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When someone sends us e-mail, and we get 100 to 150 a day and asks: "how your product works in XYZ" we do nothave time or run any DMV, J D Power or RL Polk search FIRST before we reply if that person actaully owns XYZ, or else why would someone ask ???

When two or three similar e-mails get through but the next lists ABC, insted of XYZ lot of times that is because that person is either owning BOTH vehicles or is contemplating to get the ABC.

That happened hundreds of times before so that alone is not strange or suspicious to me or anyone else.

But when same e-mail adress is asking about SynLube performance in anything from HONDA Gold Wing to HD Diesel Truck (all six different category vehicles) that may be also bit out of the norm but NOT unusual as we have peopel that own as many as 21 different vehicles, and some HD truckers also have personal cars, and even motorcycles they haul IN their 18-wheeler

But when FINALLY that person proclaims he owns USED vehicle, like you know who, then the strange think is why was he asking about all the other vehicles ?

When his vehicle does not use a filter that we even offer, why does he spend so much time and effort to "prove" that there must be someting wrong with the Spin-on filters we sell to our customers for use WITH SynLube

When that person uses Facebook and otehr means to attempt to contact people on our web that may be bit over the line as those NOT posting their e-mail obviously do not want to be bothered.

But when provided with private e-mail of owner of the same vehicle that has over 100,000 on SynLube without oil chagnes and he makes no effort to contact him, and at the same time I get e-mail and phone call from more than one customer that this "nut" is bothering them, that is one step from reporting it to Police and FBI as it may qualify as WIRE FRAUD.

Since one of the pictures of persons car with licence plate was viewed by only 65 visitors and that one gets a "threatening e-mail" that even tells him were he lives with google map reference that is definitely STALKING and in California there it is a crime....

Simple as that !!!
Miro, it must have taken you at least half an hour or more to write that last post. I'm astonished that you could understand the original post and respond. He's a non-believer and personally, I think it's a complete waste of time responding to such nonsense.

Perhaps EBOLAMONKEY (that name tells me a lot about the poster) should check with his psychiatrist for a change in his medications.
Ok, back to lubricant not faith or religion, and how to prove that for a scientist?

Originally posted by Miro Kefurt:
NO it only took few minutes of typing on the fly that is why there are so many "mistypes" I did not even run it through spell checker.

So let's get back to "lubricants" and leave the "psycho" out of it !!!
Scientific Tests versus Real Life tests verified with Industry Accepted (also Government Required) Test.

Some points:
1.) No on has ever come up with a reliable test that can confirm any lubricant formulation performance in all applications.
2.) While theories of what happens to lubricants in internal combustion engines exist, no one has ever been able to reliably produce things like “cold sludge”, “black sludge” and the famous TOYOTA “gel” in a laboratory condition, repeatedly.
3.) Case in point is the Theory that Phosphorus in Oil be it part of the crude or part of disassociated or chemically “broke” ZNDTP poisons catalytic converters based on the use of Platinum, and further theory goes that excessive oil consumption causes the same, yet in over 30 years and 26 of that actively SAE was not able to come up with reliable test procedure, that could be repeated even twice on the SAME engine!
4.) Low cost “used oil” test are not very reliable, want a proof? Send the same oil sample to the same Lab week or two apart and see for yourself, send the same sample to two different Labs, and you will have proof of how “unreliable” the data is.
Now what we claim:
1.) SynLube Lube-4-Life is suitable to be used in modern vehicle for the “useful life”
2.) If you want to keep your car or truck “forever” change it every 5 years or 50,000 miles and send the used SynLube back for 100% credit for volume returned.
3.) If you are not satisfied for any reason you get full refund any time, NO TIME, NO MILEAGE limits and no excuses!
The real facts
1.) In 26 years not single customer has ever asked for money back Guarantee!
2.) Only 5% of customers change the SynLube into a FRESH FILL or keep vehicles “forever”
3.) 85% of SynLube customers replace their vehicles in 3 to 5 years
4.) 72% of Synners are women as they hate oil changes or dealing with car mechanics in general
5.) It is not secret that we have disproportionate number of Lesbians and “dancers” in our customer base, exactly because of the “we hate to deal with men” attitude they have based on their personal experience of “TOTAL ABUSE” by mechanics, and men in general.
4.) The average ownership of a vehicle in USA has 3 to 5 owners for a typical vehicle in USA is actually about 128,000 miles by NHTSA data.
5.) The longest CARB or EPA vehicle certification is 15 years or 150,000 durability, not for the engine or the car but JUST for the emission system, in case the car runs that long, and no Light Duty Truck, or SUV was ever certified for such durability! (Most are 7 years or 70,000 miles now, check CARB and EPA certification data for last 10 years).

6.) Most people live with the illusion that modern cars will last “longer” but that is not a reality, just like most “Baby boomers” think they are immortal, yet they are dying off in the 50’s every day and they parents are actually surviving them !
7.) SynLube is a curse for the mechanics – customers do not need oil changes, it is curse for the Oil Industry as no petroleum is used, it is nightmare for the OEM as the engine lasts longer (at least internally), in real life NO ONE benefits, but the vehicle owner !
8.) Quick Oil change industry spends over $45,000,000 annually to promote 3,000 mile oil change interval
9.) GM spends more per vehicle in their oil monitor life system that the cost of SynLube to tell you that the 3,000 oil change is not necessary !

Our customers and the fact that SynLube was the only lubricant ever tested in EPA approved Laboratory (AAA in Diamond Bar) for emissions over the certified life of the vehicle (See the Crown Vic report link on HOME PAGE).

Believing in Mobil 1 that is made by ExxonMobil in now 9th re-incarnation of the “formula” that is not even close in performance to the original SAE 5W-20 Mobil 1 from 1975 is “faith” and “religion”.
If something is really that great why tere are over 17 different versions of the same thing ? (Mobil 1) or 26 of them (AMSOIL), when ONE formulation and one viscosity SAE 5W-50 can satisfy every application on EARTH ?

The real reason form Mobil 1 was that ONE oil can replace ALL OTHER OILS, versions API designations and all climate application – that advertising as well as technical idea only lasted till 1977 when that idea was scrapped and when Exxon took over Mobil their first “invention” was to sell Mobil 1 as “synthetic-blend” with less that 2% of PAO in the mix……

Need I type more ????


Miro Kefurt

PS: We are not standing with loaded gun to our customers head forcing them to use our products, yet for new customers we usually have 7-10 days lead time, so our products actually sell faster than we can make them, that is one reason why we “reject” and “discourage” any applications in “worn out” and really old cars, but car collectors with more than few cars just love our stuff, just imagine keeping track of oil changes on 21 cars (I own that many) versus it was done once and that is it !
So the whole thing was started about 5 years ago and after 28 pages of argments the answer to the initial question:

OK. How can this lubricant handle engine contamination by-products over such a long period of time? Every mile driven is going to contribute some contamination products, mainly unburned fuel and moisture. If the lubricant is inert it will not combine with these contaminates, but they will remain and accumulate in the crankcase.


So what !!! If the car runs just fine for the "useful life" and has tail pipe emissions LOWER than NEW, who cares how many theoretical deposits or what evers you have in your crank case ? After all are you really worried about all that STALE AIR and accumulated moisture INSIDE your tires ? Should you not change the AIR reguralily, have you ever tested the used Tire Air for possible accumulation of volatile coumpounds form the internal vapors caused by the post vulcanization emissions from the rubber?
What about the condensed air moisture that surelly gets in with each inflation ?

The inside of the rim may get corroded, and so on....

No you do not care about the quality of the AIR in your tires, for if you did you'd be filling them only with 100% pure Nitrogen!

So why be theoretically worried about "purity of lubricant" when it works just fine over the lifetime of a typical vehicle ?

Should you also not panic about the quality of grease in your wheel bearings ? Or the condition of CV joint grease in the FWD drive shafts ?

Surely you should, perhaps annually, but when the normal driver gets lifetime of use without maintenance or re-lubrication, only the real fanatics dare to care !

Why not adopt the same attitude for Motor Oil replacement as people have already done with ATF, Grease, CV Joints, and Spark Plugs....

But OH well changing points and condenser every 3,000 miles is really a must, too bad that cars in USA have not had them for 30 years now !!!
Someone who alos reads these posts religiously but apparently does not want to get into "pointless" arguments with the registered users, just sent me a direct e-mail saying, well you never addressed the PTFE questions, etc.

Well some were made before I bothered to register and read the posts. but here it goes:

In Tribology (lubrication, friction & wear), not just the substance matters but also its shape and change of the shape or properties under use (temperature, pressure, flow velocity, etc.)
PTFE or Teflon in Slick 50, just check the for all the legal actions on behalf of consumers against the more than half a dozen of owners of the “slick 50” trademarked products, I do not need to recap them here.
Shape in most products the Teflon is flakes or machining dust from production of various products made from Teflon, and since Teflon is quite expensive, hey why not sell the “dust” to someone for something ?
It is great grease filler, etc.
It has been used in the old fashioned printing industry in inks because it made the soft type last 2 to 5 times longer, i.e. it lubricates that well !
But granted if the stuff is “dust” and has irregular shapes and is in site comparison a big boulder then it will settle out and “clog” fine filters.
But wait, the PTFE used in SynLube is PERFECT sphere in 0.3 to 1.2 micron range and you need 400 x microscope just to see it (you can see settled out PTFE in Slick 50 with just 3 x magnifier glass).
So shape and size do matter, as they affect the properties of the lubricant that uses them.
The fine sub micronic PTFE we use in SynLube if the stuff that is still put into inks and lubricants and is sold exclusively for that purpose.
IT is not post production “dust” that somebody saved from disposal.
The difference is that it is 90 times more expensive, and while the sub micronic spheres really do work like ball bearings, the dust just does not do it.
TUFOIL which was actually FIRST to use PTFE in their additive only has 1% by volume in their additive which goes for $15.00 and mixes with up to 5 quarts of motor oil.
The PTFE content in SynLube Lube-4-Life Motor Oil replacement is 9% or about 45 times more by volume in the SynLube than TUFOIL treated Petroleum Motor Oil !!!
Just by that alone we should sell SynLube for $675 per US quart !!!
Yet people who have used TUFOIL for years think it is worth the cost !
IF you need to think of the Oil Filter plugging in different way think of a bee being able to fly through chain link fence with not even bumping into the wire, yet a goose will sure get stopped by it.
When something is up to 30 times smaller than the 10 micron filter element, then it sure will flow through with no issue, yet something that is 2,500 times larger and 100 bigger than the 25 micron cellulose filter will both be trapped and will clog the filter.
But some how that by the ANTI PTFE proponents gets NEVER mentioned !!!
PTFE is a solid ad and such it has a definite size and shape so in any discussion about it’s properties that MUST be include to make any sense.
Just saying it does not work, is just plain ignorant if not stupid.
It is like saying rolling bearings do not work, look I tested it and it failed !!!
But you neglect to say that the rolling element you used in your filed experiment was a cube and not a perfect sphere, ups, but due to ignorance you can not even comprehend the different properties of cube versus a ball.
Conversely you can claim that paperweights are useless device as they roll of the table, but you neglect to mention that you used “egg shaped” device rather than a “pyramid”.
Yes SIZE as SHAPE definitely matter in Tribology !!!
Why that is such a mystery to many people ?
How do you keep solid, inert spheres in suspension and off the bottom of the pan?

How is PAO "just as good as new" after being in an engine for 5 years?

For the prices you are charging for your product, you should be using flourine based oils, and yet you do not.

You sell this stuff out of a small office in a small office park. Who does the blending for you? There are no blenders in Las Vegas.

Porn stars on your site? That is just too funny.
Originally posted by Houckster:
Yes, the oil was installed in January, 2004. The gas mileage and performance are still excellent.

I am going to submit the samples sometime in the next couple of days. I drove all of 83 miles in February and have all but gotten away from driving. That's part of the reason, I haven't submitted the samples before now.

And still nothing.
To Tempest:

Who ever you are, I’d be happy to meet you in Las Vegas, if you buy a dinner in a decent place and you can ask all you want !!!

1.) How does dust that is so much heavier than air stay suspended in air ? Should that have not settled to earth by now (after billions of years ?)

Well air gets heated and wind is circulation !

So that keeps the dust in atmosphere for years and years.

If you notice in any mechanism there is both heat (from combustion) and flow (from parts movement as well as forced pumping) - and once you take time to understand the phenomenon associated with colloidal chemistry (totally unknown before 1924) then it will not be such a mystery.

But the main reason is simply this: Colloidal System !

A colloidal system is not a true solution but it is not a suspension either because it does not settle out like a suspension will over time.

Hence no settling out...

If you care to see it you need ultramicroscope

The ultramicroscope was developed by Richard Adolf Zsigmondy (1865 - 1929), who was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1925 for his research on colloids and the ultramicroscope.

2.) That is "Trade-Secret" PAO process that we share only with a specific supplier and it really is more like 26 years !!! Since it only took 22 years to perfect, no way I will tell you what is involved (Exxon nor Mobil or Shell have any clue that it is even possible, that is why in their PAO based synthetics they recommend that you change the oil as often as recommended by the OEM for conventional petroleum if your vehicle is under "warranty", just read their back label on any synthetic product they sell.

3.) Fluorine or fluorocarbon oils are corrosive to Al and its alloys, racing engine with Krytox in it only lasted 45 minutes to great surprise of DuPont.

Also they cost more like $400 per liter

In Automobiles the only applications for such products are in • Sealed for Life CV Joints • Weatherstrip Lubricant to prevent glazing "squeeks".

4.) Obviously you have not been anywhere near where we are.

5.) We do the blending and packaging, we are NOT oil company so you do not see any tanker trucks or 2 billion gallon vats.

And we can custom blend as little as 5 gallons to order in 48 hours, just try to get less than a tanker load from ExxonMobil of anything !!!

6.) If there were no men to pay women for taking their clothes off then there would be no dancers in Gentleman's Clubs in Las Vegas, now if some of them do more than that, which is not legal in Clark County anyway (where Las Vegas is located) then that is their personal business, and after all they are all PAYING customers what they do for income is not really our business, but it seems to be for some SynLube Critics that never used SynLube in anything !

Oh yes some of them we got because one of our "secret" products is "Syn-Tan" - a way to get a tan (sun tan) without any sun, quite useful if you do not want to have "tan lines".

And no you can not buy "Syn-Tan" on our web !!!
Well air gets heated and wind is circulation !

So that keeps the dust in atmosphere for years and years.

What happens when the engine is shut off for a time? No more heat or ciruclation, which allows setteling.

Dust also has a much smaller specific gravity than teflon which is quite heavy. Dust also has a platelet profile which provides much greater surface area than a perfect sphere for lift.

Dupont has also stated that there is no benefit of Teflon in an engine oil.

the sub micronic spheres really do work like ball bearings

Sure... How do spheres that are smaller than the asperties act like ball bearings?
Plus you ignore the hertzian forces that would be put on these tiny spheres. They would squish/sheer or imbed into the base metal due to the infinitesimal bearing surface.

And you say that you have developed a PAO that is virtually immune to oxidation (very similar to Krytox for a 1/10 the price?), that multibillion dollar oil companies can't understand, yet you sit on it and only sell a few quarts out of an office? OK....

I don't care what porn stars do on their time but if you are using their images to promote your product and changing their names (why would they do this?) without their knowledge, that shows a serious problem with ethics.
PS: When a customer orders SynLube which 98% of time is by web and paid 97% of time with Credit Card, there is such thing as "verification" which compares address given to us with billing address on file, and it goes without saying that the "NAME" has to match as well.

NO "verification" = NO "approval" and NO "charge to the Credit Card", only the scammers from Ghana and Congo, and now also Australia, have not yet figured that one out !

We get 3 or 4 of those almost EVERY DAY !!!

When a customer sends us a picture later on with their car sometimes we put it on our web.

Thinking that the "stage" names some people may be using because they do not want to be terrorized by people like you know who, are their real names is beyond silly.

And if someone spends $300 to $500 on SynLube products, I doubt they would send "fake" pictures of themselves or their cars to us.

And as for the image cross check it is strange that some of our pictures that we have found duplicated thanks to Ebolamonkey, are on sites in Poland and Serbia and Ukraine.

Since most of our pictures have the vehicle Make and Model in the tag line, when someone searches for them they may show up, at it seems that in those countries they have better image search than Google or Yahoo. They also seem to have no issue with "illegally" using such images on their webs without giving appropriate credit.

Hey we sent nasty copyright infringement notices to over 175 webs just in 2008 and never got a single reply back. 2 of the by the way were to AMSOIL dealers !

There is not much you can do legally against web server in Poland at the moment if they decide to copy anything and everything.

Finally skeptics will be forever skeptics and those that have decided that SynLube will not and can not work, will still think so, even 40 years later (that is how long SynLube has been available to public).

Hey the 1953 Citroen is still running with now the 3rd oil change, and 1 st ever gear box oil change, but wait that can not be of any importance 56 years later....
Hi, Miro.

I don't think there is any use in arguing with Tempest. He will never admit that there could be something he doesn't know.
Especially if it doesn't come from one of the big oilcompanies.
Talking to a wall, would be much more rewarding.

People who have actually tested a product and got good results over a long period of time, are not to be trusted, is his opinion.
He also doesn't believe in trying a product himself(actually, he has never done that, so it is very hard for him to do such a thing).

I am sorry to tell you all, that after 72000 kilometers, I drained out the Synlube(but, I have put it in their original bottles, so that I can use it later). This is simply because I have started to test a new product. I tested this product in my high pressure diesel pump(that was ready to be changed out), differential and transmission. The evidence that it is working, is indisputable. That is why I drained the Synlube, temporarily. When I have finished this other treatment, I will fill it back in the engine.
attend Reliable Plant 2024
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