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Read our primer articles on High Mileage Oil, Synthetic Oil and Kinematic Viscosity

Absolutely amazing !!!

Apparently some people do not have real life and only an anonymous and virtual existence on webs like BOB or NORIA.

They must get up every morning and search for SynLube for last 5 to 9 years, only so that when someone posts something somewhere about it that is positive they immediately have to say it is not so.
How do people find out in 12 minutes or less, when I do not know about it for days or months ?

Are all the dirty dozen different people or are they indeed what they accuse our customers of

"Having multiple identities", i.e. just one demented sick guy ??? (or is it a woman now)

You ALL know my name, but none of you are even daring to sign your posts with REAL NAME.

Even Helen has no last name, no e-mail, etc.

Unfortunately I do have life, yet I also devote some time to SynLube, MIROX, OKA AUTO and now BREMACH….

… about 100 to 150 e-mails a day to sort through

7 to 10 days waiting list for NEW SynLube customers and refusing about 10 to 20 a day for this or that reason (usually cars with 100,000 + miles and more than 10 years old).

The most upset are those who send e-mails that they want to sell SynLube, but when we respond that NO ONE is ALLOWED to SELL or PROMOTE our products unless they have used them in their own personal vehicles FIRST for at least one year, the fireworks and insults start flying !!!

I have operated the business since 1996 and followed two advices that my Uncle has given me:

1.) Never let anyone promote the product if they did not use it first, that instantly eliminates all the "get rich quick" scammers

2.) Never sell it to anyone unless you first know what their intended use is.

That was based on his more than 30 years of experience, and I can only second the rules and I am glad I did take his advice.

As simple as that.

And anything OUR customers want is available to them, anonymous virtualities have no need for any technical specifications, the only intent is to use them for some sort of scheme.

That has already happened on BOB, someone (Trojan under another name I suspect) merged two documents, claiming it to be "SynLube" but forgot to delete few references that were in the fabricated document from another source (Mobil pre ExxonMobil).

Now why someone spends so much time and effort to prove something that is not true is beyond me !!!

He could have blown up all his vehicles by now and test the FREE engine giveaway.

There however is a glitch AAA would take the engine apart, the USED oil would have to be provided and under California regulations where our Insurance underwriter is he would have been sued under the Insurance Fraud Statue and would have had a 5 year vacation in CA prison.

While over the years few people with well over 100,000 miles on odo vehicles claimed “SynLube” did this or that, none ever sent oil sample (it always mysteriously disappears), never provided the worn or damaged parts, etc.

So people try anything, but when someone is in a big hurry to get SynLube, NEXT DAY, who never used it, it is a suspect and when the application is vehicle they just bought two days ago with many miles that is another suspect.
Revealing how we protect ourselves against false claims would compromise our legal defense against such FRAUD.
Since about 15 people annually claim SynLube did this or that, but so far none of them ever had a proof of purchase, did not know when or where they bought it, and so on, it is amazing how many people go out of their way to try stuff like that.
If any of the BOB people revealed their identities our Lawyer would have already took them to court for slander.
And for the one that is still thinking about again doctoring MSDS, fair warning it is Federal Crime to do so, so get ready for $50,000 fine and reserve next 5 years for free vacation.
Originally posted by Trajan:
Mobil 1 0w-40 data

Viscosity, ASTM D 445
cSt @ 40º C 78.3
cSt @ 100º C 14
Sulfated Ash, wt%, ASTM D 874 1.2
Phosphorous 0.1
Flash Point, ºC, ASTM D 92 230
Density @15º C kg/l, ASTM D 4052 0.85
Total Base Number (TBN) 11.3
MRV at -40ºC 26242
Viscosity Index 186
HTHS Viscosity, mPa•s @ 150ºC, ASTM D 4683 3.7

Synlube is.....................?

Synlube stands accussed of the following:

1: Failure to back up extraordinary claims with extraordinary evidence.

2: Failure to answer potential customer concerns.

3: Dodging the issues brought forth by focusing on irrelevant side tracks.

4: Using sychophants to both push product and attack anyone who dares question them. Refer to count 1.

The finding is guilty on all counts.

It is the recommendation that no one of sound mind use this product.

Sidetracks,....hello,'s the attackers who come up with all the sidetracks!!!!!

I have used mobil one in the past. I have seen the expensive test with mobil one(neptune) using an,obsolete car,obsolete engine(been re-done),and obsolete oil at that time. Big waste of time if you think about..

I am bored with mobil one and have moved past it twice over. Even amsoil proves that mobil one is an inferior product. Yawn!! Remember, I have used Amsoil in the past.

Mobil 1 is a "watered down" product compared to even the German mobil one,that can not be purchased in the US. Not even really 100% synthetic,just ask them!! I figured being on this site we would at least move beyond "store bought oil". Give my a break!! Anyone can go to the store every 5-7k. This topic is about something that separates the boys from the men!!

Like I said before,if you like going to wally world,or some other retail outlet,then have at it!!! Some of us have moved way beyond that because we either choose to,or are into leading edge products. The last time I used m1,I had to add cd2-engine detergent to it at the 2k mark because of morning valve tap noise,which the cd2 solved every time.

My understanding is that M1 changes from batch to batch anyway. Wear scar diameter high,poor film strength etc. Many of the lawsuits pertaining to engine sludging,like vw,toyota,audi,...develope sludge using M1.,even amsoil. Check it out.

Google engine sludge,vw,toyota,audi,chrysler,dodge 4.7 sludge,black death etc. Sludge is epidmic!! Google that too! Amsoil, even on their website stipulates that it must be changed according to the manual,no extended oil changes even with amsoil for these sludge engines.

Amsoil,M1,Castrol,etc,sludged up in those engines as well because the engines were that hard on the oil,...they couldn't handle the conditions put to them. Europe went through this issue back in the 80's,that is why european oil is superior,...look it up on the net!! That is why I use synlube. No sludge in even the above mentioned vehicles.

I never had valve tap noises with amsoil ever in that particular car(1986 olds 5.0 engine),even at 10k. The amsoil even quieted down the slight-to moderate low end noise proving amsoil is superior to m1.

Since then, I have moved onto synlube and found this product to be superior based on many things I have noticed with different engines.

If your a die-hard skeptic,..oh well,..just use the store bought stuff!!
Originally posted by Captain Kirk:
Originally posted by ADFD1:
I frequent BIOTG.

I'm glad Helen the owner of Bitog banned you, hopefully the shills will be banned too. It is clear how the product was being pushed, and questions people were asking about the product were being avoided. Then the insults, name calling, etc, surprised it lasted this long. It seems there was a lot of legal woes the Synlube company has. I see it as people watching out for one another.

Hopefully the mods here shut you down too, then you can go elsewhere to push product.

BTW anyone who frequents BITOG is aware that Helen owns the site, no new news there, no legal woes either. Cheers


Wrong, not anyone or everyone who fequents "that" site is aware of the overall facts,or owner status,....same can be said of even synlube.

I will state that I found out over time about the owner of the "other site". So I was unaware for a stretch as well,it happens.

That site is not what it used to be it would seem. It has the mentality of play nice and everyone gets an "A",and wins,...or sit in the corner and shut-up!! I am not in kindergarten anylonger,... so why would I want to go back!!

I thought it was normal to question information,...but now when someone you don't agree with questions,'s,"how dare they do that",...."why didn't they know this obvious information already"!!!

I am not banned from that site,nor should I be,..but I have found that the effort is rather futile to even "discuss" this product when the synlube users are the ones beign attacked there. The attackers are over the top with their dialog at times!! Can you say "Juvenile"?? It's a "boys" club!!

Moreover, we are now way off topic it would seem. The initial discussion was just a friendly,"hey check this out,look what I am using and it works".

I am a legitmate user of the product and it is very much doing what it states,as the other synlube users have found out over time.

If your skeptical,so be it. Use whatever you are using,this topic does not apply to the very skeptical folks anyway.

If your open minded, intersted in different,and innovative products(synlube is not new at this point),I "thought" I could bring to the table my real life experience with this product. I am a real person just like you!! Instead you attack me with name calling such as ,..."shill,...troll,...liar.scam,snake oil,lock him out,call the mods,etc", I get it,...your skeptical, was I at first. It happens!! Kill the messanger is your approach??

Anything that is new or different, human nature is incline to always attack,kill it!! This is scientific fact,the world over!! The first cars on the road were laughed at!! The first japenese cars were ridiculed and heavily mocked. Pc's were even shunned at first. I even get laughed at for taking vitamins by cigartte smokers who spend $5-6 grand a year on cigs.(they live at the doctors office,my cousin is one of them),.. Sound familiar to some of you!! I know I will get bashed for the cigarette thing,oh well,..I'll take my lumps!

Not every product is off the shelf,mainstream ,wally world made in china mass marketed designed.

A certain array of products and services are marketed and sold to a smaller group of people,...and or ,government,industry,military,etc.

Yes,you should "question with boldness",..but at some point,there are those like myself who have done a "reasonable" amount of research to be satisfied enough to actually at least try a product on a small scale with a decent level confidence. Some people are leading edge,what can I say!!

Even slick-50 with teflon(yes it still has teflon)(dupont being dropped),prolong,tufoil with teflon,and all the others that are on the walmart shelves. Why are these product on the shelves of walmart and elsewhere if they "blow up engines",.. cause any engine damage, excess wear,emission issues,warranty issues,etc. ,.. just to make point,..thats' all. The ftc,epa, would have pulled them by now,so there is at least no harm being done,..maybe even a benefit if used properly. I am sure there is some politics/lobbying and money invovled,... but they would have by now been pulled off the market! You decide!!

Some of you out there are acting as if someone were actually asking you to drink the synlube oil,..or give up a kidney or something!! It is non-toxic though,.....but I wouldn't reccomend it!!

It took me many years just to convince a few friends to use plain synthetic oil,.. with the rhetoric on this board sounding very familiar regarding synlube.

It was not until synthetic engine oil became mainstream and a freind finally tried mobil one,... and then amsoil in his slightty noisey chevy marine 350. This retired old fashioned marine mechanic finally realized the benefits of synthetic oil. I am now slowly proving to him the synlube product the same way I did with amsoil many years ago,it just takes time for some,...but he does't bash me for it! It took a while just to convince him the petro oil was inferior. He had to in the end,... "prove it to himself", to realize the synthetics are better.

In the end(after reasonable research), anyone willing,or just curious,and not too timid,.. has to try a new prove it,....or disprove it,...because it works both ways gentlemen!!

You be the Judge!!

I'll be the judge! You guys and your little scam got busted. Now pack up and sell your snake oil elsewhere. It is clear from the replies no one wants to buy your product, and they see you guys for what you are. Move on.

You ALL know my name, but none of you are even daring to sign your posts with REAL NAME.

Even Helen has no last name, no e-mail, etc.

i use my name too for this forum and BITOG....Enoch CA, so would you please inform us your MSDS or specification of your product?
What i know if someone or somebody doing business in USA, they will provide a specification of the product they sell to customer, and for oil/lubricant business it is the same too, from large Company to small company will glad to send the information and specification of their lubricant to costumer.

Notice how the disciples and their leader focus on everything but what is important.

Who owns BITOG has no relevance to this product. But this is what con artists do. Smoke and mirrors. Misdirection. Deflection.

Anything to avoid answering questions that need answering.

I want to compare the oil I use to this miracle juice. I can't do that because they do everything but make that possible.
LOL...I just wanted to see a simple MSDS. But Miro, then said I would 'doctor' it...All through this thread, one thing is the constant, people ask for simple things, that they would see listed, with ANY other product. He has none of that, so he refuses and hurls his venom, at the person asking.

After this thread Miro, and the other at BITOG I can assure you...Your e-mail count will go down, as people will be driven away in droves.

We will keep asking Miro...So people never forget the scam.

Miro can you post a simple MSDS of this product?

Miro, why was Synlubes's business license 'Permanently Revoked'?

We are waiting Miro.
Blah blah blah. Yada yada yada. Gimme gimme gimme. You have to gimme this. You have to gimme that. I dewmand to know this. I demand to know that. You owe me this, you owe me that. I need instant gratification. I behave just like my spoiled rotten teeny bopper kid. 31 pages—and heading for 50 pages—of the same old crap. I'm too lazy to read. Same blenders from schools of higher learning and weekend driveway oil changers types asking the same dumb old stuff. Mud slingers at best.
Originally posted by inHaliburton:
Blah blah blah. Yada yada yada. Gimme gimme gimme. You have to gimme this. You have to gimme that. I dewmand to know this. I demand to know that. You owe me this, you owe me that. I need instant gratification. I behave just like my spoiled rotten teeny bopper kid. 31 pages—and heading for 50 pages—of the same old crap. I'm too lazy to read. Same blenders from schools of higher learning and weekend driveway oil changers types asking the same dumb old stuff. Mud slingers at best.

So a car enthusiast asking some questions that all oil companies will answer is wrong?

Just a few off the top of my head.
cSt @ 40º C ?
cSt @ 100º C ?

Flash Point, ºC,?
Total Base Number?
Viscosity Index?
HTHS Viscosity?

No one is asking for trade secrets. A VOA would tell, but why would someone want to waste their money to find out? Besides Synlube Inc would say the oil was tampered with. LOL

Originally posted by ADFD1:
Originally posted by inHaliburton:
Blah blah blah. Yada yada yada. Gimme gimme gimme. You have to gimme this. You have to gimme that. I dewmand to know this. I demand to know that. You owe me this, you owe me that. I need instant gratification. I behave just like my spoiled rotten teeny bopper kid. 31 pages—and heading for 50 pages—of the same old crap. I'm too lazy to read. Same blenders from schools of higher learning and weekend driveway oil changers types asking the same dumb old stuff. Mud slingers at best.

So a car enthusiast asking some questions that all oil companies will answer is wrong?

Just a few off the top of my head.
cSt @ 40º C ?
cSt @ 100º C ?

Flash Point, ºC,?
Total Base Number?
Viscosity Index?
HTHS Viscosity?

No one is asking for trade secrets. A VOA would tell, but why would someone want to waste their money to find out? Besides Synlube Inc would say the oil was tampered with. LOL


Apparently it is wrong. We're suppossed to just fork over a few hundred dollars on faith alone.

I don't understand why inHaliburton in paticular is defending a product he says he won't use.
Agreed. Yours is a resonable and responsible request.

If I was using the product, and happy with its performance, I
would not bother with a VOA. I'm content using Amsoil products in my autos and commercial lawn mower equipment. I have never, nor will I ever go to that needless bother and needless expense.

As I've said previously, from my reading on the SynLube subject, pros and cons, I feel that it's a worthwhile product. In spite of its cost, and in the long run, it has saved many of the users in this thread and elsewhere, mucho money. Much more money than changing mainstream oils at the prescribled intervals.

If I lived in the US of A, or could buy the product up here in Canada at the advertised price in USD, I would try the product.

Fyi, a typical synthetic oil change up here costs about $75. Cdn.
Any customer can request anything,


NO Response

All public information is on

Since you have time to waste 5 years on negative comments, etc.

You should be able to find all the data !

PS: Shipping to CANADA is FREE and we accept all the credit cards, so the price indeed is the SAME in USA and CANADA.

PS: And what on Earth makes you think you would believe any specification if you saw it ?

You want to know buy a sample and send it to your favorite lab, as simple as that !!!
SynLube has always been at 2961 Industrial Road #300, Las Vegas NV 89109 since 1988 (Prior that in Vancouver BC since 1966)

Owned by MIROX since 1996

So since you can find everything compare the addresses, the "owner's" and may be it will dawn on you that someone tried to infringe on our business. (The story is far more juicy but none of your business anyway)

Just like previous AMSOIL dealers tried to have
or 1-800-SYN-LUBE

But as I stated before we got tired of suing them since none of them once we got a judgement ever had any money.

We have over $275,000 in uncolledted judgements - just got settlement on one after 23 years, boy was he shocked when BoA frozen his Personal Checking Account to pay us, after 19 years he quit hiding, but it took 4 years before his ballance was high enough to be impounded. If our business was as insignificiant as you think it would be more profitable to collect all the judgements and never mind the products, that however is not the case, we have quite long waiting list from new customers for their first FILL of INITIAL FILL - may be that is what is driving all the negativists crazy, especially those who used to be AMSOIL dealers that got stuck with wast inventory of products that no one else would buy.

We do NOT sell dealerships like AMSOIL, we do not sell at WAL-MART for less than our dealers buy the product for like MOBIL 1; we do not relabel someone elses products like ROYAL PURPLE, SHAFERS, etc.

We even had to take CASTROL to court for using Synlube - as a trademark - they finally abandoned it.
They even had FAKE products they never sold to defend their "Trademark fraud" it reportedly costed tehm $2.3 million to defent it (Paid to lawyers, not to us), and after 15 minutes of evidence from our lawyer a Federal Judge ordered abandoment, it only took 5 years for that to happen. SO you can get your day in court if you are willing to wait and wait and wait....

Before Lube-4-Life was trademarked over 10 years ago, we did wolrd wide search and NO ONE USED IT EVER, since we have introduced it and Trademarked it first, we had already 26 infringements all over the world, funny why people would re label their own products with someting that in your opinion is "inferrior snake oil" ???

May be because the plain petroleum just does not sell all that well - to identify the FRAUD which did and does happen we have to keep our specifications well guarded, only that way we can absolutely in fromt of Judge (who is not a scientist) prove any infringement or attempt by others to sell FAKE products with our branding on e-Bay or elsewhere.

Last con-man we caught was selling "SynLube" at swap meet few years back, except that it was not BLACK, yet he represented himself as a "DEALER" and sold it claiming he got the stuff from us.

So may be that answers some of your doubts as for why, and again if you send request with your personal information so we know who you are, you can get any information you want, if it is available or not a "Trade Secret".

Anything that is for public to now is a public information, anything that is not, obviously is not.

If our business was not as good as it it I would probaly be taking actions against Synlube in Washington, Michigan, and about 12 other companies that call their products synlube or some way imply that it is "synlube" - why would competition name their product after an inferrior product that does not work ???

May be you should ask PEDROS, SYNAIR, GUARDIAN, Pathway and the others that get free ride on our long time fame
Originally posted by Miro Kefurt:
A VOA would tell, but why would someone want to waste their money to find out?

FINALLY someone boldly admits that VOA is a waste of money !!!

And why would you want to waste you time to know, when you have no need or reason to know !

Sorry let me clarify a bit. Not worth wasting money on a VOA on a product that is clearly a scam IMO, and the opinion of many others. Bells and Whistles, smoke and mirrors, and no answers to questions, basic questions that any other oil company would gladly answer. My opinion sir.

Originally posted by ADFD1:
Originally posted by Miro Kefurt:
A VOA would tell, but why would someone want to waste their money to find out?

FINALLY someone boldly admits that VOA is a waste of money !!!

And why would you want to waste you time to know, when you have no need or reason to know !

Sorry let me clarify a bit. Not worth wasting money on a VOA on a product that is clearly a scam IMO, and the opinion of many others. Bells and Whistles, smoke and mirrors, and no answers to questions, basic questions that any other oil company would gladly answer. My opinion sir.


A number of auto sites agrre with you. They are all using the scam word.
Miro, again I ask:

1) Do you even have a simple MSDS?, will you post the MSDS?

2) Why was Synlube's business license "Permanently Revoked'?

Your continued refusal to address anybody's questions on your product has led to Synlube having a reputation as a SCAM.

This SCAM label is now getting out on the worldwide web...The label Synlube Lube4Life, has now become synominous with SNAKEOIL/SCAM.
attend Reliable Plant 2024
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