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It doesn't take 90 days as I am in the PADS database. But yeh I know...Said it as a joke.

That TBN that was verified has me thinking this is worse then we thought. Could SYNLUBE really be nothing but filtered used oil with some additives thrown in?? That VOA shows that oil as already depleted!!

Couldn't they have at least bought new, they would still make a tidy profit at $32 bucks a quart
Originally posted by Nucleardawg:
It doesn't take 90 days as I am in the PADS database. But yeh I know...Said it as a joke.

That TBN that was verified has me thinking this is worse then we thought. Could SYNLUBE really be nothing but filtered used oil with some additives thrown in?? That VOA shows that oil as already depleted!!

Couldn't they have at least bought new, they would still make a tidy profit at $32 bucks a quart

Yeah, you would think they would at least buy Mobil 1 and add their secret elixer to it.

I guess when you are a con artist you want every last nickel you can swindle from the uninformed public.
Miro, it seems Terry Dyson did contact you.

If he did than he for sure did not reveal his name or purpose.

When we get a generic e-mail like "can I come and see you" or "can I stop by and "pick-up this or that"

We send out a generic answer that it is not possible, and I do not count those, but over the years there were few, but no Terry Dyson is on the list.

Further anyone even remotedly related to lubrication would be not allowed anyway as both the process and ingredients are part of the "proprietary knowledge" that by US Federal Judge was ruled to be "trade-secret", thus anyone "knowledgeable in the art" should not be granted access - again not my decision but decision of District court in San Francisco in 1996.

Since 1996 only 3 people asked me by phone and 2 by e-mail, so it is easy to keep track of, who wants to come for a visit.

And none had legitimate enough reason for DoE to grant access. (The 2 that did not send back a nasty message as a reply for the data needed to file a request).

We do not make the rules we just have to follow them, and somehow people do not seem to understand that.

Even the Silicon Valley investors that OWN SynLube are not allowed in. And they OWN the business - since they DO NOT OPERATE IT - they also are deemed as not having a valid reason to enter the facility.

Things were much less strict before 9/11 but since then every day is big reason to panic.

Even I was not allowed in at times, with no reason given to me why, or when I will be able to get back in.

But FREE use of building (big enough to park a cargo plane in) and Electric power (and we do use lot of it) at 3.38 cents per kW, makes it tollerable to put up with all the regulations.

In return we have 100% safety and 100% security and 0% to worry about - to me that is a good deal - especially since before we moved in we paid over $50,000 annually for "rent".

Not needing to make $50,000 NET before you are breaking even, makes a big difference in a "small" business.

And the daily transport from Las Vegas is included - really a great deal that is 3,000 miles of monthly driving I do not have to do !

If you do not have the proper paperwork you can not even get on the bus in Las Vegas, that is if you can even find out where and when to board it.

But mostly OUR Business is really NONE of your Business !!!
Originally posted by ADFD1:
Facility? You mean his garage. Truth is if I were Miro I wouldn't want anyone knowing where I lived. That could be why a member posted about his dealing with Miro/Synlube was out of the trunk of a car. It might have been budman? I think that was mentioned on Bitog somewhere.


That was budman.
Originally posted by Miro Kefurt:

Even the Silicon Valley investors that OWN SynLube are not allowed in. And they OWN the business - since they DO NOT OPERATE IT - they also are deemed as not having a valid reason to enter the facility.

Things were much less strict before 9/11 but since then every day is big reason to panic.

Hey, there's some new info, for me at least.

But FREE use of building (big enough to park a cargo plane in) and Electric power (and we do use lot of it) at 3.38 cents per kW, makes it tollerable to put up with all the regulations.

In return we have 100% safety and 100% security and 0% to worry about - to me that is a good deal - especially since before we moved in we paid over $50,000 annually for "rent".

Not needing to make $50,000 NET before you are breaking even, makes a big difference in a "small" business.

Call me crazy, but the above is a good business decision. Security is number 1. Low overhead is as important as number 1.

And the daily transport from Las Vegas is included - really a great deal that is 3,000 miles of monthly driving I do not have to do !

If you do not have the proper paperwork you can not even get on the bus in Las Vegas, that is if you can even find out where and when to board it.

The above is security oriented, so number 1 again.

But mostly OUR Business is really NONE of your Business !!!

I couldn't agree more.
Originally posted by ADFD1:
Facility? You mean his garage. Truth is if I were Miro I wouldn't want anyone knowing where I lived. That could be why a member posted about his dealing with Miro/Synlube was out of the trunk of a car. It might have been budman? I think that was mentioned on Bitog somewhere.


The explanation above regarding his contract with DOE explains the "out of the trunk" business transaction. I've been in that position dozens of times over the past 45 years. I'd be much poorer had I not. Wink

Heck, I've even delivered product to my customers. Colour me bush league.
So why are we back to nonsense ?

Why can not any of you explain why results from TWO different labs on the same oil sample do not MATCH ?

After all it was done by Noria/BITOG member at his OWN expense !!!

Should that not be of a MAJOR concern ?

You wanted VOA - you got it, but now total silence about that ?


Because it proves what I have been claiming for years ?
Originally posted by Trajan:
Originally posted by Captain Kirk:
I have noticed that budman on the other site under synlube UOA is doing a very nice job with pictures of his engine and inside valve cover proving that the synlube works in his saturn and other car..mazda?

I do wish that some of these tests he mentions could be verified with actual scanned proof or internet links or something. Also verified documents of NASA/JPL using Synlube would also go a long way compared to hearsay. Or being able to show conclusively he is manufacturing his own product. But as his business, that is his problem.

And this gem: But I ended up having to meet someone in a parking lot who then sold it to me from his trunk. I remember at the time thinking, "ok, that was weird". I just spent $150 bucks and place didn't have a location I could go to.

5th post down kiddies.

Actually I am not even allowed to drive in a car, it has to be our "commercial van" to take the finished product out.

Shipping to customers is done elsewhere and FedEx picks up 2 times daily.

So definitely the "trunk" was not my trunk as all cars I drive are hatchbacks, or 2 seater sports cars with NO TRUNK ! (The engine is back there) or in case of X1/9 the electric motor driven A/C and SuperCharger is in the "back" trunk and batteries in the "front" trunk - it is sort of "hybrid" - the A/C works for 15 minutes when the car is parked and the SuperCharger gives it 5 to 15 PIS boost on demand - so realy I do not have a single vehicle with a "trunk".....or a boot !!!
So why are we back to nonsense ?

Why can not any of you explain why results from TWO different labs on the same oil sample do not MATCH ?

After all it was done by Noria/BITOG member at his OWN expense !!!

Should that not be of a MAJOR concern ?

You wanted VOA - you got it, but now total silence about that ?


Because it proves what I have been claiming for years ?


I'd like to get someone to explain that !!!

I thought you guys wanted to know about lubricants ? Should that not get more traction rather if SynLube was at one time in someone's (not mine) trunk ???

Registered: 08/04/02
Posts: 30
Loc: NV No, I have never seen an actual location. The first time I bought Synlube (for the Murano, probably around 2005) I blindly went in thinking I would come to their place and pick some up since they were local. But I ended up having to meet someone in a parking lot who then sold it to me from his trunk. I remember at the time thinking, "ok, that was weird". I just spent $150 bucks and place didn't have a location I could go to.

This second and third time I purchased they both were fedex'd to me as well as the ADD oil I ordered past Dec. One time I did ask for a UOA for my Murano and Miro said I could drop it off to the place that receives their mail, which is the 2961 Industrial Road address.

I just don't know what to think. Part of me says forget the red flags and keep it in engines on schedule. Cars run fine. Other part of me now wants to go dump it out this weekend in both cars.
Ok then Miro.

Verifiable, direct to the reports links for the ftp/aaa tests you claim to pass.

You claim it, you back it up. No synlube shuffle or Texas two step.

We want to click on the link and read it. No searching for it. no kirk like cries of google it.

Failing that, maybe we'll take the scanned in reports that you should have in your records.

Maybe, given your track record.
attend Reliable Plant 2024
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