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Read our primer articles on High Mileage Oil, Synthetic Oil and Kinematic Viscosity

Originally posted by ADFD1:
My engines have run flawless too, and are clean as well. One has over 190,000 miles and according to Miro engines don't last that long. The family has driven a Ford to over 300,000 miles and I have a buddy with a SB Chevy with over 375,000 miles on it, he posts on Bitog. Go figure, American Iron, not even a Yugo!

BTW I live in WA, Jersey is out of the question, sorry. Maybe I can visit Miro in his hidden bunker. I'm in the Military so I'm sure getting onto the site won't be a problem.

I knew as soon as a VOA UOA report came out you'd attack it. I wonder how you would have responded if the report was good, guess we'll never know.


I don't care about UOA/VOA......did you get that with all those links. I only care that my engines run flawless,pass inspection,use no oil at all......none period!!!

My lawn mower(briggs 7 hp ohv,8.75 torque,sears,190cc) now has over 65 hours with synlube and the oil has not moved even a fraction. Runs amazingly perfect. The last mower with synlube ran for over 7 years perfect. Everything else broke except for the engine,so I bought a new craftsmen in 2008.

Your engines run flawless like mine did years ago when I maintained them the way you are now........constantly changing the oil and using flushes etc. I have no issues with that if that is your desire.

My engines now run flawless just like many others using synlube without doing all of those oil changes any longer......that's the whole concept! That says it all!
I'm not shilling Synlube so I have nothing to explain about it. I never used a flush, and won't experiment with a sub-par product that flunked. You won't sell me on Synlube no way no how. I've used MMO in used cars I bought used, or to help a shipmate with a problem, or to aid in cold winter starts when I went to college in the Adirondacks.

Read, I mean really read through these 71 pages of nonsense. How many people who read these pages actually believe any of what you say? I can count them on one hand and have a few fingers left over. But someone in denial might beg to differ. Lets not even talk about the reputation your business has in the state of NV.

Explain the SB Chevy with 375,000 miles on it, a fluke? How about 1000's of late model Fords [not Yugos] in NYC fleets beaten and abused, OBD II system cars running on 5W20 bulk oil.
No person maintaining a fleet would even consider Synlube for the OCI's you claim, they'd wreck the fleet and be on the bread line.

Originally posted by Miro Kefurt:

Anything looked or smelled like "used" oil to you ?

Trajan =Date Registered: Sun March 14 2010
Nucleardawg=Date Registered: Sat March 13 2010
snakedoctor=Date Registered: Fri April 02 2010

(same person really)

Want to know but fear to ask, but can not expain the difference between the LAB results...

(like Viscosity or TBN)

No it does not appear to be used oil. The odor of synlube is indeed like no other oil I have encountered new or used.

As for the TBN bruce uses ASTM 2896 for determining TBN Polaris uses ASTM D4739 there is your variance right there.

As for the fuel I'm not sure where that came from any more then Miro is I am sure. Molakule thinks it might be aromatics and not actual fuel. Miro would know if the formula uses any percentage of aromatics.

To truely evaluate the oil in service besides the spectro and TBN we would need TAN, ferrography and particle count. Low wear metals (ppm) in the spectro can miss larger wear particles. Units have failed even with stellar PPM in the spectro. The reverse would also be true.

Assuming the 100ppm synlube should have native then Budmans numbers would be 66ppm over 19k miles. There is a UOA just posted last night by buster with 34ppm FE at 10500 miles.

It takes several UOA's from the same lab on the same unit to establish a valid trend.
Originally posted by Nucleardawg:
Caught pedaling uSed oil. Now please explain how fuel is in your oil...The oil is used oil folks....USED OIL!!!

The TBN show's the oil is depleted!!

A flim flam man caught red handed...That is a title for a thread!!!!

SYNLUBE IS USED OIL...What a cheapskate!!

The word is out from sea to shining sea.

Do not buy Synlube...'USED OIL'

Calm down, Nuclearfruitcake, check your radiation tag.
Originally posted by Nucleardawg:
Now that Miro has been exposed as a common thief for selling a USED PRODUCT. People want to know the answers to the following question:

1) Why is synlubes business license permanently revoked in Nevada?
2) How does fuel end up in your new oil?
3) Why is the TBN showing the oil is depleated?
4) Why do you sell used oil as new oil?
5) Why do you continually lie?
You have been exposed!!! SYNLUBE IS USED OIL!!

Jeeze, Nuclearfruitcake, you get worse as the evening progresses. Give up on the silly water.
Originally posted by Nucleardawg:
Common filtered used oil, re-packaged with some additives and put into used bottles, and then sold as a miracle cure.

You sold cars in a prior existence...Your ethics give car salesmen a bad name.


Nuclearfruitcake, calm down, or you'll wet yourself again. Hold your breath and try to count to 500.
Originally posted by snakedoctor:
Originally posted by Miro Kefurt:
you just screwed up the third post should have been under you Trajan ID.

Can you keep your posts straight ?

Or will that take 3 more minutes:

Trajan =Date Registered: Sun March 14 2010
Nucleardawg=Date Registered: Sat March 13 2010
snakedoctor=Date Registered: Fri April 02 2010

When I screw up I let the old lady get on top.

Oh yeah, you are still a snake oil peddler.

Nice talk, snakedoctor. You are a real class act. Run along now, or you will be late for impressing the young ladies at Hooters...
Originally posted by Nucleardawg:
No its a victory for truth as you were exposed selling used oil.

Synlube is used oil!!

This thread is done...The truth was brought out and it will soon be closed..

Noria wouldn't want to be associated with this SCAM any further. SYNLUBE IS USED OIL!!

Yes, yes, Nuclearnut, this thread is done. Why? Because you said so. AGAIN.
Originally posted by ADFD1:
Originally posted by Miro Kefurt:
So you couldn't have taken the stuff home with you and then delivered it? This story gets better by the minute.


NO I definitely DO NOT DO THAT !

Neither have the time nor desire to do so !!!

So "budman" should clarify - but that is up to him because IF I do so myself on his behalf it of course will not be trusted !

It doesn't matter who clarifies, no one trusts you. If I were a mod here I would shut this thread down and send you packing, back to Mercury NV. From the lack of you posting at Bitog is seems they shut you down there, they should do the same here.

Seems the cat is out of the bag on you selling used oil with some garbage dumped into it. I'd say clear the launching pad and lets launch Miro from this board too.


Oh, no. Not another person wanting to shut down this thread. AGAIN. Luckily for you guys, your collective advice has not yet materialized. FOR YOU. Consider all the fun that you guys would miss.

And if BOB should ever shut you guys down, you would have to start your own Board of collective nonsense and insults.
Originally posted by ADFD1:
inhaliburton- I believe you mentioned,that you don't use Synlube, but yet you seem to be defending them. Do you want to see unknowing people buy into this scam? Or is it you really believe in the product and plan on trying it for yourself. I'm not looking for a fight. I'm just wondering?


How about an answer just to clear things up so we all understand your position in this?

Originally posted by Nucleardawg:
Indeed ADFD1 the cat is out of the bag...SYNLUBE has been shown to be nothing more then filtered used oil with some additives thrown in..

Now that the truth has arrived I 2nd the motion that the thread be closed.

I also agree that Miro and his alter ego who just beamed in, Captain Kirk be banned for the continual lies that were exposed.

Synlube is used oil!!!

Miro is Captain Kirk.

Close the thread and kick the bums out!

Hey, Whackedoutonradation, you forgot to mention that I should be banned, too. What gives?
Originally posted by Nucleardawg:
No its a victory for truth as you were exposed selling used oil.

Synlube is used oil!!

This thread is done...The truth was brought out and it will soon be closed..

Noria wouldn't want to be associated with this SCAM any further. SYNLUBE IS USED OIL!!

Originally posted by Captain Kirk:

I think you've been drinking a little too much of that heavy cooling water at the plant you say you work at...wink..wink..nudge..nudge!

You do work in the Nuclear industry. So tell us.......what does heavy water taste like???

Do you even know what heavy water is.........let alone anything at all about Synlube???

For Nuclearfruitcake's sake, I hope his Superiors (that would be everyone in the nuclear biz) don't read about his rantings and ravings and examples of free speech (NOT).

He is too scary to me to be anywhere near a nuclear facility.

Anyone else nervous, too?
I'll ask again. inhaliburton- I believe you mentioned,that you don't use Synlube, but yet you seem to be defending them. Do you want to see unknowing people buy into this scam? Or is it you really believe in the product and plan on trying it for yourself. I'm not looking for a fight. I'm just wondering?

Do you really believe in this product, and would you recommend it to a friend?

Originally posted by Nucleardawg:
Indeed ADFD1 the cat is out of the bag...SYNLUBE has been shown to be nothing more then filtered used oil with some additives thrown in..

Now that the truth has arrived I 2nd the motion that the thread be closed.

I also agree that Miro and his alter ego who just beamed in, Captain Kirk be banned for the continual lies that were exposed.

Synlube is used oil!!!

Miro is Captain Kirk.

Close the thread and kick the bums out!

Nuclearboob, you already firsted. You no can second. Go smoke another joint. You are stressed out!
Originally posted by Nucleardawg:
I will continue to call as will many others for the closing of the thread as the TRUTH WAS BROUGHT OUT...SYNLUBE IS USED OIL...

The poster's Miro, and his alter ego Captain Kirk should be banned FOR THEIR LIES.

Noria this thread has served it's useful life the truth was brought out. Synlube is filtered used oil withadditives thrown in.

Not filtered enough to remove the fuel in it though.

Selling depleated used oil as new, and they have been caught.

Close it now.

Nuclearfallout for President.

Ladies and Germs, if I win the Presidency, I promise free bananas for life for every man, woman and child. Blah, blah, yada, yada, shut down this thread, ad museum.
Originally posted by Captain Kirk:
Originally posted by Houckster:
Just an update:
Ford Ranger FX4, 4.0L V-6 w/5-spd manual
Synlube installed: 27-Jan-2004
Miles: 45,449.7
Avg MPG: 19.774, mostly light city/suburban driving (EPA 15/19)
Other SynLube products: gear oil, power steering fluid, brake fluid, coolant

I have had excellent service from these products. No problems at all.

I use a CM filter and about 2 years ago, I removed it to check for any sign of oil deterioration. There was none. I reinstalled the filter but I replaced the media so that I could show anyone interested.

The engine feels consistantly strong, spark plugs look clean, no deposits on the tailpipe, cold starts, even after extended down time, are effortless. Oil consumption during this time is about 4-6 ounces.

I will take my six years of actual experience over any other standard.

For all the naysayers.......what about Houckster and his very positive experience just like my very positive results. Six years/45,000 miles and running for Houckster.

Ah yes, the guy who for years claimed that he owned synlube L4L until he was exposed.
Originally posted by ADFD1:
Originally posted by inHaliburton:
Blah blah blah. Yada yada yada. Gimme gimme gimme. You have to gimme this. You have to gimme that. I dewmand to know this. I demand to know that. You owe me this, you owe me that. I need instant gratification. I behave just like my spoiled rotten teeny bopper kid. 31 pages—and heading for 50 pages—of the same old crap. I'm too lazy to read. Same blenders from schools of higher learning and weekend driveway oil changers types asking the same dumb old stuff. Mud slingers at best.

So a car enthusiast asking some questions that all oil companies will answer is wrong?

I think that answers your question AD.
Originally posted by ADFD1:
I'll ask again. inhaliburton- I believe you mentioned,that you don't use Synlube, but yet you seem to be defending them. Do you want to see unknowing people buy into this scam? Or is it you really believe in the product and plan on trying it for yourself. I'm not looking for a fight. I'm just wondering?

Do you really believe in this product, and would you recommend it to a friend?


Hang on. I'll get to it. I'm having too much fun working my way through the thread. I'm still on page 69. Could be a few more days working though this nonsense, though...
Last edited by inhaliburton
Originally posted by Captain Kirk:
Originally posted by Nucleardawg:
This oil will RUIN a engine if left in as recommended.

This molasses will never see the inside of my pristine engine


My ruined engines(lol)don't know they are ruined even after 60+ thousand miles... they keep on running,passing inspection,using no oil,
running perfect,period!!

I use the product so I would know first hand that it does what it says!!

You don't use the oil,so you would not know about it's performance, nor can you intelligently comment on any of the facts in this now very informative thread,not withstanding your derisive and divisive uninformed comments of course!

You say you Work in the Nuclear industry........let me a nuclear physicist???

Good points, Capitan Kirk. I think Nuclearwaste has cleaned-up one to many demineralzed(SIC) water spills.


For my second act...
Originally posted by Captain Kirk:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Nucleardawg:
This oil will RUIN a engine if left in as recommended.

This molasses will never see the inside of my pristine engine


Originally posted by Captain Kirk:

My ruined engines(lol)don't know they are ruined even after 60+ thousand miles... they keep on running,passing inspection,using no oil,
running perfect,period!!

I use the product so I would know first hand that it does what it says!!

You don't use the oil,so you would not know about it's performance, nor can you intelligently comment on any of the facts in this now very informative thread,not withstanding your derisive and divisive uninformed comments of course!

You say you Work in the Nuclear industry........let me a nuclear physicist???

Capt. Kirk, is it just me, or do you and others find it scary, to say to least, that Whackedoutonnuclearwaste claims to be in the Nuclear biz in some fashion, like we have oft seen some crazed scientist in various Frankenstein movies?

Just wondering...
Originally posted by ADFD1:
I'll ask again. inhaliburton- I believe you mentioned,that you don't use Synlube, but yet you seem to be defending them. Do you want to see unknowing people buy into this scam? Or is it you really believe in the product and plan on trying it for yourself. I'm not looking for a fight. I'm just wondering?

Do you really believe in this product, and would you recommend it to a friend?


I think thats a valid question.

My opinion is not set yet. Would I recommend it to a friend? Not at this point.

Would I use it in my car? Possibly partially to help move the topic forward. The current claims for Synlube are not so extreme. Change at 5 year 50k mile for best service, but the oil is good for 150k miles. I think people are getting hung up on certain aspects of the oil or claimed service. A oil change 15k longer then Amsoil's SSO is not that extreme.
Thanks for the answer taterandnoodles, you're a brave man, thinking about stepping up to put this thread to rest.

At least with Amsoil if you have a problem you might have a leg to stand on if the oil caused a failure. Looking at Synlubes golden record with the BBB and the state of NV, my guess is pigs would fly before they'd pay out. But hey to each his own I guess.
Originally posted by Taterandnoodles:
I have a shelf full of Amsoil products. My car is out of the majority of its warranty period (84K miles) and I hit a deer last year. Its been repaired but that still hurts its value if I wanted to sell it or trade it in so potential loss is relatively low.

I got it!!!!!!! Still costly though. Oh wait you can send the waste oil in for a refund when you junk the car. LOL
Re: Terry Dayson:

Yes I know now who he is and what we have discussed; now that was in 1996 to 1998 LONG TIME AGO.

and this is his professional opinion (today) NOW:

"I do not take Noria or BITOG webboards seriously."

rest of his e-mail is not someting I care to re print. As he did not give me a specific permission to do so.

But if you must know you can e-mail him direct just like I did !
Originally posted by Miro Kefurt:
Re: Terry Dayson:

Yes I know now who he is and what we have discussed; now that was in 1996 to 1998 LONG TIME AGO.

and this is his professional opinion (today) NOW:

"I do not take Noria or BITOG webboards seriously."

rest of his e-mail is not someting I care to re print. As he did not give me a specific permission to do so.

But if you must know you can e-mail him direct just like I did !

Miro, you knew who Terry Dyson was this whole time, you only fessed up when I showed members here one of Terry's old posts.

If Terry Dyson does not take Noria or BITOG seriously then maybe members of both boards should not even use his so called services since all the guy is a Palm Reader and a Fortune Teller.

Miro, do you take this Noria Board seriously, or is this just all a joke to you.
Originally posted by inHaliburton:
Originally posted by ADFD1:
I'll ask again. inhaliburton- I believe you mentioned,that you don't use Synlube, but yet you seem to be defending them. Do you want to see unknowing people buy into this scam? Or is it you really believe in the product and plan on trying it for yourself. I'm not looking for a fight. I'm just wondering?

Do you really believe in this product, and would you recommend it to a friend?


Hang on. I'll get to it. I'm having too much fun working my way through the thread. I'm still on page 69. Could be a few more days working though this nonsense, though...

inHaliburton, I read some of your old posts here, at 1st I believe you said you were using Amsoil and Mobil 1, but you then said you were going to purchase Synlube and have it delivered to your daughter's house.

I really do not think you would be happy if I Cut and Pasted your old posts here, if that is o.k. please let me know.

So, are you now using Synlube in your vehicle.
Originally posted by C3PO:
Originally posted by inHaliburton:
Originally posted by ADFD1:
I'll ask again. inhaliburton- I believe you mentioned,that you don't use Synlube, but yet you seem to be defending them. Do you want to see unknowing people buy into this scam? Or is it you really believe in the product and plan on trying it for yourself. I'm not looking for a fight. I'm just wondering?

Do you really believe in this product, and would you recommend it to a friend?


Hang on. I'll get to it. I'm having too much fun working my way through the thread. I'm still on page 69. Could be a few more days working though this nonsense, though...

inHaliburton, I read some of your old posts here, at 1st I believe you said you were using Amsoil and Mobil 1, but you then said you were going to purchase Synlube and have it delivered to your daughter's house.

I really do not think you would be happy if I Cut and Pasted your old posts here, if that is o.k. please let me know.

So, are you now using Synlube in your vehicle.

Hey, C3PO, just screwing with your mind. Do what you want. Supply links, copy and paste.


Trajan: One reason that Noria adds this when posts have been edited:

"This message has been edited. Last edited by: Trajan, Wed April 14 2010 05:47 PM"

I rarely "edit" except to correct typos, add another thought, etc. Not to twist the truth.
Originally posted by inHaliburton:
Hey, C3PO, just screwing with your mind. Do what you want. Supply links, copy and paste.


Trajan: One reason that Noria adds this when posts have been edited:

"This message has been edited. Last edited by: Trajan, Wed April 14 2010 05:47 PM"

I rarely "edit" except to correct typos, add another thought, etc. Not to twist the truth.

inHaliburton, when I get sometime I will reread this entire thread and then comment, it would be nice if more Synlube Users would come on this Forum to share there experiences with us instead of all this fighting going on from most of us here who have never used Synlube.

Let's try to keep this Discussion CIVIL.
I saw through this scam early on. I have absoulty no respect for people who do this kind of stuff to people who want to believe in them.

I can understand why some people would want to believe in this, I mean who wouldn't want to not have to change oil, but I have learned along the way, if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.

What these people are doing is criminal. and I hope some day they get what they deserve. In the meantime I can find nothing positive to say.

have a good one
Originally posted by Nucleardawg:
Civil? Sorry C3PO the time for that was long ago...But the Sinners are amusing to me, and others, and I take none of them, or the comments seriously

Hey Miro say HI to your mother and father for me!

The TBN on the synlube oils tested were just plain AWFUL...And these were VOA's.

I see my CIVIL comment got thrown out the window, if Miro cannot explain the TBN on his oil as well as the strange Viscosity, meaning we have seen this oil show up in VOA's as a 30 weight or 40 weight oil, then I have to say who would even buy this oil.

Nucleardawg, I think you would agree with me that the majority of the people who have read this Synlube Thread would not even think of buying Miro's Magic Oil.
Originally posted by C3PO:
Originally posted by inHaliburton:
Hey, C3PO, just screwing with your mind. Do what you want. Supply links, copy and paste.


Trajan: One reason that Noria adds this when posts have been edited:

"This message has been edited. Last edited by: Trajan, Wed April 14 2010 05:47 PM"

I rarely "edit" except to correct typos, add another thought, etc. Not to twist the truth.

inHaliburton, when I get sometime I will reread this entire thread and then comment, it would be nice if more Synlube Users would come on this Forum to share there experiences with us instead of all this fighting going on from most of us here who have never used Synlube.

Let's try to keep this Discussion CIVIL.

To have a civil discussion requires all parties to be civil. Something that has been lacking in inhal's posts.

To use one of his own posts, "I wonder what dumb dumb will post next."
Originally posted by Captain Kirk:
Originally posted by inHaliburton:
From Trajan:

AAA Project Identification Number: 81Project Number: 2002-0317-1Link to test that does not lead to your website.

Thanks for taking the time off from the BOBALOO forum to come over here to post more of your less than useless musings. Here's hoping that you soon gain employment that matches your intelligence.



Yep. Real civil....
Well the yardstick I would compare against the Synlube TBN would be Redline oil which I run in both my Mustang GT and Cobra, and the wife's Corvette.

The TBN for Redline is roughly double what is measured by Synlube. And I have data on the Redline when I wish to compare against other oils.

Also if I wish to e-mail or phone Redline they are always courteous and professional.

But I will admit I also really like Mobil 1's EP line of oils as well
@ C3PO: Anybody reading this thread would wonder what is wrong with Miro and the minions.

Never have I ever witnessed such a side step, and the lies and double talk as well. While it is amusing, I HAVE TO QUESTION WHY A NEARLY 60 YEAR OLD MAN 'MIRO' WISHES TO BE SEEN AS A INTERNET TROLL.

But I assume he cares not about our opinions nor who he lies to about his product.

It is this most unethical business behaviour, which is probably the killer, for anybody reading these Synlube threads
Originally posted by Nucleardawg:
Well the yardstick I would compare against the Synlube TBN would be Redline oil which I run in both my Mustang GT and Cobra, and the wife's Corvette.

The TBN for Redline is roughly double what is measured by Synlube. And I have data on the Redline when I wish to compare against other oils.

Also if I wish to e-mail or phone Redline they are always courteous and professional.

But I will admit I also really like Mobil 1's EP line of oils as well

I've seen VOA TBN's for redline from 6 to over 10 depending on gas or deisel formula.

Synlubes measured starting TBN of 4-6 and change is not stellar but also would not be considered depleted. What is of more interest to me personally is the difference between the measured TBN and the listed TBN on the PDS which was over 11.
Originally posted by C3PO:

inHaliburton, when I get sometime I will reread this entire thread and then comment, it would be nice if more Synlube Users would come on this Forum to share there experiences with us instead of all this fighting going on from most of us here who have never used Synlube.

Let's try to keep this Discussion CIVIL.

C3PO, I'm in agreement. Being CIVIL is good. Trading insults is time-consuming and counterproductive.

I suggest that we also extend civility to Miro. There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with someone. If we are more civil to Miro, perhaps we may learn more about the product. Worth a try?
Last edited by inhaliburton
Nuc, the "say hi to your mom and dad" are, IMHO, is a bit too much.

Yes, it does get tiring to hear the constant stream of insults and accusations from miro/kirk/inhal.

But, they resort to such because their arguement has no foundation to stand on.

Yeah, I'm starting to do it myself. Retaliation is nice, but not at the expense of clouding the facts. Let them amke fools of themselves.

The fact is that synlube has no API cert. And the result of that fact was a tirade about Japan.

Doesn't alter the fact that the oils Miro claimed were not API certified actually are.

That is just one. This thread is just full of that kind of thing.

The fact that there have been scores of pages whining instead of showing the documents that back of the claim of passing tests speaks volumes.

To say nothing of mail drops, revoked licenses, phantom business addresses. (Did he ever tell you where the factory was after we told him what he wanted to know about Shell?)
@Trajan: I agree on the remark as you know to what I refer, and apologize to you. or others.

Yes the endless two step is very weird. Again I wonder what is with a 60 y/o man and his minions who...well to be blunt act like a teenagers.

I personally have never come across a company as shady...with all the manufactured 'evidence' and strange people coming out of nowhere on a 'Jihad' to attack non believers.

Again apologies for anything that may have offended. Cool
Originally posted by inHaliburton:
Originally posted by C3PO:

inHaliburton, when I get sometime I will reread this entire thread and then comment, it would be nice if more Synlube Users would come on this Forum to share there experiences with us instead of all this fighting going on from most of us here who have never used Synlube.

Let's try to keep this Discussion CIVIL.

C3PO, I'm in agreement. Being CIVIL is good. Trading insults is time-consuming and counterproductive.

I suggest that we also extend civility to Miro. There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with someone. If we are more civil to Miro, perhaps we may learn more about the product. Worth a try?

One thing I do like about Miro and the Synlube Gang is that they do not give up. I may not agree with everything they say at times.

I just wish Frank Miller over at auto-rx was more like Miro, he debates with me for a few posts and then goes ahead and just runs away.

Miro is a fighter and a sly debater, Frank Miller could learn something from reading Miro's posts.
@ iNHALIBURTON: I think and most others would agree, that 4-5 years is more then enough time for Miro to 'provide' legitimate documentation.

Frankly we have learned from VOA's that the product does not meet in any way, ANY claimed specs. In fact what was found is a little troubling

Frankly the damage done by Miro/you and others have provided me with all the knowledge I need. Everything that was posted has frankly turmed off anyone to whom I have spoke with

Now all this information is available for all to read, and form their own opinions.
Originally posted by Nucleardawg:
@ iNHALIBURTON: I think and most others would agree, that 4-5 years is more then enough time for Miro to 'provide' legitimate documentation.

On the flipside of that Nucleardawg, are the users who have stated they are satisfied with Synlube, have used the product for several years and tens of thousands of miles.

Frankly we have learned from VOA's that the product does not meet in any way, ANY claimed specs. In fact what was found is a little troubling

More tests would be more conclusive.

Frankly the damage done by Miro/you and others have provided me with all the knowledge I need. Everything that was posted has frankly turmed off anyone to whom I have spoke with

I could retort with my opinion to that statement, but won't because it's pointless.

Now all this information is available for all to read, and form their own opinions.

Too true!
Frankly we have learned from VOA's that the product does not meet in any way, ANY claimed specs. In fact what was found is a little troubling

I can see none of you read the links proving the unreliability of cheap VOA/UOA tests that even Noria talked about in the above links to the articles.

I contacted by phone today DYSON ANALYSIS regarding test results and here is what the rep said reinforcing the above links about the reliability of said tests!!!!!

Various lube oils/brands will have an array of aromatic chemical compounds that on occasion will skew the results and even given false positives or negatives such as fuel and so forth. etc. There you go!!!

If you don't believe me,then call them and ask yourself......

.....1-877-808-3750 I bet no one calls!!

Guys,what did you expect spending 23 bucks for a test.

One of the links I pasted yesterday shows a test that costs $ 1,500 to very precisely measure water intrusion into the lube because the other cheaper tests are way off. So 20 bucks is useless!!

The ultimate test of a lube is what it is doing in the engine or gearbox.

My real world tests show/proves that the lube is doing exactly what the Synlube website claims to do.

My engines are the best part of the car with Synlube!!!!!!!!! NO ISSUES EVER!!!

Did I mention I have it in the differentials now as well and they run much cooler!! The front Jeep diff still has the old 75w-140 stuff installed with 14k and I could fry an egg on it after a good highway run. The rear is barley warm now as opposed to being hot like the front with the old stuff!!!! Next couple of weeks the front will be getting the Synlube 75w-90 as well.
uhhhh. Yes we saw this the first 10-20 times you posted this...We have formed our own opinion....

Feel free to post another 10-20 times...My opinion is still the same...It didn't meet it own spec on the SIMPLEST of the testing...VISCOSITY and TBN is way off.

To be honest the findings were what we expected, that Synlube could not meet that which it claimed. The tests were not done by a laboratory that is short on time or expertise.

The tests were performed by a respected Tribologist, with no horse in the running...In other words he wanted to analyze the sample, and report what was found.

The report back was Snlube did not meet ITS spec. I mean I can understand moly or other like items being somewhat off.


Originally posted by C3PO:
One thing I do like about Miro and the Synlube Gang is that they do not give up. I may not agree with everything they say at times.

I just wish Frank Miller over at auto-rx was more like Miro, he debates with me for a few posts and then goes ahead and just runs away.

Miro is a fighter and a sly debater, Frank Miller could learn something from reading Miro's posts.

I have no connection with the oil biz other than as a consumer. I enjoy reading about it and car maintenance. Like others, Miro seems to have very broad knowledge of the auto and oil businesses.

I've previously stated that I'm using Amsoil products in my car and commercial lawn equipment. I have not tried Synlube products. As stated recently by someone in this thread, I did say I was going to have some shipped to NY state where I would pick up on my next visit to my daughter's place. I did not get around to doing that. Frankly, If I was not satisfied using Amsoil products for some reason or an other, I would consider using Synlube. I have not read anything yet that would indicate to me that the product is not a good one, except some reference to higher than normal iron in a test.

Did I understand that correctly?
I like REDLINE OIL. I run Redline in my Mustang GT and Cobra.

Redline is a proven winner. I am soon going to add the Redline D4, to the GT's automatic, while at the same time, switching out the MT fluid and gear oil, all over to Redline as well.

Redline products are excellent in my opinion, and the people I speak with at Redline, are professional and knowlegeable.
Originally posted by Nucleardawg:
@Trajan: I agree on the remark as you know to what I refer, and apologize to you. or others.

Yes the endless two step is very weird. Again I wonder what is with a 60 y/o man and his minions who...well to be blunt act like a teenagers.

I personally have never come across a company as shady...with all the manufactured 'evidence' and strange people coming out of nowhere on a 'Jihad' to attack non believers.

Again apologies for anything that may have offended. Cool

You didn't offend me Smile I just don't want to see you go down that road.

Never wrestle with a pig - you'll both get dirty, and the pig will love it
Originally posted by Nucleardawg:
I like REDLINE OIL. I run Redline in my Mustang GT and Cobra.

Redline is a proven winner. I am soon going to add the Redline D4, to the GT's automatic, while at the same time, switching out the MT fluid and gear oil, all over to Redline as well.

Redline products are excellent in my opinion, and the people I speak with at Redline, are professional and knowlegeable.

Redline is a good choice. My second favorite oil is AMSOIL. Redline is good,just curious why you chose it over Amsoil? I know the racing circuit also likes Royal Purple racing oil.
Re: Synlube VOA Attempt - Set-Up Thread [Re: bruce381]
TaterandNoodles Offline

Registered: 01/16/06
Posts: 1218
Bruce I just got off the phone with Polaris data analysis about the 40C, 100C and fuel. According to data analysis the fuel is inaccurate since they should not have been testing for it on a New lube reference. The machine can miss read the oil molecules as fuel. Some how the oils weight and the corresponding length of the molecular chain can effect the results, when tested a new lube can be miss read as containing fuel.

Hopefully you or Molakule understand and can explain it properly.

I noticed while on the phone with Polaris that the updated results had a lower fuel% of .1 down from .3 which is how we got on the fuel issue.


Just wanted to further back the notion that lube analysis Labs are not perfect like was mentioned above. Makes me wonder what else did they goof up on.


My favorite because of longevity is synlube......however it would be interesting to see synlube in those above tests just to see how it compares with the other lubes in direct comparison. I would have to assume the colloids alone would give it a top score!!
Last edited by captainkirk

They had called the next day and I was floored when the service manager told me he had changed the oil as whatever was in there was SO SLUDGED that it sort of chunked out

And later.....

Wasn't there a guy called Houckster a year or two ago that came aboard. He was to report back on his progress with SynLube. Have anybody heard from him?


His profile lists him as the owner of Synlube, so his opinions mean nothing. He is also on the websites, posting his Synlube infomercials in the car talk section all the time, but yet he swears up and down that he isn't the owner of Synlube
Originally posted by Trajan:

They had called the next day and I was floored when the service manager told me he had changed the oil as whatever was in there was SO SLUDGED that it sort of chunked out

And later.....

Wasn't there a guy called Houckster a year or two ago that came aboard. He was to report back on his progress with SynLube. Have anybody heard from him?


His profile lists him as the owner of Synlube, so his opinions mean nothing. He is also on the websites, posting his Synlube infomercials in the car talk section all the time, but yet he swears up and down that he isn't the owner of Synlube

Wow trajen,I see you are on expert on synlube and every website it is talked about.

The chunking out is a third party story from a dealership that likes to sell expensive flushing procedures. The car was traded in because everything was unreliable on it,the owner called it a lemon/POS.

His brand new car you so conveniently forgot to has Synlube as does his other car as well. Let me show you again with the link.

Now back to my personal experience with the lube.

I drained out synlube on my pontiac six years and 42,000 later......and it drained out clean and smooth. The engine had zero sludge. Oil was sent back to synlube for 100% credit applied to new oil. This car was traded because of Known gm intake manifold gasket issue that was leaking coolant into the oil of all things. Car was out of warranty!!

Bars stop leak did a temporary fix on the gasket problem and then a good highway drive dried the oil out just fine.

Even with all those issues the synlube drained/flowed out smooth and clean!! Antifreeze didn't even phase it!! Try that with your conventional lube!!

The free synlube that was mailed to me free is in my 2009 mustang 4.0 v6

Mustang engine is actually quieter with synlube vs whatever junk the dealer had in the car. Car was a demo and some miles on it so the factory fill was replaced by the dealer just before we bought it.

Car initially had minor engine noises considered normal while the engine was warming up on the dealer oil,and now with synlube those noises are gone 100%!!! I have that happen with my 1996 riviera with the warm up noises being eliminated with synlube as well. That car ran to 179,000 miles with the synlube having 65,000 miles and six years. Engine was perfect always!!
Last edited by captainkirk
WOW from 70 to 75 in a day ?

Only just glanced on but really no time to read it all, unfortunately we actually have back log of orders till Tuesday next week, by then at a goiong rate it will be 80 pages if not 90 and for sure I will not even bother to read them all.

One issuse is I hopw obvious by now, different labs yeald different results in different tests using different techniques and different equipment - repeatability and accuracy was ALWAYS what I claimed is not possible in low cost test - hope that proves it - same person send samples from same bottle to two different labs, they got different results and when asked to re-test they came up with yet another number for the same exact sample they already had.

In real life that would have been $100 for tests to get bunch of numbers.


15 minutes stabilization bath

We use DEXIL titration method - 15 minutes or more per test.

We use 400 X microscopic optical analysis in variable magnetic field that is up to 4000 gauss

And we have Proprietary "sludge" / "Oxidation" test that took 2.5 years to develop and have now 1,275 samples to varify its accuracy.

We have 21 vehicles in our possesion MY from 1972 to 2010 to prove SynLube works.

We have long term tests AAA / FORD to prove emission compliance and MPG retention over useful life of the car - as declared by the OEM of the vehicle.

Yet nothing ever will be enough to turn a butcher's wife around (she is a vegeterian you know !!!).

Enough said, and I know you just will not understand the ultimate lubricant.

It's the PETROLEUM ADICTION thing, you know !!!

Till when ? May be mid next week as I have both three businesses and a life to attend to !!!
Like someone else once said Miro, keep running tests sooner or later you'll get the results you want to see. So true. In the case of Synlube the only tests passed are yours.

Rest assured anyone in their right might reading these 75, soon to be 100 pages is not buying Synlube. I can also see by lack of replies from the Synlube shills Bitog has shut you guys down. Once you get shut down here you'll have to find another board to shill your junk on. Problem is many members who post on these sites frequent other sites. The Synlube scam won't be easily forgotten.

Other than Kirk saying his engines run perfect that's about all the data there is on Synlube. There are a lot of members with perfect running engines, only difference is their UOA's were good. Odd isn't it, but we knew you'd attack the accuracy of the reports, that is unless they were favorable to you. Then you'd say how much they improved over the years.

Oh yea lets not forget blobs of junk coming out of a members engine using Synlube. I know the dealer was looking to sell the guy a flush so he poured the blobs into the engine then drained them to sell the flush.

Originally posted by Captain Kirk:
Re: Synlube VOA Attempt - Set-Up Thread [Re: bruce381]
TaterandNoodles Offline

Registered: 01/16/06
Posts: 1218
Bruce I just got off the phone with Polaris data analysis about the 40C, 100C and fuel. According to data analysis the fuel is inaccurate since they should not have been testing for it on a New lube reference. The machine can miss read the oil molecules as fuel. Some how the oils weight and the corresponding length of the molecular chain can effect the results, when tested a new lube can be miss read as containing fuel.

Hopefully you or Molakule understand and can explain it properly.

I noticed while on the phone with Polaris that the updated results had a lower fuel% of .1 down from .3 which is how we got on the fuel issue.


Just wanted to further back the notion that lube analysis Labs are not perfect like was mentioned above. Makes me wonder what else did they goof up on.

that is all correct. Mola thinks the fuel reading is aromatics but I asked Polaris and they said the machine was not detecting aromatics and confusing it as fuel. Not that they are not present just that it was not detecting them and miss reading them as fuel.

Updated analysis new 100c and added 40c, Bruce added VI for his sample.


Originally posted by Trajan:

His profile lists him as the owner of Synlube, so his opinions mean nothing. He is also on the websites, posting his Synlube infomercials in the car talk section all the time, but yet he swears up and down that he isn't the owner of Synlube

I don't know where the info about Houckster's profile indicating that he's the owner of Synlube comes from, but I do not believe it for a ms. I was around during Houckster's posts and all he did was provide useful info about his experience with said product. He was here recently and was not treated well. He will never post again here. Our loss...
Originally posted by ADFD1:
I can also see by lack of replies from the Synlube shills Bitog has shut you guys down. Once you get shut down here you'll have to find another board to shill your junk on. [QUOTE]

AD, is that why I was unable to find the thread yesterday on BOB that Capt. Kirk started re Synlube. You mean that thread does not exist? Maybe I didn't go back far enough, but I couldn't find it.

[QUOTE]Other than Kirk saying his engines run perfect that's about all the data there is on Synlube.

Over this thread there are many posters who have echoed Capt. Kirk's experience.

There are a lot of members with perfect running engines, only difference is their UOA's were good. Odd isn't it, but we knew you'd attack the accuracy of the reports, that is unless they were favorable to you. Then you'd say how much they improved over the years.

There has only been a few test results on this product. Not enough to form an opinion in my opinion. MANY more ACCURATE and REPETITIOUS test results are need before I would form an opinion.

Oh yea lets not forget blobs of junk coming out of a members engine using Synlube. I know the dealer was looking to sell the guy a flush so he poured the blobs into the engine then drained them to sell the flush.
Could be true. Where is this person? Until then, HEARSAY.

Just my CALM opinion...
Originally posted by .:[EM]:.:
o no....are we going to use BITOG now as a reliable source...the same site which discusses dogfood? People...please...

In the time I've spent on BITOG it became very clear that a lot of people just write nonsense.

There are some people that write nonsense on BITOG. I remember joining and being pro auto-rx until I realized the product did not work as advertised, I started using MMO and I exposed all of auto-rx's weaknesses.

I do see a weakness with Synlube based on the VOA and UOA's, but have we found anyone who has used Synlube report back that there engine was destroyed. Budman had a problem with Synlube, but he thinks it was the design of the engine, he showed valvetrain pics on his other vehicle through his oil hole with Synlube in there for 19,000 miles and so far so good. Hopefully this Budman guy will continue to give us future pics and UOA's on this Synlube, because at this time he is the only one who is using Synlube that is given us back some data.

Another thought about BITOG, since all of auto-rx's weaknesses have been exposed and we found out that cheaper oil additives worked better you have to realize that everyone on the board is now very skeptical about any product that comes along, with auto-rx we never had any tests and there was constant fighting going on all of the time, we were just supposed to follow what auto-rx said and just keep buying the product.

Synlube needs to prove it is a better oil than what we all are using now, if not then it will be laughed at like auto-rx.
Originally posted by ADFD1:
At least there were some respected people using A-rX, some reporting good results, some bad, some mixed. All I see with Synlube is hearsay, lots of hype, a bad UOA, and an engine with issues. Those issues are most likely related to Synlube. I wouldn't touch it with a 10' pole!!!!!!


AD, it is true that there were some respected people using auto-rx, very few were reporting good results, most of them were bad, while a few of them were mixed. There was actually an arx user who turned me onto MMO, and I got many arx users, a few were arx moderators to use MMO and they reported better results.

Members here can Google "Paid Posters For Auto-Rx" and find out how arx paid people for positive posts and how they tried to bully people when they posted about different oil additives.

We also have to realize that nobody from arx will debate me, if Synlube is really as bad as you think it is, then why is this thread still going on, and why is Miro still posting and not hiding. We have not seen the FTC go after Synlube, and until a Synlube User like Budman comes back and shows some bad pics after using Synlube for over 100,000 miles then this thread will keep growing.

I believe with auto-rx you actually had more people pushing the product who were not even using the stuff, there was a lot of behind the scenes shady deals and Cloak and Dagger Techniques to push the product at all costs. There was also alot of hype with auto-rx without any kind of tests.

I also believe Miro has other business ventures besides Synlube, whereas the owner of auto-rx just has his product, and it seems that nobody would touch auto-rx with a 10 Foot Pole!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by ADFD1:
You don't think Synlube is shady? Did you really read this whole thread? Would you put it in your car? Do you think Miro will give you your money back when you return the oil?

A-rX is a saint compared to this guy, but I still wouldn't use either product.


AD, I think Synlube is an OLD SCHOOL FORMULA that Miro believes in, but I believe you can just go out and buy a cheap oil and then add some Lubro-Moly and 10% to 25% MMO to your oil volume and just call it a day.

I have read this whole thread a couple of times, and each time I have gotten a headache.

I would not put Synlube in my car, and I do not think Miro would give money back for used oil.

If Auto-Rx is a saint compared to Miro then they would still be a sponsor on BITOG, all 3 of the auto-rx guys have been banned from BITOG.
I think Miro was banned from Bitog, along with jonny-b, Mora, and Kirk, [all 4 of them were 2 people at most]. If he was still there he'd be crying foul over the events and discoveries there. I think Bitog is more pleasant to view without Miro and the A-rX people.

As far as what Synlube is all about I think he is taking some cheap Walmart oil and adding his mix to it.

Is Synlube shady...In my opinion yes.

Does Miro 'believe' in his product...I assume so yes.

Bottom line for me: When I purchase a oil, I purchase it based on needed viscosity, and the quality of the product.

Synlube did not meet it's stated viscosity, and the quality of the produsct appears to be mediocre, for the cost of it.

Of course the way, the 'believers' went about promoting this product was/is a HUGE turnoff.

Based on the above I would never use this product, or recommend it to anyone.
Originally posted by ADFD1:
Good points inhaliburton! Truth is as far as I can tell all of what Kirk/Miro is saying is HEARSAY as well, think about it. My calm/civil rebuttal.....


Yes, yes, caaallllmmmmm it is AND BORING!!!!

Also, for the record, I believe that Capitan Kirk and Miro are 2 different people.

Gooooood Byyyyeee, I have to fall asleep again...
Originally posted by ADFD1:
I think Miro was banned from Bitog, along with jonny-b, Mora, and Kirk, [all 4 of them were 2 people at most]. If he was still there he'd be crying foul over the events and discoveries there. I think Bitog is more pleasant to view without Miro and the A-rX people.

As far as what Synlube is all about I think he is taking some cheap Walmart oil and adding his mix to it.


AD, that is my thought too, since the different VOA's on Synlube are showing it to be either a 30W or even a 40W I have to conclude that Miro is buying the cheapest oil he can get his hands on and then adding some Moly and whatever else he uses.

This oil is marketed as a 5W-50 oil, yet the VOA's show Miro's oil is not even close to a 50 weight oil.

Guys, this is all ENTERTAINMENT for Miro, this SYNLUBE of his is just a hobby that he makes very little money at, he probably made his money in that Yugo Venture, how many Yugo's do you see on the road today.

If Pennzoil Platinum were a car it would be a 2011 Mustang GT.

If SYNLUBE were a car it would be a YUGO.
Originally posted by Nucleardawg:
Kind of strange/sad that a nearly 60 y/o man 'trolls' on oil forums for entertainment.

Kind of weird though, a person who makes up multiple identities, or mis-represents himself, to try to force his point across.

I guess whatever does it for you, and take it for what it is.

Guys, if Synlube were Miro's only way to make a living then this THREAD would have been deleted a long time ago, the guy has already made his money and his other business ventures are probably supporting him.
A couple of belated points

Yes, there is variability.

There is more betwen labs.

Even, or especially blood labs. All of my sometimes complex blood work comes with a result and the next column over is the LABS NORMS.

So a count at one lab may well be different than the next.


Kirk, Data is facts, all facts are not data,

The plural of anecdote is not data, no matter how hard you say it.

Unless you are a Brit from colonial times that believed anyone could understand Englush if you ennunciated properly.

Well, ennunciate all you want, your "facts" are not data, they are anecdotal evidence only.
Originally posted by C3PO:
Originally posted by ADFD1:
He isn't trolling for entertainment, he was trolling to push product and got called out. Well maybe he is trolling for entertainment. I saw lots of people posting in various threads that they found these threads entertaining, so we can thank him for that.


AD, this is pure ENTERTAINMENT for Miro, and I can tell you why, I am sure you remember the 2 Threads about arx that were deleted, one of them was called " Auto-Rx & MMO, and the other one was called " MMO Is Better Than Auto-Rx". The reason they were deleted was because the threads were hurting whatever little business auto-rx had going on. I am sure the owner of auto-rx pleaded with the Noria Admins to delete it, I knew this was going to happen and that's why I saved them, I even e-mailed them to auto-rx. I am sure you also realize that just about every thread about auto-rx on BITOG has been locked.

I was smacking around auto-rx so bad on BITOG that the owner asked me not to post in any auto-rx threads.

Quite a few of us have smacked around Synlube, you see that this thread is still here, again if this was Miro's sole MONEYMAKER this thread would have been deleted back in 2004, almost 6 years later this thread is alive and its coming up soon on probably 100,000 views.

I have a hunch that Miro and the Synlube Gang are saying things to make the anti-Synlube crowd post and that just brings more views.

I cannot rip into Synlube too bad because I have not used the product, I can rip into auto-rx because I have used the product. I cannot rip into MMO becuase I have used the product with 100% SATISFACTION.

Now if Budman who is using Synlube runs into problems then he can really bash the product because he has experience with it, so far at about 19,000 miles on Synlube his pic through the oil fill hole looks great and he is happy.

Its also important to realize that in this thread there are only a very few Synlube users, if this product were really selling I would think we would have alot more testimonials from satisfied users, look how many user's cars are on the Synlube site, probably less than 20 or so, and most of them we cannot even contact for whatever reason.

I am sure Miro is laughing everytime he reads an anti-Synlube post in this thread.

I won't bash Synlube, as I have not tried it. It is too thick for my vehicles (spec 10w-40 max, 5w-30 preferred). I just am annoyed that supporters of this advanced graphite lube insult people like me that are somewhat skeptical of an oil that supposedly lasts more than 50K. Me personally, I freak out if my oil goes more than 7K (proven synthetics Pennz Platinum, Amsoil, M1 EP, etc). Just because I drive under severe conditions (heavy idle, some short trips, towing, etc.). I don't go all out and get UOA, as the money for that will buy my next OCI. As a comfort, I will stick with name brand API certified oils and a good filter (purolator, Wix, Donaldson, etc.)

Every day we get 10 to 15 e-mails like this from NEW customers:


Sent: Thu, Apr 15, 2010 12:33 pm
Subject: Re: SynLube ORDER

Hi Miro,

Could you please send everything I'll need for a full synlube change, except the magnet, and one additional bottle of Add Oil?

(Customer Name Deleted - I am sure you know why !!!)


And up to 100 from existing ones like this one

Sent: Thu, Apr 15, 2010 7:40 am
Subject: Things I need to buy

Hello Miro,

I need to purchase the following items:
one (1) oil filter for my wife's 2006 Ford Focus SE
(don't need a filter for my car - you may remember I was able to
buy a quantity of the AC UltraGuard Gold filters at a clearance sale at $5.00 a

two (2) quarts of Service Fill oil (one for my 2001 Focus ZTS, one for her
2006 SE),

two (2) quarts of Add Oil) - my wife's car uses just a bit of oil,
mine still hardly any.

One gallon of pre-mixed anti-freeze solution for my car
(it still loses a small amount of coolant over time)

Mileage: my 2001 just passed 111,000 miles.
Her 2006 is about to turn 64,000 miles.

I forthrightly acknowledge that this service is overdue; it has been a long, cold winter here
in Michigan and I have to do my vehicle maintenance outside.


So what ever you argue about makes ZERO negaive imapct on our business, but I can say we actually got some NEW business from people reading this - as they can see through the few nay sayers, and almost all agree that it is only one or two people posting under multiple screen names !!!

People I do not know and never met can determine that, so public indeed is lot smarter than you give a credit it for !!!


Back to minding business !!!
Last edited by mirokefurt
Originally posted by N2OIL:
This product seems odd. I emailed Miro and my Suburban is already worn out it seems. 122,000 miles on the odometer. The car that sets next to it also a GM product reflects 225,000 miles on the odometer. Miro sent an email that basically wondered why I would think of putting his oil in such a piece of junk. And one more thing... who in the heck refilters their oil?? Micro, nano, sub-micronic, redistilling all these are nice for smoke and mirrors but nobody else does it.
So what ever you argue about makes ZERO negaive imapct on our business, but I can say we actually got some NEW business from people reading this - as they can see through the few nay sayers, and almost all agree that it is only one or two people posting under multiple screen names !!!

People I do not know and never met can determine that, so public indeed is lot smarter than you give a credit it for !!!


Miro, there is no way that you have gotten any new business from anyone reading this THREAD.
Originally posted by ADFD1:
You don't think Synlube is shady? Did you really read this whole thread? Would you put it in your car? Do you think Miro will give you your money back when you return the oil?

A-rX is a saint compared to this guy, but I still wouldn't use either product.


Really? Would the link below be the saint you speak of?.......saint sludge!!! I would hate to meet him!!
Last edited by captainkirk
Originally posted by Taterandnoodles:
Originally posted by Miro Kefurt:

Anything looked or smelled like "used" oil to you ?

Trajan =Date Registered: Sun March 14 2010
Nucleardawg=Date Registered: Sat March 13 2010
snakedoctor=Date Registered: Fri April 02 2010

(same person really)

Want to know but fear to ask, but can not expain the difference between the LAB results...

(like Viscosity or TBN)

No it does not appear to be used oil. The odor of synlube is indeed like no other oil I have encountered new or used.

As for the TBN bruce uses ASTM 2896 for determining TBN Polaris uses ASTM D4739 there is your variance right there.

As for the fuel I'm not sure where that came from any more then Miro is I am sure. Molakule thinks it might be aromatics and not actual fuel. Miro would know if the formula uses any percentage of aromatics.

To truely evaluate the oil in service besides the spectro and TBN we would need TAN, ferrography and particle count. Low wear metals (ppm) in the spectro can miss larger wear particles. Units have failed even with stellar PPM in the spectro. The reverse would also be true.

Assuming the 100ppm synlube should have native then Budmans numbers would be 66ppm over 19k miles. There is a UOA just posted last night by buster with 34ppm FE at 10500 miles.

It takes several UOA's from the same lab on the same unit to establish a valid trend.





What equipment do you have ?

Make, Model, method you use, when calibrated and what standard (calibration) is used.

None of your posts reveal that.

If you are using rotary equipment the results will not match CANNON Fenske for opaque liquids.

Also what is your bath stabilization method and how you determine the sample is at that temperature ?

What cc of the fluid is used ?

Not to atack any of your measurements, just curious to know.

If you need to know we use

Cannon-Fenske Opaque

Calibrated CFOC (9721-F50) Series

150 for 100C and 300 model for 40C

The volume is 24 ml and the stabilization is 15 minutes.

Clock is computer syncho to Colorado clock, on off timing opto electronic.

And the standard:

Viscosity Lot Use
Standard: S20 No.: 08104 before: 2/28/2011
Viscosity Viscosity Density
°C °F mm2/s, (cSt) mPa ⋅s, (cP) g/mL seconds
96.3 SUS
All data are traceable to the National Institute for Standards and Technology

Calibration date 3/31/2010

When one of the tests was reported as 23.5 we did test the same batch and when corrected for density it for sure is not 9.9. or 10.5 = all those reports reported at different times ON the SAME batch of fluid.

Can you explain why 10.5 and 23.5 and now 9.9 and 9.9 ? Clearly it is not consistent thus

Understanding Significance of Expanded Uncertainty is in order !

Once you have made error, is the first meacurement error, the second, the third, or all of them ? How about the average of the first two ? = 17 ???

All I can say different means of testing result in different values for someting that is NOT absolute like "viscosity".

But then people that claimed SAE 5W-50 is to thick (we always refer to is as "apparent" viscosity) should now have no fears to pour it onto ordinary SAE 30 applications.

We are not fanatics about numbers, just long term performance - test it again USED 5 and 10 years form now and then make up your mind about what really matters - I have only had 32 years of personal use in vehicles of all makes and models - and NO OIL CHANGES - it is what matters to me, what is in the lube or how it looks is of no importance if it works.

And at least 68,000 people could not care less what viscosity you may think SynLube is, really they do not !!!

As of todate 32 people bought SynLube for their vehicles as a result of this insane thread if it was paid for advertisement it would ahve earned $950.40 in commisions (BITOG is only at $$98.50)

Since ALL our sales are direct or through few dealers we do know where every single sale comes from - everyone !!!

Just ask Pennzoil if their $4 million commercial or the $1,500 "donation" to Helen paid of yet ?
ANd do not forget that the best of SHELL the Pennzoil (not penzoil for the few that do not yet understand the difference) is only Warranted for 4,000 miles - not a mile more - they specificaly state so - even when the vehicle has "oil life monitor" SHELL absolutely states 4,000 miles !!!

Read their Warranty.

For SynLube 4,000 miles is a joke, just like the 3,000 mile spark plugs used to be - remember those ?

I do not see everyone yanking out the platinum tipped plugs out of their new vehicles, because everyone knows spark plugs only last 3,000 miles not more than that, just read all the proof published in 1950's to 1970's = 30 years of real experience should scare everyone that does not change spark plugs regurarily !!!

But 200,000,000 + vehicles DID not had any spark plug change last year - someone forgot to tell them how important it is !!!

One day you will feel that way about Motor Oil, just as today most OEM do not bother to even have a dipstick on ATF, eventually the technology will catch up - we are just few decadeds ahead of the BIG OIL, that's all......

Just read it realistically it is only 2,500 miles since the OR 4 MONTHS for 82% of US drivers will apply !!!

That is 3 annual oil changes for next 15 years or 45 per typical vehicle life at about $40 a pop = $1,800 for oil + 45 filters at ???

And you do NOT think you are being SCAMMED by BIG OIL ?

Really give me a break !!!

SynLube for 15 years = NO or at most 2 oil changes and 5 oil filters, money back for the used lube

$400 to $500 at most !!! (Average is actually only $283.78 based on 26 years of experience)

That is as much as $1,500 less that buys you atleast 500 gallons of fuel and if you really feel obligated to give money to SHELL, you can always fill up at SHELL Station (or Turkey Hill, if you insist !).

And do not forget to get some PEP additive, it will improve your acceleration to oblivion !
Last edited by mirokefurt
Originally posted by Miro Kefurt:

I do not see everyone yanking out the platinum tipped plugs out of their new vehicles, because everyone knows spark plugs only last 3,000 miles not more than that, just read all the proof published in 1950's to 1970's = 30 years of real experience should scare everyone that does not change spark plugs regurarily !!!

Holy hamburger, Batman! Ya mean I shoulda changed my spark plugs every 3k miles? Yikes! I owe Champion thousands of dollars! What will NASCAR think? My 2005 Focus has 275 000 kms. Two years ago one of those coily gizmo thingmes went south. Took it to Ford dealer, told them to change plugs if needed at same time (figured better them than me). Nope, Service Salesman sez they are like new. I've driven another 150 000 kms since then. Do you think I should pop one to have a look? Should I send Campion a blank cheque?
attend Reliable Plant 2024
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