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A number of auto sites agrre with you. They are all using the scam word.

If you think about, half the stuff sitting in walmart is called a scam by some!! Amsoil,amway,many others a scam as well by what others "say". Big companies were once called that word by scared people at the time. People just love the word,makes them feel good sometimes.

Synlube is very legit,..I know,..I use it!! I am using it!! Been almost a decade now!! If your ever in town you can check out my vehicles,and other equipment. Pull my dipstick, because I am not pulling your chain!!

I really thought by now we had moved beyond,.... SCAM. Can anyone come up with something original?? Give me a break!!

With all the information and proven history regarding synlube,...including the recent information and offers for anyone curious to check it out,......"scam" is all you can come up with?

I thought this group was a little more sophisticated than they are showing to be about a product. You guys are not just skeptical,and very negative,....your "paranoid",...and that is too bad!!

You now have a great deal more information and the means to get more as well. You know what they say, "you can lead a horse to water,......but you can't make him drink it".

You will look everywhere and anywhere to find even a shred of something negative,....and never bother to look for the positive,..or ignore it,.. and embrace only the negative. Being negative is easy!!

To get to the truth,...requires some work,... which I see few here bother with. Too bad again!!
Is their any data to back up Synlube's claims? NO of course not. Just the standard 'Pitchman' routine.

The Synlube pitch has led it to become synominous with SCAM. 99.99% of everything out on the web about Synlube is horrible. Just a few Pitchmen.

Miro, again I ask:

1) Is there a MSDS for your product? Will you post it?

2) Why was Synlube's business lcense 'Permanently Revoke'?

3) Each oil get a code, what is YOUR oilcode under which the product has passed all claimed specs?

Certainly your oilcode number can't be a secret?

The news is out on the web.

Synlube is a SCAM.
This company is hiding something. If they are real, they should have at least some third party research to back their claims. But they don't have any. This is a major red flag.

Just because a company CLAIMS there stuff is used by NASA, doesn't mean it's good or even true. I know of some O-rings that NASA bought that nobody brags about. This is another red flag, alot of bogus products love to mention NASA as if it's supposed to mean something. It's easy to invent such claims'

I see nothing about the product that would be an encouraging reason to use it. I can get detailed and independant research on all nearly every lubricant/oil out there, but for some reason NOTHING about Synlube.
Last edited by trajan
Originally posted by Trajan:
This company is hiding something. If they are real, they should have at least some third party research to back their claims. But they don't have any. This is a major red flag.

Just because a company CLAIMS there stuff is used by NASA, doesn't mean it's good or even true. I know of some O-rings that NASA bought that nobody brags about. This is another red flag, alot of bogus products love to mention NASA as if it's supposed to mean something. It's easy to invent such claims'

I see nothing about the product that would be an encouraging reason to use it. I can get detailed and independant research on all nearly every lubricant/oil out there, but for some reason NOTHING about Synlube.

Just got off the "other site",with a proposal to them about future discussions I think you will like.

Here is the deal,and what do you think? I have noticed the store bought oil folks post to each other for the most part,correct? They seem to bash the synlube people unjustly,like me! Thats how I perceive it anyway.

So, I am proposing from now on until further notice,that the synlube users only talk to each other to keep everything fair and friendly and on the same plain!! It has become impossible to have any decent dialog otherwise,so why bother.

I have seen the other synlube users posting their positive results,.. so I know they are there.
Here's an idea. Why not have Synlube sponsor their won site? Then you won't have to post on Bitog or here anymore, [probably bad for your business, so you won't do it.] Then you guys can post there all you want. In fact only members who buy Synlube will get a special password, so us "store bought oil folks" can't join. Or if you like anyone who stumbles upon your site can read all the great stories you'll have, but they won't be able to post unless they buy your product. A Synlube Elitist Club.

Thanks, they can say whatever it is they want on their own site, and keep people who ask the wrong questions off the site. This way only the sheep can join, and be lead down the green path to better lubrication.

Somehow I don't see it happening. You see they need sites like this and Bitog to push product. Sales might be hurting a bit though, if any would-be customers scanned the 33 pages here.

This Thread has turned into insults, Miro and the other Synlube Fans, do you have any customers with positive results with Synlube that might want to come on here and share there experiences.

Miro, it seems like the members of Noria would like some more information about what is in your oil, unless you think they will go out and copy your product.

I am not going to jump on the Synlube Bashing Bandwagon, but I have not seen any reason to buy Synlube since the Synlube Fans, which there are few of seem to be bashing other oil's.
Originally posted by Captain Kirk:
Originally posted by Trajan:
This company is hiding something. If they are real, they should have at least some third party research to back their claims. But they don't have any. This is a major red flag.

Just because a company CLAIMS there stuff is used by NASA, doesn't mean it's good or even true. I know of some O-rings that NASA bought that nobody brags about. This is another red flag, alot of bogus products love to mention NASA as if it's supposed to mean something. It's easy to invent such claims'

I see nothing about the product that would be an encouraging reason to use it. I can get detailed and independant research on all nearly every lubricant/oil out there, but for some reason NOTHING about Synlube.

Just got off the "other site",with a proposal to them about future discussions I think you will like.

Here is the deal,and what do you think? I have noticed the store bought oil folks post to each other for the most part,correct? They seem to bash the synlube people unjustly,like me! Thats how I perceive it anyway.

So, I am proposing from now on until further notice,that the synlube users only talk to each other to keep everything fair and friendly and on the same plain!! It has become impossible to have any decent dialog otherwise,so why bother.

I have seen the other synlube users posting their positive results,.. so I know they are there.

I have a better idea. Answer the basic questions that will enable us to actually make a comparison.
Hi All,

It's getting a bit out of perspective here...or at least becoming a neverending story. Discussions are good, but keep it polite and professional. No need for dirt. After 33 pages of comments, we should have had some answers, don't you agree?
I suggest a voting if we should close/lock this thread down, just reply with +1 or -1.
A period of one month seems reasonable?

Of course with the option to start a new thread with the key questions.


The usefulness of this thread has long since past. The posters who have had real world experience with SynLube can no longer be bothered posting. The reason should be obvious even to you guys. Nothing that they have posted is good enough for the gimme gimmes, mud slingers and naysayers. Why Miro bothers to put in the time it takes away from his business is beyond me. Nothing you people say will affect his business or bottom line. As you have stated, that's your purpose. I noticed there were no comments about his supplied info in the lengthy above post except more gimme this and gimme that. Not even the info you keep whining for will convince you. I wouldn't give you guys anything, either. He owes you NOTHING.

Suggestion to SynLube users: no more posts, therefore, no more fuel for the naysayers and mud slingers.

Suggestion to Miro: same thing.

Enjoy conversing with one another. You will soon be bored. I'm unsubscribing from this thread. I'm outta here. Last post.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Captain Kirk: Here is the deal,and what do you think? ...I am proposing from now on until further notice,that the synlube users only talk to each other to keep everything fair and friendly and on the same plain!! It has become impossible to have any decent dialog otherwise,so why bother.

Although it would require a lot of work on the moderators part each topic on this board could be set up as a "Pro" and a "Con" thread. It could be any topic, not just this one.

On the "Pro" side members could post their experiences and those who have not used the product could ask their questions. On the "Con" side members who have had negative experiences with the product can post that. Any negative concerns from posters who have not used the products could be voiced as well.
InHaliburton: Well boo-hoo to you, ya bag of wind.

Anyway just remember, I play nice, with those who play nice.

And yes, this could have ended years ago, if Miro, had supplied some very simple data, on his product. But the shillness I say, was a good amount of the FEW Synlubers. Now that they have taken some BIG lumps, they realized this wasn't in there best interest...Well DUH. Hello McFly!!

However, I shall refrain from asking questions of Miro, as it's quite clear...He doesn't have any of the answers to the questions,that have been repeatedly asked for years.

I believe anybody, who may have been a fence sitter on this product has had all they needed to see, to avoid it at all costs. A good day to all.
I say lock Miro and his shills off these sites.
All that comes of these threads is wasted bandwidth, time, and no answers to questions.

Miro should host his own forum, then he can control every event that occurs there. He can have his shills praise his product, instruct them not ask any questions to technical in nature, and anyone who doesn't buy product from him will have to stand clear. He can even make up user names of thousands of loyal customers posting praise for his product. Problem solved. Now the down side: Synlube won't have forums like this to try and push product on.

Even if a new thread asking the key questions is started, I fear we would have the same results.

The questions would never get answers. Or, they would, but not in any way that would allow us to make an informed choice.

I'm not about to spend hundreds of dollars based on claims of "It's great!!"

Doing that renders sites such as this and BITOG useless.
Last edited by trajan
Hey Miro My name is Erici live in Fort Mcmurray in Alberta and unlike you claim i dont need to hide behind my virtual name,unlike you .Here my ride,how about that,sponsor me,finnance an evo coil over kit,37 inch tire,toms wood drive shaft,ripp s/C ,currie rock jock 60 front,rear axle,an atlas transfer case.I would be using your oil,until the engine die under these condition,how about it?

Last edited by vitualmage
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