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Originally posted by rokky:
"I truely hope that the 'rejects' you all talk about here are not the persons who have polluted the BITOG with nonsense and now take their chance at this place."

Hmmmm. If the shoe fits ...

"Howcome we have to keep bringing BITOG up here? Do we have to set up a new forum just for discussions about BITOG?"

Why not? Don't like it?

Don't read it.

I am one of those rejects as well, does that mean I spread nonsense at BITOG?
Originally posted by moribundman:
Ladies and gentlemen, what have we here? Razz I just scanned this whole thread and noticed a few familiar names from, well, it could be years ago! Gurkha, we were rudely interrupted by Schmuck and Putz while discussing rice bran oil back in 2005 or so. Big Grin

Pip pip cheerio!

PS: Is there an Engine Oil Additive forum here?

Why do you need to practice your Photoshopping skills?
Well, as of today, August 30th, 2009, I have been permanently banned from BITOG. Here is the reason: I publicly gave away the huge "secret" that people weren't being treated the same at BITOG. Come on, everyone knows this -- it's not like I spilled the beans. I have been the living the proof that some people can for a long time get away with pretty much anything. In my case it lasted for six years! BITOG is indeed run by bigots. Big Grin

On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 9:13 AM, doesntgetit <> wrote:

When I said you got special treatment, that's what I meant. I personally stood up for you when you were going to get permanently banned and the ban didn't happen. That, Tom, is preferential treatment. I told you to stop stirring the pot or you would be banned. So, ignoring me, you chose to post this today, "I will resume regular posting after September 5th, so that I won't be further accused of enjoying "preferential treatment again." I am such an ingrate."

I keep my promises.
Last edited by moribundman
I asked the guy who started that thread: "Why?". No real answer.

And I didn't bring up the whole shorts thing. Weird.

I did bring up the LEGAL smokeable thread. Killed dead on the spot with a stern warning. Right after that, someone started a Legalization thread that was open for 2-3 days. I really don't mind the rules, but which ones are they on a Sunday.
I have left some sites over uneven moderation. Answerway is a shadow of what it once was due to favoritism. Many of the people went to AskMeHelpdesk. The administrator there is a stupid idiot. Remember Texasgreasemonkey? He was appointed auto expert there.

BITOG will live on forever as long as they tolerate all the astroturf there.
Originally posted by Pablo:
I did bring up the LEGAL smokeable thread. Killed dead on the spot with a stern warning. Right after that, someone started a Legalization thread that was open for 2-3 days. I really don't mind the rules, but which ones are they on a Sunday.

And what does that have to do with OIL???

Looks like some people here want to continue their off topic crap here.

Writing stuff like that and being an Amsoil sales representative, immediately damages your companies credibility.
Last edited by em
Originally posted by .:[EM]:.:
Originally posted by Pablo:
I did bring up the LEGAL smokeable thread. Killed dead on the spot with a stern warning. Right after that, someone started a Legalization thread that was open for 2-3 days. I really don't mind the rules, but which ones are they on a Sunday.

And what does that have to do with OIL???

Looks like some people here want to continue their off topic crap here.

Writing stuff like that and being an Amsoil sales representative, immediately damages your companies credibility.

It was not posted in the oil section. It was posted in the general OT section, and it was not crap. I posted a legitimate question about my business partner quitting smoking using legal products. Nothing to do at all with Amsoil. So quick to judge, people are.
Originally posted by Pablo:
Originally posted by .:[EM]:.:
Originally posted by Pablo:
I did bring up the LEGAL smokeable thread. Killed dead on the spot with a stern warning. Right after that, someone started a Legalization thread that was open for 2-3 days. I really don't mind the rules, but which ones are they on a Sunday.

And what does that have to do with OIL???

Looks like some people here want to continue their off topic crap here.

Writing stuff like that and being an Amsoil sales representative, immediately damages your companies credibility.

It was not posted in the oil section. It was posted in the general OT section, and it was not crap. I posted a legitimate question about my business partner quitting smoking using legal products. Nothing to do at all with Amsoil. So quick to judge, people are.

Still can not understand why you would post a question like that on an oil forum. And then use the only professional oil forum left to continue discussing it...
Last edited by em
Originally posted by .:[EM]:.:
Originally posted by moribundman:
There's only two things I can't stand in this world. Those who are intolerant of other people's posts... and the Dutch.

Yeah, it must be my origin. That's discrimination and reported.

Discrimination? Not so much -- I even love Frau Antje. What I posted was an adopted quote from the movie 'Goldmember.' I thought everyone knew Michael Caine said that line! Apparently I was wrong. Razz

Goldmember clip

Frau Antje
Last edited by moribundman
Well it looks to me like those that donate cash to BITOG get special treatment and those of us that are broke and living in a van down by the river get the boot for any little thing.

Regardless of how many times the non paying member has helped a paying member with car repairs.

IMO BITOG is trying to get ride of non paying members? Thoughts?
Originally posted by moribundman:
Originally posted by .:[EM]:.:
Originally posted by moribundman:
There's only two things I can't stand in this world. Those who are intolerant of other people's posts... and the Dutch.

Yeah, it must be my origin. That's discrimination and reported.

Discrimination? Not so much -- I even love Frau Antje. What I posted was an adopted quote from the movie 'Goldmember.' I thought everyone knew Michael Caine said that line! Apparently I was wrong. Razz

Goldmember clip

Frau Antje

For your information Frau Antje is originally a German actrice

As this section supposed to be on Cars and Trucks, I guess not a lot of visitors will make the link with a line of a B-movie. As a standalone setence it remains offending.
Just when I thought that the antics of BITOG couldn't make it over here...oh well..

I found BITOG in my never ending quest to find out information about any and ALL engine oil lubrication products, no matter how outlandish, off the wall, or expensive. Granted, in today's wonderful economic situation, I no longer can afford to have fun trying all of the products that I read about or found throughout the years, but I still occasionally like to read about something different, new, or unique.

There's still some amount of decent information being posted from a select few, but like anything on the internet, you have to sort through and use judgement in what to read, digest, and put into practice as being legitimate.

That's what discussions are for...or so I thought...
Originally posted by Chris142:
Well it looks to me like those that donate cash to BITOG get special treatment and those of us that are broke and living in a van down by the river get the boot for any little thing.

Regardless of how many times the non paying member has helped a paying member with car repairs.

IMO BITOG is trying to get ride of non paying members? Thoughts?

I somewhat agree, it does appear that BITOG members who donate tend to have the belt loosened a notch for them WRT crossing the policies line- I speak from a few years of my own observations. I don't think they are trying to purge non-donating members, though.

I haven't been booted from there- yet... but then again, I have donated in the past...
All I have donated is 30,000 posts. Not that I'm complaining or anything -- I got my entertainment! Big Grin Also, it was seriously time to move on.

For every troublemaker who leaves BITOG there will be another illiterate dimwit, another self-righteous churchian, another gun-toting paranoid, another professional flashlight tester (!), and invariably there will be another obese manic-depressive hypochondriac. It's inevitable! The USS BIGOT, without a captain and apparently run by the ship's monkey, sails slowly to her doom, which will come with a girlish whimper instead of with a manly bang. I don't even know what that means... Razz
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