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Read our primer articles on High Mileage Oil, Synthetic Oil and Kinematic Viscosity provided by inHaliburton in a different thread.

This part fits here I would think:

Testimonial Hype vs. Scientific Analysis
In general, most producers of oil additives rely on personal
"testimonials" to advertise and promote their products. A typical
print advertisement will be one or more letters from a satisfied
customer stating something like, "1 have used Brand X in my engine
for 2 years and 50,000 miles and it runs smoother and gets better
gas mileage than ever before. I love this product and would recommend
it to anyone."
Such evidence is referred to as "anecdotal" and is most commonly
used to pro mote such things as miracle weight loss diets and

Drop the word additive.

YOU ARE a liar, liar, liar and you can not even submit ZIP code, perhaps you do not know it !

After all you are probably homeless, living in you Z ???

It is only your neighbor

You can submit a city, but perhaps it is not on the map

You can submit last name

But perhaps no one would give a last name to you

So you just make a lie, that you can not prove

And you can not handle the fact that you have inferrior vehicle, that even 20 year old HONDA Civic leaves in a dust at any SCCA Rally Cross, oh well....
Last edited by mirokefurt
Where is your factory?
Why you have no credit card accreditation?
And don’t go around saying no problem point…we are in 2010 any script kiddies could go your site and find these number, if you don’t believe me call your bank ask them if they recommend to buy from someone who don’t have a secure server….
Why not at least use paypall
Why keeping avoid these question
Why keeping avoid these question

WHERE is your office……

It’s a jeep thing you wouldn’t understand.

1.) NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS - show me where SHELL makes their synthetic Oil and I show you where we make SynLube''

We accept all credit cards VISA, M/C, DISCOVER, AMX

Have you read Pay Pal merchant agreement ?

You have to be nuts or have never been in business to agree to one way contract like that, and why Pay Pal does nothing about the e-mails we get daily that this or that is not OK with the Pay Pal Account ? (especially funny when we do not have one !)

FIND ONE person that had problem with any SynLube Credit Card Charge and I will pay you $1,000 - now there !!!
Last edited by mirokefurt
Why not at least use paypall


14.7 No Warranty. PAYPAL, OUR PARENT, EMPLOYEES AND OUR SUPPLIERS PROVIDE OUR SERVICES AS IS AND WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OR CONDITION, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY. PAYPAL, OUR PARENT, EMPLOYEES AND OUR SUPPLIERS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. PayPal does not have any control over the products or services that are paid for with our Service and PayPal cannot ensure that a buyer or a seller you are dealing with will actually complete the transaction or is authorized to do so. PayPal does not guarantee continuous, uninterrupted or secure access to any part of our Service, and operation of our site may be interfered with by numerous factors outside of our control. PayPal will make reasonable efforts to ensure that requests for electronic debits and credits involving bank accounts, credit cards, and check issuances are processed in a timely manner but PayPal makes no representations or warranties regarding the amount of time needed to complete processing because our Service is dependent upon many factors outside of our control, such as delays in the banking system or the U.S. or international mail service.

That is WHY !


ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE FULL and DAILY payment once authorization is obtained, it is defacto money in a bank in 15 seconds.

PAY PAL - NO WARRANTY, NO GUARANTEE and if you lucky you get the money in 10 days but also no WARRANTY

So when you are so "careful" how come you would use PAY PAL ?
Don`t use paypal if you don`t like it ....but give a protection to your customer,verisign,trustwave or google checkout ?
Paypall might take a couple day to transfer but the money is there just froze,to protect the buyer and the seller. At least offer shipping with C.O.D. .

1.) NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS - show me where SHELL makes their synthetic Oil and I show you where we make SynLube''
Sure no problems here you go.....,341.32,,0,-2.54

Extract from here :

then primary refine here:

and Finaly made into oil here :
and here

Can i see your factory now?
Last edited by vitualmage

Until you provide the ZIP or name or city of the 2007 Z4 owner you are lier lier lier

PROVE to the rest on this board and on BOB that you are not !


Provide a name of a single person that had any charge problems with SynLube and I will pay you $1,000 - untill that hapens you are in the same boat with Trajan !!!

Now if you found the place go there and get a sample of the Synthetic SHELL OIL, they should welcome you with open gates !

Date Registered: Thu March 18 2010
Karma Title: Level 1 - 1 to 50 posts
Location: Fort Mcmurray
Why did you join this forum?: to learn and fight against scam

But now we know you are in Montral, Canada

But they do not make Synthetic Oil there:

The Montreal East Refinery makes the following products:

Low Sulphur Gasoline
Distillates (Diesel Fuels)
Furnace Oils
Aviation Turbine Fuel (Jet Fuel)
Heavy Oils
Liquified Petroleum Gas
Lubricating Oils/Waxes
Marine Oils

So you have failed the mission !!

Look up Mercury Nevada if you need to know, present yourself at the gate and I will give you a personal tour.

OUPS you have to be US Citizen.....but that is a minor detail isnt it ?
Last edited by mirokefurt

The Scotford Upgrader is located next to Shell Canada's Scotford Refinery near Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta. The Scotford Upgrader uses hydrogen-addition technology to upgrade the high viscosity "extra heavy" crude oil (called bitumen) from the Muskeg River Mine into a wide range of synthetic crude oils.

Tell him what he wants to know.

Why are you now defending SHELL should not you be the one who discovers all the snake oil and prosecute the producers ?

Take BITUMEN = crap THAT REMAINS FROM refinery production, not good for much as it is a WASTE:

Bitumen is a mixture of organic liquids that are highly viscous, black, sticky, entirely soluble in carbon disulfide, and composed primarily of highly condensed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

Naturally occurring or crude bitumen is a sticky, tar-like form of petroleum which is so thick and heavy that it must be heated or diluted before it will flow. At room temperature, it has a consistency much like cold molasses. Refined bitumen is the residual (bottom) fraction obtained by fractional distillation of crude oil. It is the heaviest fraction and the one with the highest boiling point, boiling at 525 °C (977 °F).

Add Hydrogen, no doubt it is the pure gas that accidentally leaked from the $2.3 billion California Hydrogen Highway, and


It becomes high quality "synthetic" oil


Now we know who is behind your attacks on SynLube

SHELL - the BIG OIL that lies, fakes tests, etc,.

just see and search for SHELL....

Need I say more ???
Yeah, I knew you would weasel out of answering his question.

I don't see anyone from Shell here selling product and making outrageous claims with no independant proof.

That would be..............................................wait for

(regarding post below.)


I do wish you and your disciples would get your stories coordinated. First I am in the pay of E/M. Then Shell.

I fail to see where providing what you demanded from virtual equates to defending Shell, but, so be it.

I do see that you fail to provide what he wants. Something you said you would do when you goy what you wanted.

Typical con man stuff. Don't want us peaking behind the curtain.
Last edited by trajan
Miro you are incredible,i was born in Quebec but now do live in Fort Mcmurray ,the tar sand are a really good money maker.

Since you seems to have hard time to read

Brokville lubricants plant :Most products produced at the plant bear the Shell, Quaker State and Pennzoil brands, plus many are produced for sale by other companies as private-label products in domestic and international markets. The Quaker State and Pennzoil brands are part of the Shell Lubricants brand portfolio as Shell purchased the Pennzoil-Quaker State Company in 2002.

he plant is a highly automated operation, producing approximately 200 formulations of automotive, aviation and industrial lubricating oils to Shell customers in both domestic and international markets. The plant is an experienced supplier of lubricants for many leading private-label customers.

Montreal East REfinery roducts: Liquified petroleum gasoline, distillates, heavy oils, lubricating oils, waxes, bitumen.

And why i would not be able to go in USA ? said Synlube is NON PETROLEUM 100% Man made in Lab BUT in your MSDS data sheet WHY your product use Mobil Laboratory? Who is liar????

Originally posted by Miro Kefurt:
Actually you can not get shell synthetic oil anywhere as SHELL does not and never had any production capacity for anything but API III petroleum that once it becomes PENNZOIL ultra trhis or that magically becomes Synthetic and therefore they insist you change it every 4,000 miles because it is 34% better than the not so good normal PENNZOIL that is only good for 3,000 miles - read their "Warranty"

If they had anything that had even a drop of anything "man-made" = definition of syntehtic in every industry except if used on lubricants, there it is OK to call "petroleum" a "synthetic", so how come no human being was ever able to make "petroleum at home" ?

Just think about it, if it is MAN made and you are a MAN (I hope) why can not you make your own petroleum ?

Should be really easy !!!

SynLube is NON PETROLEUM - 100% MAN MADE in a LAB, and not in a Refinery from millions of years old "garbage".

That is why our Synthetic is good for 150,000 miles and not just 34% BETTER THAN THE 3,000 MILE OIL....

SO there, and you do not even have to go to Mercury, NV to find that out and you can remain a Canadian, while I will be proud to be an American !!!
Originally posted by enochca: said Synlube is NON PETROLEUM 100% Man made in Lab BUT in your MSDS data sheet WHY your product use Mobil Laboratory? Who is liar????

Originally posted by Miro Kefurt:
Actually you can not get shell synthetic oil anywhere as SHELL does not and never had any production capacity for anything but API III petroleum that once it becomes PENNZOIL ultra trhis or that magically becomes Synthetic and therefore they insist you change it every 4,000 miles because it is 34% better than the not so good normal PENNZOIL that is only good for 3,000 miles - read their "Warranty"

If they had anything that had even a drop of anything "man-made" = definition of syntehtic in every industry except if used on lubricants, there it is OK to call "petroleum" a "synthetic", so how come no human being was ever able to make "petroleum at home" ?

Just think about it, if it is MAN made and you are a MAN (I hope) why can not you make your own petroleum ?

Should be really easy !!!

SynLube is NON PETROLEUM - 100% MAN MADE in a LAB, and not in a Refinery from millions of years old "garbage".

That is why our Synthetic is good for 150,000 miles and not just 34% BETTER THAN THE 3,000 MILE OIL....

SO there, and you do not even have to go to Mercury, NV to find that out and you can remain a Canadian, while I will be proud to be an American !!!

Enochca I posted his reply to that question in the MSDS thread.
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