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Originally posted by ADFD1:
Would you have expected anything else from him?


I shouldn't. 66 pages of the Synlube Shuffle, and we're no closer to finding out the truth.

I suspect that those tests he claims to pass is a sham. The same guy who declared that Shell and its other brands are not API certified, then whines about Japan when it is pointed out that they are.

The same guy who says that OBD-II cars are built to fail. Who thinks the Yugo was the best car ever. Who thinks cars can't last 100K miles unless they use Swindlelube.

The same guy who claimed I doctored the MSDS he sent to Tater....

I can verify I got report from him and that he is a real person, so far no one e-mailed me and claimed to be budman.

To 3 people I thought may be him, one replied it is not him and the other 2 have not yet responded.

And unlike Taterandnoodles no one else has sent me a verifiable Lab Report on SynLube.

That is where that stands, so if any of you have contact to budman, ask him to e-mail any such report to me.
Originally posted by Miro Kefurt:
Tater-n Budman

19k miles
FE 5 166 161
CR <1 3 >2
NI <1 2 >1
AL 2 39 37
PB <1 2 >1
ZN 588 588 0
CU <1 44 >44
SN <1 1 >0
AG <1 <1 >0
TI <1 <1 >0
SI 10 44 34
B 37 15 -22
NA 9 62 53

Can YOU explain why 3 other chemicals that are part of any decent UOA are not listed ? Those that would actually identify this really is a SynLube ? Can you also explain how can Boron just disappear ? (-22)

Somehow conveniently they were omitted !

So expalain that one FIRST

I also just got e-mail form a person I though to be "budman" and he tells me it is NOT HIM and he gave up on BITOG

So WHO is the person
Which is The car

Until you do supply such information I just have to take this as jet another attempt to discredit SynLube with unverifiable data that someone just made up.

if you do not wish the WHO info to be public then you can send it by e-mail to

and also do not forget to scan and attach the Lab Report (WHO when and where did the test and on what equipment).

Till that happens I can not take this seriously.

Miro, this is your oil, you obviously mix the stuff up in your garage so you should know what is in it, unless you have no clue about the base oil since it is either used motor oil or whatever you go and buy at Wal-Mart.

You are not doing very well in this thread and I doubt anyone reading your comments is calling you up to buy your Synlube.

Are you going to explain the high iron numbers, can you explain it without going into some scientific MUMBO JUMBO.

If I was selling this worthless Synlube I would probably demand that anyone buying it not do a VOA or get a UOA done from what I have seen here recently.

Back in the day Terry Dyson wanted to visit your facilities and you turned him down, now I can see why, maybe this is all a game to you Miro, but members here want to use a good oil and so far Synlube does not seem to be a very good oil, it actually looks TERRIBLE.
Originally posted by RobertC:
Originally posted by Taterandnoodles:
I forwarded Miro my Polaris VOA results that I just received today.

Can we see?

Here it is.

Synlube VOA Attempt - Set-Up Thread [Re: bruce381]
TaterandNoodles Offline

Registered: 01/16/06
Posts: 1202
I received the results from Polaris. Both samples are from the same liter drawn at the same time and sent out the same day.


Vis@100C-10.5---23.5 confused
TBN-------6.27----4.10 confused
This only proves what I have known for years that LAB results are sometimes inaccurate, inconsistent and highly variable:


Reported by Taterandnoodles, I know who he is and indeed he purchased only ONE SynLube INITIAL FILL, so the "samples" indeed are from the SAME BOTTLE !!!


I received the results from Polaris. Both samples are from the same liter drawn at the same time and sent out the same day.


Originally posted by Miro Kefurt:

So now that it is SynLube you do not trust to the trusted reports form trusted Lab send to them by a trused BITOG member ?

WHY NOT - after all it is the ABSOLUTE PROOF - you have been seeking for so long !!!

HAVE FAITH - and do not waiver - Numbers CAN NOT LIE (like you do).

No, numbers do not lie. Rather it's the one who makes them up. Like you.

Third party tests are much more beleivable than what you use. You want to sell this swill, so any test that *you* do is instantly suspect at best. An outright fabrication or worse.

I do have faith lad. I have faith that you peddle swill. I have faith that you made up those test results. That you made up passing those tests you crow about.

I have faith that giving somebody synlube si banned by the US Constitution as cruel and unusual punishment.
Last edited by trajan
Terry Dyson wanted to visit your facilities

No one by such name ever contacted me, so another story that is not true.

The only person who eve wanted to visit was

Hydie Neyman who ever he is, and when I asked him for the information we need to file with the DoE (and leave copy of with the entry guard)

He sent me back this polite mesage:

You do know that this is the internet, and I'm useing my real name on here right. Trust me I can get into Mercury. So I ask you whats your location in Mercury? If this is really a fraud company, which it's starting to sound like. Then I will have to report your company to the proper officials. Since I know know private company has access to any government files.

You can contact him directly:
Originally posted by RobertC:
Originally posted by Taterandnoodles:
I forwarded Miro my Polaris VOA results that I just received today.

Can we see?

I see they have cut and past my VOA data from BITOG. If you would like to see the report as sent to me from Polaris I can email you a copy.

I am having the 100C viscosity rerun and the 40C tested since Miro stated it was to far out of line. I will contact Bruce in reference to his sample. The oil I have is not a 30wt that is certain.
Originally posted by Miro Kefurt:
Terry Dyson wanted to visit your facilities

No one by such name ever contacted me, so another story that is not true.

The only person who eve wanted to visit was

Hydie Neyman who ever he is, and when I asked him for the information we need to file with the DoE (and leave copy of with the entry guard)

He sent me back this polite mesage:

You do know that this is the internet, and I'm useing my real name on here right. Trust me I can get into Mercury. So I ask you whats your location in Mercury? If this is really a fraud company, which it's starting to sound like. Then I will have to report your company to the proper officials. Since I know know private company has access to any government files.

You can contact him directly:

I'd love to visit. If there is a conference in the Vegas area in the future I may have to attend. Shouldn't be any problems with access. I don't know about the DOE portion but DOD I'm covered.
Originally posted by Miro Kefurt:
Terry Dyson wanted to visit your facilities

No one by such name ever contacted me, so another story that is not true.

The only person who eve wanted to visit was

Hydie Neyman who ever he is, and when I asked him for the information we need to file with the DoE (and leave copy of with the entry guard)

He sent me back this polite mesage:

You do know that this is the internet, and I'm useing my real name on here right. Trust me I can get into Mercury. So I ask you whats your location in Mercury? If this is really a fraud company, which it's starting to sound like. Then I will have to report your company to the proper officials. Since I know know private company has access to any government files.

You can contact him directly:

: SynLube Lube-4-Life

Registered: 05/27/02
Posts: 3845
Loc: Greenville , Texas I have done some research on this product and evaluated tests provided by Miro.

I asked to visit their blending plant and was told no for security reasons.

I think they are for real but undercapitalized like many products I've seen that have merit but can't get past the big guys.

I am amazed at the small companies who fear my seeing and testing their products lest I smoke them publicly. Little do they know that if the product is for real what a benefit the light of analysis reports can do for them when interpreted properly.


Miro, it seems Terry Dyson did contact you.
Originally posted by Nucleardawg:
Count me in Miro: As I have access to DOE sites. Savannah River/South Carolina, WIPP/New Mexico, Oak Ridge/Tennessee. Along with those I have clearances through the FBI, and NRC.

Doubt you'll get a response, but if you do there will be some excuse or new ultra TS site that even the President couldn't visit.

Probably get one like this:

"Once the approval is granted, no problem:

Just ask at the guard at the gate, and the guard will call us, you will have to leave your car in front of the security entrance.

Bring your clearance card and your proof of Citizenship.

When do you want to make the appointment ?


Also please e-mail

your full name, address (residence), vehicle plate and VIN (The one you will be driving to Mercury)

Address and Employer Identification Number of your employer

Your current position

Contact information for yo Supervisor

Your Clearance ID card number and your Passport number

Date of Birth


Once we get the approval I will let you know.

Normally it takes about 90 days."

Then they when to say that they've check my email name with DoD, DoE or FBI Clearance Files and my name doesn't show up.
attend Reliable Plant 2024
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