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Read our primer articles on High Mileage Oil, Synthetic Oil and Kinematic Viscosity

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The oil was field tested well beyond 15,000 miles, but Shell is not backing it.

"Although it all sounds impressive and JobbersWorld was certainly intrigued by what appears to be a very compelling story about helping to keep engines "factory clean," you can be sure we asked some questions. The first is whether or not Pennzoil Ultra is blended with Group III base stocks or PAO (Group IV)? According to Dr. Sutherland, whereas some of the Pennzoil Ultra grades are blended with some PAO, Group III base oil is the primary type used, given their superior solvency for the product's cleansing capabilities as compared to PAO. He added, however, that the type of base stock in use is selected to aid the formulator in achieving the desired product performance.

The next question JW asked focused on the detergent additive composition of Hyper Cleansing TechnologyTM. Specifically we asked if the detergent additive is based on such existing technologies as calcium and magnesium sulfonate, salicylate, or phenate? To this, Shell only said, "it's a new and unique, proprietary technology exclusive to Shell and unlike what we have seen before."Interesting to say the least.

Then we asked about cannibalization. JobbersWorld's research uncovered that the retail price of Pennzoil Ultra will be very close to that of other synthetics, it seemed to us that Pennzoil runs the risk of cannibalizing its Pennzoil Platinum® sales (for little to no added margin) by splitting the synthetic category. Pennzoil, however, feels "just the opposite will happen." Instead of cannibalizing the synthetic category, Ultra will effectively pull conventional and synthetic blend buyers up the quality continuum to synthetics and Pennzoil's Ultra.

Whereas only time will tell how this plays out, Pennzoil Ultra is already in warehouses and ready to go. In fact, on the day you read this article, Shell says the new Pennzoil Ultra 5W-20, 5W-30 and 10W-30 viscosities will be available in major automotive retailers nationwide. In addition, Pennzoil Ultra 5W-40 and 10W-60 viscosities can be found at retailers and select installers servicing mostly European cars, or through Ferrari US dealerships."

Going to be interesting to see how well it does.
Originally posted by Buster:
"We are backing it with a 500,000 mile, 15-year Lubrication Limited Warranty."
Big deal. You have to change this expensive oil every 4,000 miles/4 months AND at a service center that features Pennzoil to qualify. Plus you have to have less than 48,000 thousand miles and have been manufactured within the last 48 months and only covers 15 parts. So you would spend about $7500 to warranty 15 parts! No thanks. AMSOIL has none of those stipulations.
Last edited by timvipond
Originally posted by Buster:
This oil is very impressive on paper. Time will tell how well it does.

API SN, HTO-06, Tbn -13.....among other specs.

I would have thought they would go after M1 EP/Edge. Guess not. That might be their downfall.

For $6.97qt, it's going to be tough to beat all things considered. Whether it sells or not remains to be seen.
With their poor warranty, AMSOIL's bottom XL line already beats it. I can pick that up at any AMSOIL warehouse at $4.95 a quart.
Last edited by timvipond
Originally posted by Buster:
XL meets Honda HTO-06, GM 4718M, API SN and has a Tbn of 13?
XL doesn't meet Honda HTO-06 and GM 4718M, but AMSOIL has other oils that do for that very small percentage of cars that require it and for 6 to 8 times the warranted mileage. No one requires API SN, and TBN isn't really important since they only warranty it for 4,000 miles/4 months.
Originally posted by zddp77:
I predict Ultra will be a big flop for Shell. The reason they came out with Ultra is because Platinum just did not sell. Dont belive all the hype on another site , Pennzoil synthetics just dont sell. Mobil is #1 Valvoline is #2 Castrol is #3 in full synthetic sales.

I don't agree ..sorta. Platinum sells well at a decent discount to M1. It doesn't sell well when not decently discounted below M1. I've seen it since the stuff came out. It meets market resistance about $0.50-$1.50 below M1. It reaches market support just above higher priced conventional oils. They've never been able to break this cycle.

Ultra, imho, is sorta like what Havoline did with Deposit Shield. They were getting no increases in market share by discounting their conventional oil. So they did a natural and required competitive evolution and did some advertising/marketing wizbang thing and increased the price at least 50%.

There's no need for two synthetic offerings from PZ ..but due to the pigeonhole'ing that Platinum is in, they're not going to make any money if they just throw on a new API cert and add a few more licenses. It needs a completely different product offering.

That's my opinion ..FWIW <shrug> Big Grin
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