I am the inventor of the RULER so I will try and answer some of your concerns. The RULER is used world-wide for a variety of systems - links to papers available at I believe Turbomeca a major aircraft engine company has written the RULER into its specs. SKF has developed a RULER test for greases which I believe is in the round robin stage of ASTM. There are ASTM procedures for using RULER on turbine oils.
The problem is many additive and oil companies are doing research with the RULER but don't want data given out to general public for various reasons. So personal contact is the more acceptable avenue. Second there are numereous papers being presented on RULER/turbine oils but are not published again for various reasons making it hard for public sharing. Also there are the issues of copyright forcing interested parties to get data from sponsoring organization not the author.
With respect to RULER acceptance:
My previous reply has e-mail for one of the papers presented at ASTM 2005 symposium on turbine oil oxidation symposium. Presumably you can now get electronic copies of all of the papers presented but even though its coming up on two years still not sure of availability. Several papers showing good correlation between RULER and RPVOT for phenol systems, differences occur for phenol:amine systems. RULER provides valuable information on antioxidant system so that results of RPVOT can be better understood with regard to varnish and oxidation.
NORIA Conference Louisville May 2007
Session Titled Sludge and Varnish - 4 of the 5 papers used the RULER as means to monitor antioxidants. Albemarle, an additive company, was one of the authors
STLE Conference Philadelphia May 2007 -
Ontario Power presented a favorable paper on RULER in Condition Monitoring III
Several Papers in Power Generation I and II using RULER specifically to monitor phenol replenishment. Problem is STLE allows presentation with out publication. I believe NORIA is the same.
The papers indicated the pitfalls that may occur with turbine sweetening come from adding phenol/amine combinations when only the phenols are depleting so you end up with a large amine

henol ratio which promotes sludging from amines. RULER allows you to identify the antioxidant that is depleting/needs replenishment. In cases such as this thread where both antioxidants have been depleted almost completely the phenol:amine ratio would remain intact so sweetening seems an option assuming work to restore cleanliness of oil/system is possible.