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Read our primer articles on High Mileage Oil, Synthetic Oil and Kinematic Viscosity

Originally posted by MGMan:
Guys, all you need to do is try it.

Any Land Rover enthusiasts will know that the LT77 gearbox is a real problem with rough gear changes. Tried several other transmission oils. XADO claimed that their 75W-90 would cure all. I don't like bold claim either but don't knock it some how this stuff works, improvement was significant. Can't tell you how, but noise is much less and change is smoother. In my opinion $$ worth spent.

Perhaps this is a bit late, but I post for the benefit of those sill interested.

Here's the link (including fancy flash)
Guys , I Have been Using Xado For Many Years Now
Ret Army 23 years , I Now use it in my New Car & Truck Both Diesels , Works Great, But i Started Using Xado In My Gun Shop (gunsmith)
I Use it in all my High end Barrels. With Out Going Into a Long Detailed Test ,Lets just Say it Will Give The Barrel 1-5k more Shots & will Tighten Up The Groups . Also i Have Seen Up to
2-5 mpg Increase in both Car & Truck (3500 dodge) It Has never Caused any Trouble in the Cars . Now With all That Said ,I Have Never Used it in a Used Car ! So i Can Not Say What the Repair Is Or If It will ? Before i Forget i Also Use There Oil ! Outstanding Oil . I Now Sell All The Xado in My Store, Its Hard to Keep it on The Shelf ,It Sells Fast .... Try It You will Love It .

Best Regards
Originally posted by Col.:
Guys , I Have been Using Xado For Many Years Now
Ret Army 23 years , I Now use it in my New Car & Truck Both Diesels , Works Great, But i Started Using Xado In My Gun Shop (gunsmith)
I Use it in all my High end Barrels. With Out Going Into a Long Detailed Test ,Lets just Say it Will Give The Barrel 1-5k more Shots & will Tighten Up The Groups . Also i Have Seen Up to
2-5 mpg Increase in both Car & Truck (3500 dodge) It Has never Caused any Trouble in the Cars . Now With all That Said ,I Have Never Used it in a Used Car ! So i Can Not Say What the Repair Is Or If It will ? Before i Forget i Also Use There Oil ! Outstanding Oil . I Now Sell All The Xado in My Store, Its Hard to Keep it on The Shelf ,It Sells Fast .... Try It You will Love It .

Best Regards

Do you sell the oils, or just the additives?

I'd like to try out Xado oil, but I can't find anyone that sells it online.
I can tell you honestly that Xado does work. I was skeptical about the product working but to my surprise it does work. I have a 2000 Chevy S10 with apx. 115,000 miles on it. About 2 weeks ago I notice the lifters were ticking and the oil pressure was down. After doing the treatment my oil pressure is back and the ticking noise is gone!
Originally posted by Tempest:
Originally posted by Costa:
Check out the a nice commercial which help you understand how Xado works:

Xado FAQ

Sell Xado much? That vid showed jack squat. A couple of computer gen images of molecules filling in gap. How is this stuff any different from Microlon or any of the other "filler" products?

Sound like a Synlube ad? Vegas anyone?

I just love it when an oil claims to meet or exceed....

Keep in mind that unlike standard oil industry approvals, where an oil can get a grade by being within a range of criteria, OEM-approved oils use a set of standards that have been tested on your vehicle and been proven to work. I would be surprised if a company that uses the term "exceeds" spent the money to have an OEM test its oil only to receive a letter that says, "We're sorry but your product is too good, we can't offer you approval." The same thing holds true with the use of the term "meets." Since the other oil companies don't spend the time and money to have the OEM test it, how would they know it meets the requirement? Plus, if it did really meet the requirement then it would be an approved oil.

This is not on any BMW approved list that I've ever run across.
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