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Originally posted by Big Bear:
Pablo, you are an Amsoil salesman so you are the one that needs to show us the proof why the Amsoil EaO Oil Filters are superior to the Pure Ones.

I don't get this constant feedback that I'm an Amsoil dealer. Why do you keep doing this??? I've asked a bunch of times in an couple different ways and you never answer my question. It seems odd, that's all.

I never actually said EaO's are superior. If you can find where I said that, I would appreciate it. I am however, challenging the notion that P1's are in all ways superior to EaO's. I've seen it written, but I've seen no substantial data.

Originally posted by Big Bear:
Myself and the other members here do not have to show you anything, we are potential customers and can decide to go down to Wal-Mart and buy an oil filter.

I would think if you say P1 is better than EaO, it's just air unless you show some data. I don't really care, I just like to live by facts and truth, just as you try to, I'm sure. If you want to buy OF's at WalMart, it certainly doesn't bother me.

Originally posted by Big Bear:
If you want to continue your rant and to take cheap shots at the Pure One Oil Filter, at least have the decency to call your boss at Amsoil and have him run some tests on your oil filter versus the Pure One just like you guys do the 4-Ball Wear Test with Amsoil Motor Oil versus other motor oil's. I am not going to buy some sales pitch from an Amsoil salesman, you want us to buy your Oil Filter, then show us some tests, you want our money, then you show us the proof.

Rant? Please what rant? I have not ranted at all in this thread. Cheap shots? I see a lot of cheap shots at Amsoil in this thread, none at P1.

It's always the 4-ball test. What does that have to do with OF's? Can we consider this a cheap shot from you? No, I'm the one with all the cheap shots.

What sales pitch have I given? Where? When?

I don't think Amsoil will do much more comparison tests outside of ISO-4548-12, because I think they know any non-standard OF tests can give some very misleading results.


I recall reading an Amsoil rep saying if you run enough tests you get the results you are looking for

It's called 'selective testing'. Lots of companies do it; it speaks to a remarkably clueless honesty to admit it. I only know of one company where it's considered a firing offense (and that company is obviouly not Amsoil, given that quote).
Originally posted by Pablo:
So you think I drove people away from BITOG? That's pretty good.

Terry and I are friends. I can assure you that he didn't leave because of me. It's just more "stuff" from you. Pretty much getting old, I just think you have some continued odd bent. I'm just not sure why.

So this is not just directed at Pablo or anyone who would question me( please do I have no axe or product to promote except my core oil analysis interpretation business!). I'd say my track record is a good one.

Pablo you questioned my recommending RL, LC, etc. and then seeing lower than stellar results from BITOG posted data; well guess what?.... chemistries, raw materials, and formulations change. Cars change, fuels change, the product that worked last year well may be sucking wind today. The only reason you have known most of that is that DYSON ANALYSIS shared it here or on NORIA etc. for nearly 10 years.

Add the fact that the data you see at BITOG is NOT ALWAYS COMPLETE OR COMPREHENSIVE because it either can't be shared or no one paid for it to be shared.

I am still in the game , marbles on the table.

Pablo and others, to date I have not been paid one thin dime for working for RLI yet but I hope too soon. Kids need shoes for school starting here!



Pablo, so you and Terry are friends, you constantly slammed your friend over his association with Biosyn on the open board, if you really were Terry's friend you would have done everything in a PM, I am not buying what you are saying here about Terry.

I will Cut and Paste a Link so Noria members can see how good of a friend Pablo the Amsoil Salesman was with Terry Dyson.
Lots of people on these boards have agendas, that is becoming more and more obvious each and every day. You really dig around don't you bear?

Amsoil made it very easy for anyone who wants to make some extra scratch, especially in hard times. Don't get me wrong I like some of their products, but I think many of them are grossly over rated, and over priced.

Bear - Terry and I have had our public differences. So what? I call them as I see them. NO ONE is perfect. I think I was right about RLI. I raised legitimate questions and one thread does not unmake a friendship.

What is your TRUE agenda? You accuse me of being sneaky and stuff. I rarely send PM's, mainly just respond. I'm right in the open. I guess that's a bad thing now.
Originally posted by Pablo:
Bear - Terry and I have had our public differences. So what? I call them as I see them. NO ONE is perfect. I think I was right about RLI. I raised legitimate questions and one thread does not unmake a friendship.

What is your TRUE agenda? You accuse me of being sneaky and stuff. I rarely send PM's, mainly just respond. I'm right in the open. I guess that's a bad thing now.

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Pablo, we know your agenda is to cause doubt with any product that is in competition with your Amsoil. It's funny, I did not see Terry mention Gary Allan's name, it seems in Terry's eyes that Gary stayed neutral, but you just have to stir the pot, don't you.

I agree that you are right about the RLI, but it would have been nice if you let other members hammer Terry's product that you accused him of pushing, I guess selling Amsoil is more important than your friendship with Terry.

My agenda is to show everyone the truth as to why you are here, and that is to push Amsoil Products.
Capt - My background is primarily industrial, where the replacement of a single bearing can cost more than an entire automobile. So yeah, I will go to my grave thinking all street-legal automotive applications are a little on the wussy side. It's all relative - have you ever seen a lime kiln?

I imagine those little particles can induce wear, assuming they are hard enough. I just don't think they will induce enough to cause the engine to wear out significantly sooner than the rest of the car.

Sludge is a different issue - some engines are more prone to it that others. In those cases, extending the oil change interval is NEVER your friend. But sludge can also extrude through a filter. Short of a BCA or ES 'filter' (and you won't see either of those on a car anytime soon) I'm not sure any filter will help sludge. Yes, if you cut open a filter from an engine with a sludge issue, there will be slduge in it. Don't be fooled, it's only resting there. Change it hot & often if you own one of those.
One problem I just encountered with a Pure One filter: there is no bypass (relief) valve in the dome end of a filter that specifies one. I ordered 6 filters from Advance Auto to get the free shipping (along with other filters), and happened to look inside one of them, and there is no bypass in the dome end. The other 5 have them, this item has the same part number on the box and on the sticker on the can. Obviously a manufacturing mistake, but beware.

To add insult to injury, Advance wants me to pay shipping both ways. Getting a refund is not an option, either. Their shipping is $8.66 for a $9.99 filter which would be discounted to $7.99 with their 20% off promo. PLUS shipping to get it there....
I emailed Purolator concerning this issue, and they wanted to see the filter. They sent me a pre-paid next-day air shipping kit. When they received it, they disassembled it and determined the incorrect end cap was installed, one without a relief valve. I was assured this was a fluke, that their quality control is usually better than this, and all stock will be inspected.

For my efforts, I received a complimentary case of filters.
Originally posted by Herb:
There is a difference between Nominal and Absolute. The Ea will filter better. All you have to do is do the research.

The trouble is not the difference, it is the usage of the words.

And if you have data, don't make me look for it. Post it, please.

(FWIW I think the STLE has a definition, I'll look it up as soon as I can)

definition is in some class material, I did find this

And a Machinery Lubrication Article that make the excellent points that there is no fixed definition even for absolute or a fixed and agreed measurement method.

So, for me, I'll stick with multipass testing.
Last edited by robertc
Donaldson nanofiber syn media is what is used in the Ea oil filter. It's a Donaldson patent, with a lot of testing done. IMO a company like Amsoil that is coming up on 40 years in business, I believe knows what they are doing. I don't see any other oil filter that has right on the box that states Guaranteed for 25,000 miles just as their oils. If it was not true it would not be on there. If your against such a product don't use it. But when us Dealers "try" to show a product better than one is using, we mostly get slammed for pushing something. Carry on !
Originally posted by Herb:
Donaldson nanofiber syn media is what is used in the Ea oil filter. It's a Donaldson patent, with a lot of testing done. IMO a company like Amsoil that is coming up on 40 years in business, I believe knows what they are doing. I don't see any other oil filter that has right on the box that states Guaranteed for 25,000 miles just as their oils. If it was not true it would not be on there. If your against such a product don't use it. But when us Dealers "try" to show a product better than one is using, we mostly get slammed for pushing something. Carry on !

Yes, we slam for pushing a product. Because it gets pushed with no DATA!!!!

I had to find a now deceased guys report on a motorcycle forum to find any trustworthy data on amsoil filters (he did multipass testing and provided all of the data). I know people in his previous company and actually tried to find him before I discovered that he had died.

DATA rules. And remember, the plural of anecdote is not data.

So, until then...
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