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Originally posted by Trajan:>1=22017

Poor Miro. So much for his degree in engineering vis a vis BMWs.

Miro, your days are numbered, soon we will all see a VOA of your worthless witches brew, this VOA will expose all of Synlube's weaknesses and prove that your so called oil is outdated and of no benefit in today's automobiles.

Did you ever put any Synlube in one of those Yugo's you sold here in this country.

That Yugo was a great car, not, there was a woman driving over a bridge in Michigan years ago and the car got blown off the bridge.
Look up Mercury Nevada if you need to know, present yourself at the gate and I will give you a personal tour.

[QUOTE] OUPS you have to be US Citizen.....but that is a minor detail isnt it ?

Miro explain this one to me ...i just can’t figure it out, why i would have to be a US citizen to go in USA or buy your oil? Could it be its illegal to sell your product in Canada?
Miro explain this one to me ...i just can’t figure it out, why i would have to be a US citizen to go in USA or buy your oil? Could it be its illegal to sell your product in Canada?It’s a jeep thing you wouldn’t understand.

Vitual: FYI, You can order from Synlube website, pay in US of A greenbacks, shipped here to Canada fob destination! Keep us informed re how it works out for youo.
inHaliburton FYI I would, if i could get a safe way of payment, honestly would you really give your credit card number like that? If Miro is willing to make a PayPal invoice or a Google account im buying a bottle and send if for voa.You can make the order if buying online to an unknow source dont botter you.

Still my question was directed toward Miro ......why I would not be able to go in USA?
Last edited by vitualmage
Originally posted by annie_oakley:

Hello to all the demeaning non-believers. I have been reading all of the posts and can't believe all the disrespect shown to captain kirk over his personal experience with synlube lube-4-life that I to have been using for nine years and counting.

I am not here to voice my opinion. I use synlube and it works as the synlube website claims.

I know from actual experience,not uneducated OPINIONS!

If you've used synlube then you can offer your input!!

Your approach has been only to demean people on a personal level!

Your ignorance is appalling!


you hit it on the head.

Non Believers.

This isn't about opinions and belief. this is science.

Plain and simple. Like it or not, anecdotal evidence is not science.

you know the saying, The plural of anecdote is not data?

Well, it's true.

You decry other people for uneducated opinions.

You got much engineering education, related work experience, or certifications in the field?

Miro won't allow us to be easily educated. Withholding all real data, declaring that we are not allowed to have opinions unless we are users, etc.

And speaking of uneducated opinions, your dig a Nuclear Dawg about too much radiation. you know ANYTHING about the subject? About the rules we live by, the expense we go to, the precautions we take? All to keep everyone safe?

And finally, all I hear from my effort at providing an objective and undeniable report is nothing.

Except an innuendo somewhere that Miro lives in Mercury.

It's cool, I'll drive up.

(see page 41)
Last edited by robertc
Oh, and inhaliburton:

Originally posted by inHaliburton:
Blah blah blah. Yada yada yada. Gimme gimme gimme. You have to gimme this. You have to gimme that. I dewmand to know this. I demand to know that. You owe me this, you owe me that. I need instant gratification. I behave just like my spoiled rotten teeny bopper kid. 31 pages—and heading for 50 pages—of the same old crap. I'm too lazy to read. Same blenders from schools of higher learning and weekend driveway oil changers types asking the same dumb old stuff. Mud slingers at best.

Thus why I said you frown on people seeking information.
Originally posted by Trajan:
Oh, and inhaliburton:

Originally posted by inHaliburton:
Blah blah blah. Yada yada yada. Gimme gimme gimme. You have to gimme this. You have to gimme that. I dewmand to know this. I demand to know that. You owe me this, you owe me that. I need instant gratification. I behave just like my spoiled rotten teeny bopper kid. 31 pages—and heading for 50 pages—of the same old crap. I'm too lazy to read. Same blenders from schools of higher learning and weekend driveway oil changers types asking the same dumb old stuff. Mud slingers at best.

Thus why I said you frown on people seeking information.

I can see Trajan is in attack mode, Miro will you provide us with any kind of useful facts before this THREAD gets locked.

We have VOA's on just about every oil out there.

Synlube is really starting to sound like auto-rx.

Both products have absolutely no testing and they are both claimed to be the best from there owners.

Miro, you have probably noticed that auto-rx is not talked about much these days, if you keep up your bizzare attacks then eventually you will not have a voice on this forum, we want proof, not bogus sales talk.
Originally posted by Trajan:
Can't supply what doesn't exsist.

Trajan has a great point, Synlube has absolutely no testing to prove any of there claims.

I was the one that found out that auto-rx never did any tests, and it seems Synlube just gives us bogus answers.

Miro, prove your product is not worthless and its not some outdated WWII Oil Formula.
inHaliburton FYI I would, if i could get a safe way of payment, honestly would you really give your credit card number like that? If Miro is willing to make a PayPal invoice or a Google account im buying a bottle and send if for voa.You can make the order if buying online to an unknow source dont botter you.Still my question was directed toward Miro ......why I would not be able to go in USA?

I guess I'm not as careful as you re buying online. I give out CC info all the time, but then again, my cards are maxed out, so not much to lose.

Shouldn't be a problem going to US of A unless criminal record, terrorist, that sort of thing. They check that sort of thing these days. We Canucks need a passport or Enhanced Drivers License to get across. Salute!
Oh, and inhaliburton:Originally posted by inHaliburton:Blah blah blah. Yada yada yada. Gimme gimme gimme. You have to gimme this. You have to gimme that. I dewmand to know this. I demand to know that. You owe me this, you owe me that. I need instant gratification. I behave just like my spoiled rotten teeny bopper kid. 31 pages—and heading for 50 pages—of the same old crap. I'm too lazy to read. Same blenders from schools of higher learning and weekend driveway oil changers types asking the same dumb old stuff. Mud slingers at best. Thus why I said you frown on people seeking information.

WoW! It's hard to believe that I wrote that dribble 15 pages ago...

I am not US Government, so any questions about visiting Mercury, Nevada you have to direct to DoD, or DoE - that is their business and not mine as far as whom they let through the gate.

And if you want to test your ability to access any lube plant, find one in Canada (like SHELL) and show up at the front gate telling then you are there to take a "sample" and see what will your Countrymen tell you.

Every company and every Country have their own procedures, if the fact that we accept all Credit Cards and ship daily to anywhere in the World is not good enough nothing ever will be.

As long as you need excuses you will always find something - to make an excuse for non action.

You can always have your friend or relative buy SynLube for you and we would never know you are getting it.

We ship 10 to 15 orders to NEW customers daily and close to 100 to repeat buyers after all there is over 72,000 vehicles with SynLube, and eventually they all need a Liter of ADD OIL.

Typically once every two years, so do the math

Personally I do not care if we get even one NEW customer as we already produce SynLube just barely at the rate it sells.

New Customers usually have to wait 7 to 10 days and that is one reason we STRONGLY discourage the use of Our Products in OLD, and HIGH MILEAGE vehicles, as that way we would not be able to provide proper service to people that have NEW vehicles which benefit from our products the most.

Since we have several businesses and also a real life, I have neither the time or desire to live on blog boards that are the sole entertainment for handful of people that have no life at all, and if it was not for such blogs, their life would have no purpose – not that it has any now, but imagine if their last coveted reason to be – to change Motor Oil every 3 months or 3,000 miles is removed from their existence, the life as we know it just might end !!!

On the other hand there are Doctors, Lawyers, and other people whose life is valued by the Society at much greater per time value than the cost of even a FREE OIL CHANGE at BMW Dealers, so they opt to save time, money and inconvenience to do such stuff.
Then there are the very very few that do it for the environmental reason, no USED OIL Generated and no POLLUTION !!!
And about 10 to 15% use SynLube just because they do not want to send their money to Arabs for the Crude that normal Conventional oil (and that includes Synthetic) is made from.
I have never started any SynLube Thread anywhere, but our customers did and they always seem to be outnumbered by the same 10 to 15 people that NEVER SEEN, NEVER BOUGHT, NEVER USED, SynLube but of course they know all about the HORRORS it will inevitably do in their bellowed 100,000 + mile junker they drive, etc.
Trajan LIE:
2007 BMW Z4 – damaged by SynLube
Cannot provide even the ZIP code or the City of the owner – can not authenticate the lie generated

Virtual Something:
Claims we misuse credit card info – LIE can not substantiate it – my offer I will pay $1,000 if he finds ANYONE ANYWHERE that EVER had a problem with CC payment for SynLube.

Automaker = Vehicle Lasts MUCH longer, no NEW sales
OIL COMPANY = Fuel Economy is improved, less fuel sold
AUTO MECHANIC = NO Oil Changes, NO UP SALE Business
The only person in the entire World Economy that benefits from SynLube is the ACTUAL vehicle owner, he/she saves TIME, MONEY and the ENVIRONMENT !!!
But you would already known about it if you really did read all that is on
To Order:

We need following information:



Shipping Address




Phone number (required for Credit card processing)
Phone number is also required for FedEx Ground & Home delivery shipments

VISA, M/C, Discover or AMX Card Number and Expiration

You can e-mail all above information.

If you prefer we can call you for the Card Number.
Send your contact number and best time to call you.


Miro Kefurt

WE HAVE NO On-Line ordering for two reasons:

1.) We want to know who will be using our products and in what application, want to make sure the proper products are supplied, most people DO NOT know the right filter for example

more than 1/2 people have no idea what engine is in theri vehicle and some "models" like FORD F-150 has 5 different oil filters in use !!

2.) No FORM or ON LINE shop set up is SECURE, and hundreds of them are hacked daily.

There are more than 72 versions of browsers ans some even store you CC info that any hacker can get quite easily.

But no one is able to get any information from the old fashioned e-mail unless it is stored in Microsoft Exchange (we do not use it)

So if order security is a concern the e-mail what you want is the MOST SECURE way, even more secure than voice phone !

When JPL, NASA, DoD or DoE order someting, they send non HTML e-mail to do it, and that includes Goverment Issued CC that usually has $25,000 limit, but no one ever had any problem since 1996 when we initiaed the e-mail ordering.

Even US Govt agancies pay with order as it saves then time to process Accounts Payable, Invoicing etc.

So really there is NO excuse, and of course you can always MAIL an old-fashioned CHECK or MONEY ORDER, that happens about 2 or 3 times per year, and we still do "MAIL ORDER" as well - but that more or less is a no longer used method of ordering
Miro, the reason you are here on Noria is because your sales are in the gutter, and you are using this board to further your agenda for any sale you can get.

If you are posting here, that means your phone is not ringing, if you were really busy selling your product then you would not even be here on this board. If you were really selling alot of product you would not even care what has been said on this board. I am having a hard time believing that Synlube is in 72,000 vehicles, maybe it is in 72 vehicles or on the high side maybe 720 vehicles.
I do not live on Noria, and almost never look at BOB OIL GUY.

But at least Noria sends me e-mail when somebody posts someting, sometimes it is months and then another 5 pages of nonsense in 3 weeks.

Noria also does not ban people for answering question related to the products they admit they sell, that is a NO NO on BOB, and you get permanently banned if you sell anything other than AMSOIL, Shaffers' or who ever sponsors "Helen" - a 70 year woman that owes money to IRS !!!

There is only about 300 million vehicles in USA so even 72,000 is a drop in a bucket, but that is representative of 72,000 barrels of oil that is not turned into hazardous waste and 72,000 barrels of oil that does not have to be purchased and then shipped to Refinery, at a current cost of about $100 per barrel (if you add shipping and handling costs to the going price of $80 per barel of crude).

And collectively our customers saved over $8 million on oil changes, and are glad they do !!!

We have 68,191 customes as of today on our database, so obviously some have more than one vehicle !

We had 683 vehicles that got replaced under the clunker program - because we let our customers know about it 3 weeks before it was a "news", and all of them now have SynLube in their NEW vehicles - and can not Thank us enough !!!

The typical clunker they traded in was 9 to 20 years old and had between 120,000 and 150,000 miles, and NONE of them would have bought a NEW car if it was not for the $4,500 credit that thye got for what was not even worth $500 in trade otherwise.

NONE of them whould have even known the program was on if it was not for our NEWSLETTER informing them of it, as a reasult one in a 1,000 clunker vehicles was a SynLubed vehicle, and guess what - the engines could not be destroyed as specified, I was personally present at two occasions where the Dealers tried to "ruin" the engines, with the "solvent", without any oil, etc.

They ended up using the alternate method, sledge hammer...

And guess what if you are taxpayer, you have already paid both for the SynLube and the clunker program, after all it is YOUR tax money !!!
Miro, the reason you are here on Noria is because your sales are in the gutter, and you are using this board to further your agenda for any sale you can get.If you are posting here, that means your phone is not ringing, if you were really busy selling your product then you would not even be here on this board. If you were really selling alot of product you would not even care what has been said on this board. I am having a hard time believing that Synlube is in 72,000 vehicles, maybe it is in 72 vehicles or on the high side maybe 720 vehicles.

You know, a lot of what Miro says makes sense to me. There is no way that he has only about 720 customers. He's been in business for many years. I believe he's right that there are only a small number of negative posters compared to his customer base and have virtually no effect to his business. This is a long thread spanning 5 years, 900 posts and 80 thousand views mostly by the same people who if you add them all up wouldn't amount to much in terms of dollars and cents in the oil biz. Just my 2 cents worth.
Miro make sense to you, but their MSDS fact is really wear...can you imagine a company like Synlube test their product in 1990 in Mobil Laboratory but they dont know the dated when they test this...?? and after 20 years from this test they publish this MSDS for the first time in 2010!!!! and who can believe this result after 20 years, you know all environtment regulation changes alots after 20 years.
Miro make sense to you, but their MSDS fact is really wear...can you imagine a company like Synlube test their product in 1990 in Mobil Laboratory but they dont know the dated when they test this...?? and after 20 years from this test they publish this MSDS for the first time in 2010!!!! and who can believe this result after 20 years, you know all environtment regulation changes alots after 20 years.enoch

Well, I'm not sure that's entirely correct. I can't be bothered plowing back through the posts, but if I recall correctly, the MSDS is dated when requested, or something to that effect...

In another vein, if Miro had not replied to the posts herein, this thread would have died years ago. I think he does it for fun and gets a kick out of getting you guys all worked up. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Wink
PAO has not changed in 38 years
POE has not changed in 54 years
C-12 PAO has not changed in 26 years

Colloidal Synthetic Graphite has been the same since 1938, and PTFE since 1945, Synthetically made Moly same since 1966

Rabbit skin has been the same for thousands of years and millions if not billions of generations.

And Rats that have been around for millions of years as well would probably like eating SynLube 20 years later especially since the formula tested by Mobil Environmental Laboratory was same since 1985.

So even today it is totally safe to put SynLube on your skin, splash it into your eyes and so on.

Also notice we are the ONLY lubricant for automobiles that does NOT need to have a SKIN CANCER Warning on the bottle.....


SO there !!!

Eat some Syn and report in on your digestive experience, we need some Human data, to compare it to Rats and Rabbits....
attend Reliable Plant 2024
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