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Read our primer articles on High Mileage Oil, Synthetic Oil and Kinematic Viscosity

Originally posted by ADFD1:
My engines have run flawless too, and are clean as well. One has over 190,000 miles and according to Miro engines don't last that long. The family has driven a Ford to over 300,000 miles and I have a buddy with a SB Chevy with over 375,000 miles on it, he posts on Bitog. Go figure, American Iron, not even a Yugo!

BTW I live in WA, Jersey is out of the question, sorry. Maybe I can visit Miro in his hidden bunker. I'm in the Military so I'm sure getting onto the site won't be a problem.

I knew as soon as a VOA UOA report came out you'd attack it. I wonder how you would have responded if the report was good, guess we'll never know.


I don't care about UOA/VOA......did you get that with all those links. I only care that my engines run flawless,pass inspection,use no oil at all......none period!!!

My lawn mower(briggs 7 hp ohv,8.75 torque,sears,190cc) now has over 65 hours with synlube and the oil has not moved even a fraction. Runs amazingly perfect. The last mower with synlube ran for over 7 years perfect. Everything else broke except for the engine,so I bought a new craftsmen in 2008.

Your engines run flawless like mine did years ago when I maintained them the way you are now........constantly changing the oil and using flushes etc. I have no issues with that if that is your desire.

My engines now run flawless just like many others using synlube without doing all of those oil changes any longer......that's the whole concept! That says it all!
I'm not shilling Synlube so I have nothing to explain about it. I never used a flush, and won't experiment with a sub-par product that flunked. You won't sell me on Synlube no way no how. I've used MMO in used cars I bought used, or to help a shipmate with a problem, or to aid in cold winter starts when I went to college in the Adirondacks.

Read, I mean really read through these 71 pages of nonsense. How many people who read these pages actually believe any of what you say? I can count them on one hand and have a few fingers left over. But someone in denial might beg to differ. Lets not even talk about the reputation your business has in the state of NV.

Explain the SB Chevy with 375,000 miles on it, a fluke? How about 1000's of late model Fords [not Yugos] in NYC fleets beaten and abused, OBD II system cars running on 5W20 bulk oil.
No person maintaining a fleet would even consider Synlube for the OCI's you claim, they'd wreck the fleet and be on the bread line.

Originally posted by Miro Kefurt:

Anything looked or smelled like "used" oil to you ?

Trajan =Date Registered: Sun March 14 2010
Nucleardawg=Date Registered: Sat March 13 2010
snakedoctor=Date Registered: Fri April 02 2010

(same person really)

Want to know but fear to ask, but can not expain the difference between the LAB results...

(like Viscosity or TBN)

No it does not appear to be used oil. The odor of synlube is indeed like no other oil I have encountered new or used.

As for the TBN bruce uses ASTM 2896 for determining TBN Polaris uses ASTM D4739 there is your variance right there.

As for the fuel I'm not sure where that came from any more then Miro is I am sure. Molakule thinks it might be aromatics and not actual fuel. Miro would know if the formula uses any percentage of aromatics.

To truely evaluate the oil in service besides the spectro and TBN we would need TAN, ferrography and particle count. Low wear metals (ppm) in the spectro can miss larger wear particles. Units have failed even with stellar PPM in the spectro. The reverse would also be true.

Assuming the 100ppm synlube should have native then Budmans numbers would be 66ppm over 19k miles. There is a UOA just posted last night by buster with 34ppm FE at 10500 miles.

It takes several UOA's from the same lab on the same unit to establish a valid trend.
Originally posted by Nucleardawg:
Caught pedaling uSed oil. Now please explain how fuel is in your oil...The oil is used oil folks....USED OIL!!!

The TBN show's the oil is depleted!!

A flim flam man caught red handed...That is a title for a thread!!!!

SYNLUBE IS USED OIL...What a cheapskate!!

The word is out from sea to shining sea.

Do not buy Synlube...'USED OIL'

Calm down, Nuclearfruitcake, check your radiation tag.
Originally posted by Nucleardawg:
Now that Miro has been exposed as a common thief for selling a USED PRODUCT. People want to know the answers to the following question:

1) Why is synlubes business license permanently revoked in Nevada?
2) How does fuel end up in your new oil?
3) Why is the TBN showing the oil is depleated?
4) Why do you sell used oil as new oil?
5) Why do you continually lie?
You have been exposed!!! SYNLUBE IS USED OIL!!

Jeeze, Nuclearfruitcake, you get worse as the evening progresses. Give up on the silly water.
Originally posted by Nucleardawg:
Common filtered used oil, re-packaged with some additives and put into used bottles, and then sold as a miracle cure.

You sold cars in a prior existence...Your ethics give car salesmen a bad name.


Nuclearfruitcake, calm down, or you'll wet yourself again. Hold your breath and try to count to 500.
Originally posted by snakedoctor:
Originally posted by Miro Kefurt:
you just screwed up the third post should have been under you Trajan ID.

Can you keep your posts straight ?

Or will that take 3 more minutes:

Trajan =Date Registered: Sun March 14 2010
Nucleardawg=Date Registered: Sat March 13 2010
snakedoctor=Date Registered: Fri April 02 2010

When I screw up I let the old lady get on top.

Oh yeah, you are still a snake oil peddler.

Nice talk, snakedoctor. You are a real class act. Run along now, or you will be late for impressing the young ladies at Hooters...
Originally posted by Nucleardawg:
No its a victory for truth as you were exposed selling used oil.

Synlube is used oil!!

This thread is done...The truth was brought out and it will soon be closed..

Noria wouldn't want to be associated with this SCAM any further. SYNLUBE IS USED OIL!!

Yes, yes, Nuclearnut, this thread is done. Why? Because you said so. AGAIN.
Originally posted by ADFD1:
Originally posted by Miro Kefurt:
So you couldn't have taken the stuff home with you and then delivered it? This story gets better by the minute.


NO I definitely DO NOT DO THAT !

Neither have the time nor desire to do so !!!

So "budman" should clarify - but that is up to him because IF I do so myself on his behalf it of course will not be trusted !

It doesn't matter who clarifies, no one trusts you. If I were a mod here I would shut this thread down and send you packing, back to Mercury NV. From the lack of you posting at Bitog is seems they shut you down there, they should do the same here.

Seems the cat is out of the bag on you selling used oil with some garbage dumped into it. I'd say clear the launching pad and lets launch Miro from this board too.


Oh, no. Not another person wanting to shut down this thread. AGAIN. Luckily for you guys, your collective advice has not yet materialized. FOR YOU. Consider all the fun that you guys would miss.

And if BOB should ever shut you guys down, you would have to start your own Board of collective nonsense and insults.
Originally posted by ADFD1:
inhaliburton- I believe you mentioned,that you don't use Synlube, but yet you seem to be defending them. Do you want to see unknowing people buy into this scam? Or is it you really believe in the product and plan on trying it for yourself. I'm not looking for a fight. I'm just wondering?


How about an answer just to clear things up so we all understand your position in this?

Originally posted by Nucleardawg:
Indeed ADFD1 the cat is out of the bag...SYNLUBE has been shown to be nothing more then filtered used oil with some additives thrown in..

Now that the truth has arrived I 2nd the motion that the thread be closed.

I also agree that Miro and his alter ego who just beamed in, Captain Kirk be banned for the continual lies that were exposed.

Synlube is used oil!!!

Miro is Captain Kirk.

Close the thread and kick the bums out!

Hey, Whackedoutonradation, you forgot to mention that I should be banned, too. What gives?
Originally posted by Nucleardawg:
No its a victory for truth as you were exposed selling used oil.

Synlube is used oil!!

This thread is done...The truth was brought out and it will soon be closed..

Noria wouldn't want to be associated with this SCAM any further. SYNLUBE IS USED OIL!!

Originally posted by Captain Kirk:

I think you've been drinking a little too much of that heavy cooling water at the plant you say you work at...wink..wink..nudge..nudge!

You do work in the Nuclear industry. So tell us.......what does heavy water taste like???

Do you even know what heavy water is.........let alone anything at all about Synlube???

For Nuclearfruitcake's sake, I hope his Superiors (that would be everyone in the nuclear biz) don't read about his rantings and ravings and examples of free speech (NOT).

He is too scary to me to be anywhere near a nuclear facility.

Anyone else nervous, too?
I'll ask again. inhaliburton- I believe you mentioned,that you don't use Synlube, but yet you seem to be defending them. Do you want to see unknowing people buy into this scam? Or is it you really believe in the product and plan on trying it for yourself. I'm not looking for a fight. I'm just wondering?

Do you really believe in this product, and would you recommend it to a friend?

Originally posted by Nucleardawg:
Indeed ADFD1 the cat is out of the bag...SYNLUBE has been shown to be nothing more then filtered used oil with some additives thrown in..

Now that the truth has arrived I 2nd the motion that the thread be closed.

I also agree that Miro and his alter ego who just beamed in, Captain Kirk be banned for the continual lies that were exposed.

Synlube is used oil!!!

Miro is Captain Kirk.

Close the thread and kick the bums out!

Nuclearboob, you already firsted. You no can second. Go smoke another joint. You are stressed out!
Originally posted by Nucleardawg:
I will continue to call as will many others for the closing of the thread as the TRUTH WAS BROUGHT OUT...SYNLUBE IS USED OIL...

The poster's Miro, and his alter ego Captain Kirk should be banned FOR THEIR LIES.

Noria this thread has served it's useful life the truth was brought out. Synlube is filtered used oil withadditives thrown in.

Not filtered enough to remove the fuel in it though.

Selling depleated used oil as new, and they have been caught.

Close it now.

Nuclearfallout for President.

Ladies and Germs, if I win the Presidency, I promise free bananas for life for every man, woman and child. Blah, blah, yada, yada, shut down this thread, ad museum.
Originally posted by Captain Kirk:
Originally posted by Houckster:
Just an update:
Ford Ranger FX4, 4.0L V-6 w/5-spd manual
Synlube installed: 27-Jan-2004
Miles: 45,449.7
Avg MPG: 19.774, mostly light city/suburban driving (EPA 15/19)
Other SynLube products: gear oil, power steering fluid, brake fluid, coolant

I have had excellent service from these products. No problems at all.

I use a CM filter and about 2 years ago, I removed it to check for any sign of oil deterioration. There was none. I reinstalled the filter but I replaced the media so that I could show anyone interested.

The engine feels consistantly strong, spark plugs look clean, no deposits on the tailpipe, cold starts, even after extended down time, are effortless. Oil consumption during this time is about 4-6 ounces.

I will take my six years of actual experience over any other standard.

For all the naysayers.......what about Houckster and his very positive experience just like my very positive results. Six years/45,000 miles and running for Houckster.

Ah yes, the guy who for years claimed that he owned synlube L4L until he was exposed.
Originally posted by ADFD1:
Originally posted by inHaliburton:
Blah blah blah. Yada yada yada. Gimme gimme gimme. You have to gimme this. You have to gimme that. I dewmand to know this. I demand to know that. You owe me this, you owe me that. I need instant gratification. I behave just like my spoiled rotten teeny bopper kid. 31 pages—and heading for 50 pages—of the same old crap. I'm too lazy to read. Same blenders from schools of higher learning and weekend driveway oil changers types asking the same dumb old stuff. Mud slingers at best.

So a car enthusiast asking some questions that all oil companies will answer is wrong?

I think that answers your question AD.
Originally posted by ADFD1:
I'll ask again. inhaliburton- I believe you mentioned,that you don't use Synlube, but yet you seem to be defending them. Do you want to see unknowing people buy into this scam? Or is it you really believe in the product and plan on trying it for yourself. I'm not looking for a fight. I'm just wondering?

Do you really believe in this product, and would you recommend it to a friend?


Hang on. I'll get to it. I'm having too much fun working my way through the thread. I'm still on page 69. Could be a few more days working though this nonsense, though...
Last edited by inhaliburton
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