The jump to this stuff is expensive. So we have a group of geeks with a few that would make the jump if they could just get a handle on what's really going on.
Barkerman, that's the point that I've been trying to make as well. I certainly wouldn't mind the cost of this product, if the claims were backed up by some real user data. I guess now we just have to be patient and wait for Houckster to post his results of the UOA and go from there.

Other than that I guess this stuff is all academic, right?
Miro Kefurt is my name and I am the President of SynLube, Inc. our e-mail is, our web is and our phone is 800-SYN-LUBE.

I am not Houckster although I know who he is as he is one of our ling time customers.

I any one had any direct questions please send them direct to me at the e-mail address.

Sorry I do not have time to live on message boards as we have a real business to take care of and already get 100 to 150 e-mail a day.

What is more "disturbing" that on this "noria" board the names like synlube, mirox and so on are ALREADY TAKEN, but we have never registered to this web before, so if anoyne ever posted anything as "synlube" it was not our compnay nor me personally, no MATTER WHAT THEY HAVE CLAIMED !!!

This is the FIRST time I have registered, and since our trade names are already "taken" I have used my name Miro Kefurt for sign-in lon in.

My basic question to all of you who are not even familiar or have ever used SynLube, what gives you any authotiry to even discuss it !?

Use if FIRST and then talk about it !

Colloidal super lubricants since 1969 !
WOW ten pages of arguments but not a single person but one that has ever used our product !

Real people in the real world, and not Aristotelian pure though experimenters, are our real live customers, and there are e-mail links to them on our web

1.) SynLube eliminates oil changes for the "useful life" of motor vehicles - see EPA and CARB on what "useful life" is.

2.) Real people do not really care about TBN, particle counts, or any such results, they care it their car RUNS, and if it RUNS BETTER, and if it gets MORE POWER and uses LESS FUEL.

All those results are real as well as engine life in 300,000 to 500,000 mile range on now 20 years vehicles whose "useful life" and "certified useful life" for example was ONLY 5 years or 50,000 miles !! (Are you old enough to remember 1984 and cars like BERTONE who used SynLube as OEM fill ?)

No person on this planet ever comes to a mechanic and says I am worried about TBN, can you give me a $20 oil analysis, so I can figure out if I need your $19.95 oil change that is today only on $9.95 special !!!

Get out to real world - and if you posses a decent car - that is not a past it's "useful life" then just may be SynLube is what you need !!!

Miro Kefurt
SynLube, Inc.
attend Reliable Plant 2024
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