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Information given herein is offered in good faith as accurate, but without guarantee. Conditions of use and suitability of the product for particular uses are beyond our control; the user therefore assumes all risks of use of the product and WE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL

Does this cancel the warranty offered on the website?

And the approval date: APPROVAL DATE: 3/19/10.

Just made?
Last edited by trajan
Originally posted by Trajan:
Information given herein is offered in good faith as accurate, but without guarantee. Conditions of use and suitability of the product for particular uses are beyond our control; the user therefore assumes all risks of use of the product and WE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL

Does this cancel the warranty offered on the website?

And the approval date: APPROVAL DATE: 3/19/10.

Just made?

Every company has a similar disclaimer to cover themselves for any abuse that would void the warranty. A clause is in every owners manual/contract. Why would synlube be any different??
last year Houckster promised me to send this lubricant for UOA but after a week, 2 weeks,..4 weeks....2months....4months..and today after one year.... nothing data for UOA, so in my opinion, for a customer who ask this UOA in this NORIA Forum or BITOG Forum it's very simple question because we are in Oil / Lubrication Forums not in "Faith and Religion Forum".....
Originally posted by Trajan:
It says right on the website that to keep the warranty the oil must be changed.

And yet, he insists it does not....

Scroll about half way down to the big blue letters.

Then go to condition #9

Trajen,Did you happen to notice the asterisk?

At 50k,..synlube must be sent an oil sample(from changed filter),then.., once the UOA is done,you will be told if the oil needs to be changed or not. The oil change may very well be waived. However, If changed,you receive 100% credit for new oil shipped to you free.

We have had this exchange before,and I addressed it then!! Somehow,I suspect you did see the information in plain view and are simply doing what you do best, Trajen.
How do you expect captain Kirk should be able to explain it? If you think he is the owner of Synlube, then I guess you must be full of it...
If you don't understand what the man says, that he is a USER of Synlube, then why do you still want to communicate with him?
It is obvious that you don't believe what he says, any way.
On the other hand, throwing out accusations, like you have done, is very easy.
I see that several people have decided to join, probably for fun.
I have heard rumors that Trajan is on Excon Mobiles payroll, and I think it is very hard for him to PROVE to me, otherwise.
Remember, there is very little proof, that I will accept.
You understand the problem?
You can read MSDSs intill your face turn blue, but that won't make you an expert on lubrications. At some point, you will have to at least SEE the stuff you are writing about....
It is comparable with learning to swim by taking a mail course.

And still, you claim to know everything, even without having seen the product?

That's quite amazing.

By the way, I am also a satisfied user of this product, but I only used it for two and a half year and 72000 kilometers in one car...
I really would like to see that being done with Delvac 1.
You can just call me, at 004793212261, (just to make sure that I am a real person(and not MIRO), if you don't believe what I am saying.
Of course, that is free to do for all.
I will answer if I have the time.
If you want to do a search for phone numbers around the world, it can be easily done at
Here we go again with the insults. Gotta tell you that sells product, and will certainly gain you respect. Oh wait that was lost on the other site.

Kirk must really love Miro to defend a product and company the way he does. I can't wait to see if a VOA if/when it appears, or a trusted member posts a UOA on the stuff. Not likely because I doubt a respected member will actually use it. Then if a sample is sent to a respected member we'd have no idea how long the oil was in use, so we'll never see one.

If any of these reports come to be, the spin masters will be burning the midnight oil doing damage control.

Originally posted by vitual_mage:
I dont know if he is dying to try it...but im sure he dont want to take the risk killing is engine doing so.

How can you be so sure of that? Did you ask him? If he can't handle the stress of trying a new product,that's on him. I had no stress issues doing that when I poured in synlube almost a decade ago into several cars. I did what I deemed to be a reasonable sane amount of research to be confident enough to try it. I have never looked back.

The stress of the truth is another issue he seems to have difficulty with. Trajen already implied to me he was a "sugar daddy",..what's the problem then?? Can't be money!!

The Synlube product says what it does,..and does what it says!! NO STRESS HERE!! NO PROBLEMS!! NO ISSUES!! JUST PROVEN RESULTS!!
I see good ol' Johnny-b is back! Johnny-b, after all your outlandish claims, and the attacking nature, of those who didn't hold your "belief" in the wonder product, of the 20th and 21st century. It's probably good that your hiding over here...Johnny-b, you and the product you defend...Have no credibility.

The good captain, I see is bloviating as usual, and as usual... Saying absolutely nothing of importance.....Captain Kirk is a big bag of wind...What can you say about a guy who drives a Yugo? NOT VERY SMART...I imagine the women are just fighting over you, and that turd.
Originally posted by Nucleardawg:
I see good ol' Johnny-b is back! Johnny-b, after all your outlandish claims, and the attacking nature, of those who didn't hold your "belief" in the wonder product, of the 20th and 21st century. It's probably good that your hiding over here...Johnny-b, you and the product you defend...Have no credibility.

The good captain, I see is bloviating as usual, and as usual... Saying absolutely nothing of importance.....Captain Kirk is a big bag of wind...What can you say about a guy who drives a Yugo? NOT VERY SMART...I imagine the women are just fighting over you, and that turd.

I drive a 2008 Jeep Grand Cherokee LTD 4.7 v8 I bought new. My wife drives a 2009 mustang we brought new. The women fight over me because I work out and it shows!! One even called the house,...when the wife was home! What can I say! However, I do remain loyal...just want to address that issue before anyone thinks otherwise!!
Originally posted by enochca:
Dear Captain Kirk,
Can you explain us why in Synlube MSDS this lubricant passed test from Mobil Laboratory? this is same words like MSDS from Mobil1 products....

I will send him an email if no one else will. I have to give him credit, he always replies in a timely manner and has provided everything I have asked of him.
Originally posted by enochca:
Taterand..thanks for this information and we can see this answer is funny too, as i know all manufacture will keep and save all important data like test result from independent and qualified Laboratory for their product and if customer ask they can show this copy/printed test result complete with dated, but "Not Sure exact date"????? wear.. beside this MSDS dated in March 19, 2010 and very-very long-time to publish this MSDS sheet...Wouw....... test in 1990 and publish to customer in 2010 after 20 years........
we can see this....hmm...

Yeah. I'm still waiting for the test from the AAA that synlube claims it passes.
Last edited by trajan
Originally posted by Nucleardawg:
Yes it is under review for the nasty language, out and out false claims, and free advertising that Synlube tried.

Hopefully Noria will look at the big picture and realize the professionalism of the website was compromised by the sales pitch of Synlube.

Hopefully the sales pitch tactic leads to a ban of all 'Synners'.

Nucleardawg, excuse me sir, YOU were one person who was spewing foul language on more than a couple of occasions.
Yes this site would be totally civil if the 'synners' such as Inhaliburton, Miro, and Captain Kirk were to receive PERMA BANS.

It seems everytime one opens this site they are spewing the 'Synlube Shuffle'. The 'Synners' Inhaliburton , Miro, and Captain Kirk have jepordized the integrity of this site.

Instead of a professional site one goes to receive information, and have questions answered it has become a advertising forum for Synlube.

Synlube, along with Inhaliburton, Miro, and Captain Kirk, need to receive the PERMA BAN, in order to restore the publics confidence in this site.

Unfortunately this site has become nothing but a advertising forum for a product, that was found to be nothing but severly mediocre. Synlube along with it's 3 posters, have flaunted all decorum, and have made a mockery of this site, and it's moderators..

A Perma Ban is required to restore confidence.
Pretty bad that when you ask for proof that the tests were passed, you get nothing but salvo after salvo of insults.

Inhal did that alot. Thus he is on my ignore list.

Why is there such a problem asking to see verifiable proof that the tests that synlube claim to pass are real.

Yeah , sure Big Oil shut the thread down. And yet, they exsist all over the web.
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