My car broke down twice with the uses of X-1R ..... reported to them took sample of my oil but no case at all, claiming that US don't bother my problems in Malaysia...such will definitely affect yours as well.....
Here is my story
My Toyota engine 2L2 turbo with year 1999 at mileage of 168051 broke down twice with the use of X-1R, once the car is at still on idling, the engine jam (bearing).
Since it advertised and claimed so greatly, I never give up, thinking that the X-1R is not proportion to engine oil.
Prepare to full overhaul, change all the require movable new origin parts, I am there personally make sure the mechanic lubricate each individual metal parts of engine with concentrate X-1R during assemble of engine.
When mount to the car, I personelly added Shell helix diesel plus plus another bottle of X-1R to make sure it has correct proportion.
Engine go fine for month plus( at 170111 mileage)travel down up to Singapore, Johore back to Kuala Lumpur for numbers of times at 110 plus per km. no problems, very fine as usual.
But when one day while my wife, daughter and me, my wife is driving at almost 80 km per hour, engine oil lighted, my wife immediately bring to road shoulder, and stop, there we hear metal sound from engine compartment. There I saw oil coming out from one of the pipe, it is from turbo return pipe, floor is full of engine oil. Even after toll from the break down location to my home about 30 km away, the oil still droping on my home floor. After a few day later, I was requested by X-1R staff, eddy to give him sample to be sent to USA for testing, I able to fill 8 oz full of engine oil. So there are still oil in the engine why? why?, in their advertising claimed the a plane without oil it still can fly. Is it truth or false ? If it is so good why it sell so cheap, now at promotion rm66.88 at Carrefour, many still can get less 30 % discount........see what the local agent reply, they are exporting to china and many other countries.. are this local or oversea products ? quality ?