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I think that we already figured out - only one user of Synlube is (still) Houckster.
Wanting not to be suspicious person in advance I would really need more technical documentation to accept Synlube claims and to use product. I usually do not believe in wonders but sometimes I just accept them. The (kind of) last one was (a few years ago) Russian oil additive which use allowed driving a car 100 kms without oil. That wasn't purpose of additive but it just demonstrates its abilities.

Free oil,… test,… am I missing something? I do not run a lot of mileage – so I would (unfortunately?) disqualify myself in advance.
If synlube is lurking I have a request. Would you submit a sample to Dyson Analysis and let Terry Dyson publish the results here. The analysis would cost you about $500 and I'm sure that would be no problem. Will the number of responses here, it would be the best $500 investment you ever made.

If this request is ignored then we have an answer and we can stick a fork in this thread, it's done.

Any comments?
Good idea. Let professionals to say a 'final word'. At least all of us (including Houckster) can agree about fact that oil analysis (not only Dyson) reveals what is happening with oil and engine.
So, can we even ease requests? Any of available oil analysis (Amsoil, PdMA, Wear Check, Oil Analysis Lab Inc., Bently,...) results could be acceptable.
Intriguing post from Bob

I use these oils as my father is a dealer in France.
There is no dealer outside Europe.

All their oils are ACEA A3 rated at least, except the 15W60 non graphited dino (not listed on their website).
I've used the Carat-S which is currently ACEA A3/B3/C3 and complies with many EU car makers specs, from 45K to 50,35K miles with an OCI at 50K. I crashed my car then, changed the body and need to spend several hundred € to buy dead electronic parts.

My current mix is the same model of car is a group 3 A3 rated 5W40 -their lowest oil quality- with a graphite/MoS2 additive.
Engine is 136hp 1.4L 8V turbocharged, with 81.4K miles.

I'll swith back to the carat S for my next OCI (every 4661 miles or 7 500 kms).

If I tune my engine (injectors, turbo, intercoler, cams...), I'll use the ester based "Bio Carat", very robust in competition use.

Marly is a solid lubricant specialist since 1919 and uses graphite in automotive products since 1930.
They use graphite and moly (SX oil additive which is a gaphite + MoS2 combinaison in synthectic fluids) for decades, and are also a special lubricants maker.

Graphite particles are <1µ and never caused damages from what I know with the Black Gold oil range.
These oils apparead in 1977 and have always been formulated with a colloidal suspension of graphite particles.

Graphite oils failed to be largely used because of the dark colour, people think dark oil is used oil
I thought I'd comment on an aspect of this ongoing issue because after reading these post and appreciating the info being conveyed there was some decent points being brought to the fore, especially regarding the makeup of synlube being that it uses some of these anti friction components ie: graphite, moly disulfide and teflon.

Before one castigate me on this subject I'd like to point out that last night while viewing the history channel and the subject being discussed had peaked my curiosity, the segment was MODERN MARVELS subject LUBRICANTS it heavily dealt with lubricating properties and there continuous evolution. Yet of particular interest a goodly amount of time was spent on three components that have some inherent lubricating properites as well as superior anti friction properites they were Graphite, Moly, teflon. And how that a few of these are being used in the lubricating industry as well as automotive.

The same three components used in this so called synlube. Very interesting to me thought I'd pass this along.
I have loosely followed the comments in this thread and I made some of the earliest posts. I stopped participating for the most part because some of the posters were more interested in batting down any possibility that SynLube was a good product rather than being willing to exchange ideas.

I have 15K+ on the SynLube I'm using and will be sending in a sample to SynLube for analysis. During that time, I've consumed only about 4 oz. of oil.
I know of a mechanic who is using this product in his chrysler sebring and has already taken two analysis and they have all come back extemely well, given he is a skeptic and his profession is an auto technician, hes accumulated I believe about 40k on the oil itself during this time he's had two analysis, his comments were that no performance issues. Vehicle is running fine.
As soon as I get a moment I'll ask him by email we'll see if he wouldn't mind first I have to inform him of the great controversy over this subject matter so he'll be more inclined to do so given the overwhelming propensity of scepticism here on this board.

I'll also inform him that it'll be under stringent scrutiny by others in a quest to disprove it's effectiveness and inherent flaws.

Additionally that it seems atmosphere of open mindedness doesn necessarily permeate the board that it will be posted to.
Man - Here we go again... didn't anyone raed my posts on page 6? Here, I'll cut and paste for you!

"There is one simple reason that Houkster is so keen on Synlube.... he owns it! Anyone who wants to go to will readily find out that 'Miro Kefurt' is the head honcho there! He is not a user only! As he sits in his abode in Las Vegas and promotes, mainly at his computer terminal, At $32.00 per quart [liter] - he does not have to sell too may knot heads his PTFE Cocktail in order to buy his own 'Throw Away Car' - no matter what he puts in the engine! AMSOIL is just AMSOIL - it's 32 year history of growth [will top $100,000,000.00 in sales for 2005] speaks for itself! Miro has threatened to sue me several time for owning the name, and has accused me of buying that domian in order to get his customers.........."

Now 'gsleve' mentions the History Channel's Modern Marvels one hour program last Wednesday night at 9:00 pm entitled "Lube Job" - 'The History of Modern Lubrication'. Yes, it did mention graphite, moly, and teflon.... but did you notice that they were NOT touted as being eccepted as gfood for internal combustion engines. Did you also note that 'Synlube' or 'Lube4life' which Miro Kefury [known on this board as 'Houksster' wasw not even mentioned when he will tell you on his website at that his company pioneered the use of P-A-O base stock oil. NOW THE MODERN MARVEL PROGRAM PLAINLY STATED THAT THE PIONEER THAT STARTED SYNTHETIC OIL FOR OVER THE ROAD USE WAS NONE OTHEER THAN ALBERT J AMATUZIO, PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER OF AMSOIL..... THEN THE PROGRAM WENT ON TO SHOW SEVERAL SHOTS OF AMSOIL'S MANUFACTURING FACILITY AND THE LABELING LINE WITH BOTTLES COMING OFF THE LINE WITH AN AMSOIL INSPECTOR TENDING THAT LINE. IT WAS QUITE A NICE ENDORCEMENT FOR AMSOIL..... as the first and the largest in the P-A-O based oils. I copied the whole program to DVD and then edited out all the commercials. If you want a copy it is FREE plus postage - if you will just send me and an email on the contact page at http://www.synlube.NET It does not take a rocket scientist so see that Kefurt's rhetoric on this board is as self serving as mine admitedly is! tlk :-)
My question is simply this... With all of the pertinent and relevant information that I have read about, be it on this forum, this topic, or other websites, The Motor Oil Bible written by Michael Kaufman, or various other seeds of knowledge in this vast medium called the internet, how can this lubricant possibly deliver all that is stated on the website when granted, oil doesn't break down, but the additives do get depleted and need replenished, more so than just adding a quart here and a quart there of top off lubricant. I've started a topic a while back asking for users of this stuff, and Houckster was the only one to respond, basically with the same responsed and information that has been posted in this one.

To make a long story short...I WANT REAL PROOF IN NUMBERS, TECHNICAL DATA (other than the synlube website itself) AND DATA FROM A USER FROM YEARS OF NO OIL CHANGES!!! not just one year, or 6 months.

If that can be had, and this stuff is worth its pricetag, then I'd be willing to try it, but in all of my research and posing questions in this forum and to others that I know that have had experience in the lubrication field, I am told to stay FAR away from synlube and its products.

Now, somebody please prove my view wrong....
No one is going to be able to prove your view "wrong". I have long known that such efforts are doomed to failure.

I have stated the reasons, verified in my own experience, that I believe recommend the product. From here on, your decision is whether you're going to take a reasonable risk as I did and try something new. I cannot imagine you will be disappointed but that's something you'll have to decide for yourself.

Ask yourself something. Did you require the same amount of "proof" for the oil that you're using now? Why do you think the oil guys have marketing departments? The principle reason is to handhold a customer through the decision process that leads to them making a sale. SynLube doesn't have that and probably never will. They are willing to let the oil's performance speak for itself.

If you have a specific question, maybe I can answer it. I will be glad to try though I'll tell you that I'm no expert. I just learned enough to give me sufficient confidence to proceed with my purchase.

Of course if you e-mail SynLube with some questions, Miro Kefurt will give you a no-BS answer. Be aware that he gets quite a few "cross-examination/flame" letters so he's ready to respond in kind but for sincere questions he's always been very good.

BTW, I am familiar with Dan Kaufman. He and I participated on the MyFordFocus board and he was always very knowledgeable about oil, much more so than I. To my knowledge though, and this may be dated information, he did not investigate SynLube.
I would also like to contribute perhaps some small suggestion as well, one might want to do their research pertaining to the elements that synlube contains IE: colloidal lubrication itself, afterwhich an investigation on synthetic graphite, moly, ptfe and see how these various elments are used in varying industries there usage may be diverse/

Nonetheless I believe if one takes the time to inform themselves and dig into some research further insight may be gained as to whether or not such elements can be used as a lubricant for personal cars
I believe that Mr.Dyson has some information about this oil at one time I think he commented on the fact that the oil had met one of the GF4 standard whereas others were not in compliant yet, this was quite some time ago.

He has commented that he would like to see its chemical makeup or toure the facility can't remeber which I believe the post was on bobistheoilguy forum, but I believe something regarding proprietary issues, at that time Synlube was still recieveing some serious castigation.

A considerable amount of disbelief ensued
With all the oils around with many using the oil and posting uoa's an personal information, we have maybe two people using Synlube, some info from a web site. That qualifies Synlube as basically an unknown quantity, eight pages of it. There is no documentation by way of lab results and no answers from the company. Can we now put Synlube in the same group with products like Slick 50, Prolong, MotorUP and Z-Max, that is mystry stuff in an expensive bottle?
Why don't you check the FTC site for references to SynLube? You will find none. Disappointed?

What are you talking about? Is the fact that a prodcut has not had a published legal problem an indication of quality? You are making my point, there is no solid information about Synlube, good or bad. We figured out that there is nothing good in the way of lab results or other concrete evidense and you have pointed that the FTC knows nothing about them, either. All their users have reported in and neither one wants to post a uoa. The product remains a mystry. I don't think anyone has anything bad to say at all. Like the little ole' ladys sez, "Where's the beef?'.
The current formulation of SynLube has been on the market since 1996, that's sufficient time for a bogus product to have been reported.

If you've read over the posts I made at the beginning of this thread and you've read a fair portion of the information on the SynLube website, there isn't much else to say.

Your willingness to group SynLube with products that have been condemned by the FTC because they could not substantiate their claims like Slick 50 and Prolong indicates strongly that you've already decided that SynLube doesn't work. As I've said before, I have no intention of beating my head against the wall trying to convince people who have no desire to really consider the product that SynLube does what it claims.

In time (I am waiting for a special drain plug so I can draw samples more easily.), I will submit a sample of the oil I have for analysis and submit the findings here but with only a little over 15K on it, I see no reason why the result could not be easily passed off. On one other board, another SynLube user who had been using the oil for several years, presented his findings and he was called a fool and other things. As GSLEVE said: "A considerable amount of disbelief ensued." So it will be here.

Mazda1: The four years of experience I have with SynLube is distributed over three vehicles. My current vehicle is just over a 1.5 years old. The oil has 15K+ miles on it.
Last edited by houckster
Bakerman I have a suggestion why don't you contact these folks, let them know there is an ongoing debate to the viablility of synlube, and then you can demand that they produce a UOA to prove it's viability, and send it to you or this forum. No, make that two UOA from different sources or perhaps three.

Additionally tell them to make sure the these companies should have some expertise in colloidal technology so as to ascertain from the analysis which particle count is a solid and which is colloidal, I forgot tell them they need to send in a VOA first so as to make comparison, with the used.

Bear in mind some of these people have accumulated over 100k on this oil and their vehicles seemed to be running fine with no issues then again you have no way of knowing because it appears you've made no inquiry of them.

Now some even have well over 130k on the oil and performance is not inhibited. Again you have no way of knowing because it appears you've made no inquiry of them. Seeing that you demand know. Do you think this is a good idea that would lend to some good research on your part and positive contribution in terms of knowledge sharing ?
Last edited by gsleve
Mazda1 if you are desirous of information gathering would it not behoove you as well to perhaps contact some of these customers directly, who are listed on the synlube website that way you can bring to the table some concrete info for this site.

Given there seems to be some disbelief as to this oil basic funtionality related to lubricaton, these folks may enlighten you as to their experience, then you can get detailed in your line of questioning as to the oil worthiness to them.
Man - Here we go a THIRD TIME... didn't anyone read my posts on page 6 and 7? Here, I'll cut and paste for you again!

"There is one simple reason that Houkster is so keen on Synlube.... he owns it! Anyone who wants to go to will readily find out that 'Miro Kefurt' is the head honcho there! He is not a user only! As he sits in his abode in Las Vegas and promotes, mainly at his computer terminal, At $32.00 per quart [liter] - he does not have to sell too may knot heads his PTFE Cocktail in order to buy his own 'Throw Away Car' - no matter what he puts in the engine! AMSOIL is just AMSOIL - it's 32 year history of growth [will top $100,000,000.00 in sales for 2005] speaks for itself! Miro has threatened to sue me several time for owning the name, and has accused me of buying that domian in order to get his customers.........."

Now 'gsleve' mentions the History Channel's Modern Marvels one hour program last Wednesday night at 9:00 pm entitled "Lube Job" - 'The History of Modern Lubrication'. Yes, it did mention graphite, moly, and teflon.... but did you notice that they were NOT touted as being eccepted as gfood for internal combustion engines. Did you also note that 'Synlube' or 'Lube4life' which Miro Kefury [known on this board as 'Houksster' wasw not even mentioned when he will tell you on his website at that his company pioneered the use of P-A-O base stock oil. NOW THE MODERN MARVEL PROGRAM PLAINLY STATED THAT THE PIONEER THAT STARTED SYNTHETIC OIL FOR OVER THE ROAD USE WAS NONE OTHEER THAN ALBERT J AMATUZIO, PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER OF AMSOIL..... THEN THE PROGRAM WENT ON TO SHOW SEVERAL SHOTS OF AMSOIL'S MANUFACTURING FACILITY AND THE LABELING LINE WITH BOTTLES COMING OFF THE LINE WITH AN AMSOIL INSPECTOR TENDING THAT LINE. IT WAS QUITE A NICE ENDORCEMENT FOR AMSOIL..... as the first and the largest in the P-A-O based oils. I copied the whole program to DVD and then edited out all the commercials. If you want a copy it is FREE plus postage - if you will just send me and an email on the contact page at http://www.synlube.NET

I will now begin to masqarade as a mere user like Houkster does! This seems to carry more weight with people her! I use AMSOIL and it is just great! I think it is the best oil! I buy it from a guy on my street! AMSOIL has never been sued by the FTC either! Did you see this month's issue of LUBES 'N' GREASES in which AMSOIL is featured in a five page article? NO! You should go on the internet and get you free subsscription! You will never see "Synlube" in this or any other main stream lubrication media - because it is not taken serious by the professional tribological engineers! I was told, about synlube, that compared to AMSOIL's $100,000,000 volume this year that Synlube is a proverbial ant running up and elephants leg screaming "RAPE" !!! :-) Use Synlube at your4 own peril.
See this month's LUBES 'N' GREASES editorial article [5 pages] on AMSOIL's company, Founder and history - QUITE IMPRESSIVE - just like the History Channel's "Modern Marvels - JUBE JOB" which also features AMSOIL's Founder Albert J. Amatuzio as the man who single handedly started the first company to manufacture and market 100% synthetic oils for over the road use in America in 1972 [33 years ago]. AMSOIL is still the largest in it's feild as an exclusive supplier of TRUE P-A-O based lubricants for Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles, Racing, Industrial, Farm, Marine, RV's, RC's, etc.. !!!
As a Mechanical Engineer with 39 years experience in the Industrial Power Transmission field... I have been associates with lubrication and lubrication failures in industrial gear reducers, gearing, roller chain and internal combustion engines. I was a Power Up Lubricants Representative for 14 years! I am now associated with AMSOIL as a Direct Dealer. I am NOT asking you to buy AMSOIL here on this board. I do recommend that you NOT take my word or Houkster's word for what is considered viable technology in lubrication..... there is plenty of Scientific information on the internet.... much of it on the many websites available! If you go to my website, use it for information purposes..... it is linked to the corporate site that has 3,500 pages of information - much of it technical! READ and THINK..... don't listen to anecdotal hog wash touted by people with mere opinions based upon their limited experiences. Your vehicle probably cost a lot of money - you owe it to yourself to research the subject of lubrication very carefully! Sift through the maze of non-scientific stuff and arrive at the lowest common denominator and you will see why AMSOIL is a highly respected company with an impecable record of satisfaction amongts it's customers!
attend Reliable Plant 2024
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