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Read our primer articles on High Mileage Oil, Synthetic Oil and Kinematic Viscosity

Originally posted by inHaliburton:
I am not the one to show proof Trajen...remember.......I am the consumer!!!!!!!! However...Miro has been doing plenty more than adequate showing an array of proof such as...facts,figures,tests,EPA,fleet users, and so forth. You have plenty more proof then you will ever need at this point to actually use or at least consider using the product. Deltona_dave is willing to contact the Oakland police department regarding their experience with synlube in their fleet of police cars. That shows to me he is at least considering using synlube, or very interested in synlube.......otherwise why would he bother doing all of that leg work!!!Why are you still here for that matter?????

Hey, Capt. Kirk. Guess what's going to be in Dumb Dumb's next post?

Very interesting info in Miro's posts lately...

Let me take a guess regarding what's in his next post.................ummm.....something dumb again.!! Yep......something dumb!!!
Originally posted by Captain Kirk:
Originally posted by Trajan:
The documents to the tests that synlube crows they passed?

Why don't you show them.

No links to a suspect site. Verifiable proof.

I will get in touch with Oakland P.D. to obtain their opinion on the synlube. I am looking for a reputable opinion. I should be able to have a little confidence from their fleet manager/tech/ or even the Chief. I will do this Monday. I am on a few days leave to get some chores done around the house.

Off air until tomorrow.

I am not the one to show proof Trajen...remember.......I am the consumer!!!!!!!! However...Miro has been doing plenty more than adequate showing an array of proof such as...facts,figures,tests,EPA,fleet users, and so forth.

You have plenty more proof then you will ever need at this point to actually use or at least consider using the product.

Deltona_dave is willing to contact the Oakland police department regarding their experience with synlube in their fleet of police cars.

That shows to me he is at least considering using synlube, or very interested in synlube.......otherwise why would he bother doing all of that leg work!!!

Why are you still here for that matter?????
Originally posted by Captain Kirk:
Originally posted by inHaliburton:
I am not the one to show proof Trajen...remember.......I am the consumer!!!!!!!! However...Miro has been doing plenty more than adequate showing an array of proof such as...facts,figures,tests,EPA,fleet users, and so forth. You have plenty more proof then you will ever need at this point to actually use or at least consider using the product. Deltona_dave is willing to contact the Oakland police department regarding their experience with synlube in their fleet of police cars. That shows to me he is at least considering using synlube, or very interested in synlube.......otherwise why would he bother doing all of that leg work!!!Why are you still here for that matter?????

Hey, Capt. Kirk. Guess what's going to be in Dumb Dumb's next post?

Very interesting info in Miro's posts lately...

Let me take a guess regarding what's in his next post.................ummm.....something dumb again.!! Yep......something dumb!!!

Another definition of irony.

And a typical synlube response from both kirk an inhal. Talk about kindergarten.....
Originally posted by Miro Kefurt:
Okland City owns all the vehicles and as you can see the In City average MPH is in teens,
The Oil however was in the vehicles for 10,000 hours on the average.

They sit at intersections, by school zones, and do Park Ranger service, they do not chase people or patrol Highways, that is job for CHP.

Jerry Brown, then Mayor of Okland City was our contact through AFL.

PS: The only issue in your truck would be how much oil it burns, remember you get FREE SynLube in exchange for the USED Synlube ANYTIME YOU WISH.

The 5 years or 50,000 miles is the limit that our Insurance will underwrite, that is their decision not ours. And if you do that on a NEW vehicle the TOTAL Limit is 15 years from date of manufacture and 150,000 total odo miles.

On USED vehicle if you convert it before 60,000 miles or 5 years the Limited Lubrication Warranty is up to 10 years form date of MFG or 100,000 total miles.

Such Warranty if purchased separately would be about 2 to 3 times the cost of SynLube !!!

And it is FREE to anyone who sends back VIN, MFG Date and Date of Installation.

Most people with IN City driving average 22 to 27 MPH and over the road the average is 45 MPH.

The Engine Run time matters lot more than the indicated miles, both for engine wear and Lubricant Lifetime.

The Oakland City chagnes the oil on the patrol vehicles every MONTH, no matter what the miles, that is the only way they can keep track of which vehicle was serviced.

The cost of disposal of TEXACO oil in californai for the city was TWICE the cost of a drum of fresh petroleum - In CA they charge to remove used Oil from Fleets, some other palces in USA they actually pay you to get the used oil, so over all economy has to include the disposal costs, etc.

To the person(trajen),or persons who need verifiable proof....... read the above verifiable post with yet more proof....the Oakland Police dept., and the Major........all not enough proof for you????? Not to mention all the other very informative posts the naysayers have now become speechless over.

The negative naysayers now have also been over inundated with factual and informative data......their(trajen) brains have been overloaded for now!!

They need time to digest this wealth of knowledge and lubricant science bestowed upon them!!

You know what they careful what you ask might just get it!!!!!

Hey, Capt. Kirk. Guess what's going to be in Dumb Dumb's next post?

Very interesting info in Miro's posts lately...

For you to don’t realize kirk is miro....dump suit you pretty well, your post are even more irrelevant then the other, all you seems to do is attack trajen….Seriously chill out take a Molson Canadian ,drive to Quebec if you have to ,get some booze and relax ,you seem to need it.

Obviously you have taken too much of your medicine - so someting gets lost in the translation to Canadian French

I am Miro Kefurt and "Kirk" is our long time customer no secret there.

It is Trajan/snakedoctor/++++

That has 5 identities on three different boards.

And his ONLY purpose in life is to bash SynLube and LIE (like the 2007 BMW Z fabrication)

And until he discloses his real name, address and what he really drives around "Turkey Hill" he is just what he is = FAKE LIAR !!!
Originally posted by snakedoctor/trojan:
There is no proof, test data or any validation what so ever for this product. Just one man and and a few parrots squaking how good it is.

Miro has perpetrated this scam for so long he how actually believes it himself. (sad)

Any one else who would believe this is either incredibly naive or just terminally stupid

Hey, Trojan. You forgot this:

The documents to the tests that synlube crows they passed?
Why don't you show them.
No links to a suspect site. Verifiable proof.

Nice of you to take time out of your busy day. Thanks for dropping by.

SynLube Lube-4-Life INITIAL FILL has been the same since 1985, no change in composition Chemistry or anything else.

The fact that other oils fail in field and have to be changed is not our problem but someting for the BIG OIL selling cheap petroleum at BIG PROFIT is the issue - API nor BIG OIL disclose any informations about their tests, so nor do we, that is considered "proprietary" information and "trade-secret".

If you have few million to your name I will be glad to license you our formula.

Otherwise you just have to take real people experience in real cars that they drive in real life as the "proof".

It is quite silly to take any 40 hour Engine Test Stand test as "proof" especially if it is on 1994 engine that is not even produced any more, just check the SEQUENCE Engine tests and what they are actually run on and for how long 216 hours is the "limit" - in City Driving that is LESS than 2,500 miles !!!

There are not even any tests in USA to test the 2010 Low Emission Diesel impact on Motor Oil - only field experience will show few years from now what the problems will be.

And the MSDS regulations in USA have been the same since 1982, only the European have changed in 2004 and 2007.

So any test done in 1990 is still valid today if the substance is the same.

Which it is, even our prices have not changed since 1996, someting we would not be able to do if there was even a drop of PETROLEUM in SynLube.

But it is still cheaper today than it was in 1985 ($50) while prices of CARS have trippled in the same time ! And petroleum products went up FIVE fold...
Originally posted by Deltona_Dave:
I found a contact for Oakland P.D. I will be dropping him an email on Monday, when I get back to work. I will also send him a letter on Department Letterhead to see if I can get some feed back from their experience with the said patrol cars.

I will let you all know what I find out next week.


Dave, Hopefully the contact is not a new hire who wouldn't be aware of those cars or have access to the log books of said cars. Just my two cents I thought worth mention. Kirk
attend Reliable Plant 2024
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