Back Yard Mechanic:
Post all the info you choose re sludge.
Can you justify Charlene Blake's lies?
Or is this another attempt to deflect attention from her compulsive lying??
My beef is only with Charlene Blake's lies.
She continues to post lies here.
Charlene Blake also posts lies in other sites.
This time she got caught.
Then she hides those lies with meaningless rhetoric.
You also hide them with information which in no way excuses her lies.
End of story.
Read our primer articles on High Mileage Oil, Synthetic Oil and Kinematic Viscosity
Silverfox, you have a "beef" with me. OK. Fine.
My online Toyota engine oil sludge petition represents thousands of Toyota owners who have a "beef" with Toyota.
The deleted postings on the petition represent *active sabotage* attempts by someone using the same language as you. You know, the "bluff and bluster" and "innuendo and inference" alliterations. Odd, don't you think?
I was told by Clarence Ditlow at the Center for Auto Safety in Washington, D.C. that the numbers of signatories on my petition is "significant." He should know since he has been in the business of auto consumer advocacy for decades now, and he has worked closely with Ralph Nader.
Together, Clarence Ditlow and Ralph Nader wrote a great book called "The Lemon Book" which is a must-read for any vehicle owner. The book does need to be updated to include all the online ways that consumers can fight back when there are injustices, though.
Silverfox, I take it that you would love to see my petition vanish? for all the Toyota sludge victims to simply go quietly away? for all the articles and postings by very concerned Toyota owners to disappear (as happened when several sites FULL of Toyota sludge victim postings were hacked and permanently disabled)?
Toyota needs you, Silverfox, to defend it against all those pesky Toyota owners who just don't know how to properly maintain their iron-clad (NOT!) vehicles! Little 'ole Toyota needs someone like you to frighten or intimidate these owners away from speaking out like I have! It needs you to put those Toyota owners like Backyard mechanic's dad in their places...make them feel they have no options but to give in to the corporate bullying.
Toyota calls this "Customer-Generated Media" management, doesn't it? Isn't there someone in charge of this new forum for Toyota owners to speak out? Gotta get a lid on it, don't you? Must keep the PR spin intact! Wouldn't want anyone else to be successful in organizing the dissatisfied Toyota owners, would you?
I am here to tell you, Silverfox, that Toyota owners have revealed to me that TOYOTA has lied to THEM...big time! Until you have spoken to as many Toyota owners as I have (via postings, e-mail, phone, etc.), you cannot relate.
Feel free to come here for the sole purpose of attacking me personally. It won't change the truth. I am not an anonymous poster who has created yet another user name in order to discredit someone speaking out about Toyota engine oil sludge. I am and will continue to be pro-consumer.
Charlene Blake
Toyota Owners Unite for Resolution: Engine Oil Sludge
My online Toyota engine oil sludge petition represents thousands of Toyota owners who have a "beef" with Toyota.
The deleted postings on the petition represent *active sabotage* attempts by someone using the same language as you. You know, the "bluff and bluster" and "innuendo and inference" alliterations. Odd, don't you think?
I was told by Clarence Ditlow at the Center for Auto Safety in Washington, D.C. that the numbers of signatories on my petition is "significant." He should know since he has been in the business of auto consumer advocacy for decades now, and he has worked closely with Ralph Nader.
Together, Clarence Ditlow and Ralph Nader wrote a great book called "The Lemon Book" which is a must-read for any vehicle owner. The book does need to be updated to include all the online ways that consumers can fight back when there are injustices, though.
Silverfox, I take it that you would love to see my petition vanish? for all the Toyota sludge victims to simply go quietly away? for all the articles and postings by very concerned Toyota owners to disappear (as happened when several sites FULL of Toyota sludge victim postings were hacked and permanently disabled)?
Toyota needs you, Silverfox, to defend it against all those pesky Toyota owners who just don't know how to properly maintain their iron-clad (NOT!) vehicles! Little 'ole Toyota needs someone like you to frighten or intimidate these owners away from speaking out like I have! It needs you to put those Toyota owners like Backyard mechanic's dad in their places...make them feel they have no options but to give in to the corporate bullying.
Toyota calls this "Customer-Generated Media" management, doesn't it? Isn't there someone in charge of this new forum for Toyota owners to speak out? Gotta get a lid on it, don't you? Must keep the PR spin intact! Wouldn't want anyone else to be successful in organizing the dissatisfied Toyota owners, would you?
I am here to tell you, Silverfox, that Toyota owners have revealed to me that TOYOTA has lied to THEM...big time! Until you have spoken to as many Toyota owners as I have (via postings, e-mail, phone, etc.), you cannot relate.
Feel free to come here for the sole purpose of attacking me personally. It won't change the truth. I am not an anonymous poster who has created yet another user name in order to discredit someone speaking out about Toyota engine oil sludge. I am and will continue to be pro-consumer.
Charlene Blake
Toyota Owners Unite for Resolution: Engine Oil Sludge
Thank you forthe information re sludge, and we wish you well with your Honda--or whatever you favor.
Yes, I have an issue with Charlene Blake.
She lies.
It doesn't matter what the topic.
A lie is a lie, and is nothing but a lie!!
She, like anyone else who lies to make a point, has no credibility.
Thank you forthe information re sludge, and we wish you well with your Honda--or whatever you favor.
Yes, I have an issue with Charlene Blake.
She lies.
It doesn't matter what the topic.
A lie is a lie, and is nothing but a lie!!
She, like anyone else who lies to make a point, has no credibility.
So you admit publicly your petition DOESN'T have 2400 signatures!!
Then why did you post a statement that it did have 2400 signatures??
Lady, you just admitted to another lie!!
Why then, did you lie about it in the first place??
Like all liars, you have no credibility!
So you admit publicly your petition DOESN'T have 2400 signatures!!
Then why did you post a statement that it did have 2400 signatures??
Lady, you just admitted to another lie!!
Why then, did you lie about it in the first place??
Like all liars, you have no credibility!
Oh, I get it now. You wish to discredit me so that no one will believe that the petition is bona fide and currently applicable?
You hope that when sludge-affected Toyota owners do a google search for information that they will read your libelous statements about me and discount the *current* importance of documentation in the Toyota/Lexus sludge matter.
Won't happen. I'm not the one that got Toyota in this mess. It did it on its own. I am certainly not the only outspoken Toyota owner, and based on Toyota's actions, I won't be the last. Hey, just go to to see what I'm talking about!
PLEASE, if you experience Toyota engine oil sludge, post your experience online. If you have note failed emissions testing, a thrown engine rod, or a spontaneous engine fire associated with sludge, then file online owner reports with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the Center for Auto Safety (tell Mr. Ditlow that I referred you), and (read all the angry Toyota owner accounts there!).
Proper documentation should start with a CERTIFIED letter to formally notify Toyota. No one knows just how Toyota keeps count of the sludge victims. Seems to be quite the mystery! Seems owner after owner after owner has simply been coaxed into trading in or selling their Toyota sludgemobiles before any formal letter-writing is done!
Backyard mechanic is correct in deducing that the numbers are far more than Toyota reports. This is a FACT! No one has recorded all the Toyota owner transactions after Toyota sludge crippled their engines. Many were scared into dumping their Toyota sludgemobiles after being intimidated by Toyota dealerships. The number of Toyota-reported cases of Toyota engine sludge is grossly underestimated. Period.
Check all the statements made by Toyota. The spokespersons said "very small" from day one. They have never bothered (maybe intentionally refrained from it?) to update that number post SPA and CSP.
One thing my petition and postings have done is to encourage the affected Toyota owners to DOCUMENT, especially with Toyota. Naturally, Toyota isn't interested in documentation that shows Toyota engine oil sludge in the wake of proper maintenance.
The AERA came out and hinted about this problem years ago. It clearly stated that the condition of engine oil sludge in Toyotas was noted even with proper oil changes. Toyota owners have been documenting this ever since, too.
Silverfox, your personal vendetta against me (you stated the same here more than once!) is misplaced in this forum. It has done little to deter Toyota engine oil sludge victims from reaching out to those who may have more information. Are you perhaps worried that current Toyota owners will be looking for this information? Well, you are right; they already are...have been well beyond the arbitrary 2002 Toyota cut-off.
Charlene Blake
Toyota Owners Unite for Resolution: Engine Oil Sludge
You hope that when sludge-affected Toyota owners do a google search for information that they will read your libelous statements about me and discount the *current* importance of documentation in the Toyota/Lexus sludge matter.
Won't happen. I'm not the one that got Toyota in this mess. It did it on its own. I am certainly not the only outspoken Toyota owner, and based on Toyota's actions, I won't be the last. Hey, just go to to see what I'm talking about!
PLEASE, if you experience Toyota engine oil sludge, post your experience online. If you have note failed emissions testing, a thrown engine rod, or a spontaneous engine fire associated with sludge, then file online owner reports with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the Center for Auto Safety (tell Mr. Ditlow that I referred you), and (read all the angry Toyota owner accounts there!).
Proper documentation should start with a CERTIFIED letter to formally notify Toyota. No one knows just how Toyota keeps count of the sludge victims. Seems to be quite the mystery! Seems owner after owner after owner has simply been coaxed into trading in or selling their Toyota sludgemobiles before any formal letter-writing is done!
Backyard mechanic is correct in deducing that the numbers are far more than Toyota reports. This is a FACT! No one has recorded all the Toyota owner transactions after Toyota sludge crippled their engines. Many were scared into dumping their Toyota sludgemobiles after being intimidated by Toyota dealerships. The number of Toyota-reported cases of Toyota engine sludge is grossly underestimated. Period.
Check all the statements made by Toyota. The spokespersons said "very small" from day one. They have never bothered (maybe intentionally refrained from it?) to update that number post SPA and CSP.
One thing my petition and postings have done is to encourage the affected Toyota owners to DOCUMENT, especially with Toyota. Naturally, Toyota isn't interested in documentation that shows Toyota engine oil sludge in the wake of proper maintenance.
The AERA came out and hinted about this problem years ago. It clearly stated that the condition of engine oil sludge in Toyotas was noted even with proper oil changes. Toyota owners have been documenting this ever since, too.
Silverfox, your personal vendetta against me (you stated the same here more than once!) is misplaced in this forum. It has done little to deter Toyota engine oil sludge victims from reaching out to those who may have more information. Are you perhaps worried that current Toyota owners will be looking for this information? Well, you are right; they already are...have been well beyond the arbitrary 2002 Toyota cut-off.
Charlene Blake
Toyota Owners Unite for Resolution: Engine Oil Sludge
Just so others know, there are currently over 5,000 postings in a (formerly Edmund's Town Hall) under the topic "Toyota Engine Oil Sludge."
I just thought I would do a google search to see what is new. I found quickly that a 2003 Camry owner with less than 75,000 miles (typical in these cases) has gotten engine oil sludge. The oil changes were done every 3,000 to 5,000 miles...better than recommended.
I have noted many 2003 Toyota owners have come to my petition to place an entry. Did the 2002 model year end Toyota engine oil sludge? When Toyota stopped making the one Toyota Camry 4-cylinder engine, did things change? Toyota engine oil sludge STILL a problem?
Do the research. YOU be the judge.
Charlene Blake
Toyota Owners Unite for Resolution: Engine Oil Sludge
I just thought I would do a google search to see what is new. I found quickly that a 2003 Camry owner with less than 75,000 miles (typical in these cases) has gotten engine oil sludge. The oil changes were done every 3,000 to 5,000 miles...better than recommended.
I have noted many 2003 Toyota owners have come to my petition to place an entry. Did the 2002 model year end Toyota engine oil sludge? When Toyota stopped making the one Toyota Camry 4-cylinder engine, did things change? Toyota engine oil sludge STILL a problem?
Do the research. YOU be the judge.
Charlene Blake
Toyota Owners Unite for Resolution: Engine Oil Sludge
No, I don't have a personal vendetta against you, or anyone else.
I just don't think it's right when someone lies to make a point--like you do.
It's personal thing--I have a beef with anyone who tries that same stunt.
So I challenge you on your lies.
Nor am I trying to discredit your petition.
You managed that all by yourself, by saying there were 2400 signatures when there were not.
Oh, by the way. You just lied again.
Over 5000 posts in Edmunds Car Space re sludge?
Implying what--that 5000 different people posted there?
Check again Charlene Blake--most of that entire forum is comprised of (at best) 50 or 60 of the same posters going back and forth on the issue.
Check again Charlene Blake.
You need to do something about your lying--it seems addictive.
No, I don't have a personal vendetta against you, or anyone else.
I just don't think it's right when someone lies to make a point--like you do.
It's personal thing--I have a beef with anyone who tries that same stunt.
So I challenge you on your lies.
Nor am I trying to discredit your petition.
You managed that all by yourself, by saying there were 2400 signatures when there were not.
Oh, by the way. You just lied again.
Over 5000 posts in Edmunds Car Space re sludge?
Implying what--that 5000 different people posted there?
Check again Charlene Blake--most of that entire forum is comprised of (at best) 50 or 60 of the same posters going back and forth on the issue.
Check again Charlene Blake.
You need to do something about your lying--it seems addictive.
Someone with an 03 Toyota signs on her petition.
One of those 2400 signatures that aren't all there perhaps??
Charlene claims it's a legit complaint.
Well, how did Charlene Blake manage to verify it as legit--when the phone number accompanying it doesn't exist??
Ms. Blake, you really must do something about these lies.
Have you verified ANY of the 2400 signatures--which, as we now know, aren't all there?
Someone with an 03 Toyota signs on her petition.
One of those 2400 signatures that aren't all there perhaps??
Charlene claims it's a legit complaint.
Well, how did Charlene Blake manage to verify it as legit--when the phone number accompanying it doesn't exist??
Ms. Blake, you really must do something about these lies.
Have you verified ANY of the 2400 signatures--which, as we now know, aren't all there?
I am a victim of 99 camry and the engine failed at 38,000 miles in september 2002 and Toyota didn't pay any penny to repair. It costed me 5,400 dollars to repair the same. I came to know about this just now and saw everybody bashing about Charles. I don't see any bad mouthing from him. As a victim of (once known for quality) toyota camry and paid over 5000 dollars. I am as mad as Charles and unfortunately I didn't get paid for my repairs by Toyota. Any suggestions on how I can fight over this as the 8 years is over and didn't see this petition or never received the glove copy for oil gel from toyota as I have changed my address few times in the last 5 years
Here's my petition:
Clean this post from biased replies and non-information. Issue warning to aggressive posters, so we can keep the quality high here.
This post is more on the credibility of some users than on the subject itself.
Clean this post from biased replies and non-information. Issue warning to aggressive posters, so we can keep the quality high here.
This post is more on the credibility of some users than on the subject itself.
People this site is not intended for use as a personal vendetta forum. GO AWAY all of you and play somewhere else. Moderator can't you remove this whole topic so that real issues can be discussed.
Rodney, what is your advice to Ram_Camry_Victim? Should his significant issue be ignored because SilverFox is attempting character assassination?
In fact, Toyota itself has admitted to the engine oil sludge tendency in millions of its own vehicles. There have been numerous articles about it and even more consumer letters written to various agencies and consumer reporters.
This discussion is about Toyota engine oil sludge. Period. The matter has yet to be satisfactorily resolved according to thousands of Toyota owners.
There is no personal vendetta in wanting consumer-oriented justice for that. Companies that bully their own customers eventually hear about it, don't they. In this case, Toyota has heard from thousands and thousands of its customers, and they happen to be quite upset about it.
Toyota owner experiences with engine oil sludge are welcome in this discussion, and they should not feel intimidated by someone who is bent on defamation rather than sticking to the topic. Nor should they feel compelled to stifle their thoughts just because someone wants to throw the baby out with the bath water
In fact, Toyota itself has admitted to the engine oil sludge tendency in millions of its own vehicles. There have been numerous articles about it and even more consumer letters written to various agencies and consumer reporters.
This discussion is about Toyota engine oil sludge. Period. The matter has yet to be satisfactorily resolved according to thousands of Toyota owners.
There is no personal vendetta in wanting consumer-oriented justice for that. Companies that bully their own customers eventually hear about it, don't they. In this case, Toyota has heard from thousands and thousands of its customers, and they happen to be quite upset about it.
Toyota owner experiences with engine oil sludge are welcome in this discussion, and they should not feel intimidated by someone who is bent on defamation rather than sticking to the topic. Nor should they feel compelled to stifle their thoughts just because someone wants to throw the baby out with the bath water

Right!! I agree.
This forum is supposed to be about sludge.
Whenever anything is said on that topic, it is hoped it would be the truth; it shouldn't be used dishonestly, nor should it be used as propaganda by anyone.
Strictly speaking, contributors shouldn't tell lies.
Ms. Blake is not telling the truth by any means.
That has been shown time and time again.
She has lied repeatedly in her many appearances on the web.
It's very clear that Ms. Blake is using the forum as a propaganda tool to promote her crusade against an automaker.
If, as Ms. Blake claims, she wishes to be seen as a consumer activist, then she should start by being truthful and forthright in doing so.
Sincere activists with a genuine causes don't act that way, and don't need to.
Instead, her efforts are characterized by lies, misrepresentations of fact, distortions, and inflammatory comments with no substance.
That is why I choose to challenge Ms. Blake, and I will continue to do so until she becomes honest and forthright in her crusades.
Here are two more graphic examples of her dishonesty; these appear in her latest post(s).
First, she posts under a different username in the Rodney Fitzpatrick piece, above.
That post and her follow on post originate from the same location, and within minutes of each other!
This is no coincidence; it happens repeatedly in her activity on the net. (This is one reason why she was banned from Edmunds!!)
Secondly, she references "Toyota admits Millions of their cars are succeptible to sludge".
Nothing of the sort has ever been said by Toyota.
Yet another bald faced lie!!!!
These are two more very clear examples of the dishonest tactics she uses to publicize her crusades.
This forum is supposed to be about sludge.
Whenever anything is said on that topic, it is hoped it would be the truth; it shouldn't be used dishonestly, nor should it be used as propaganda by anyone.
Strictly speaking, contributors shouldn't tell lies.
Ms. Blake is not telling the truth by any means.
That has been shown time and time again.
She has lied repeatedly in her many appearances on the web.
It's very clear that Ms. Blake is using the forum as a propaganda tool to promote her crusade against an automaker.
If, as Ms. Blake claims, she wishes to be seen as a consumer activist, then she should start by being truthful and forthright in doing so.
Sincere activists with a genuine causes don't act that way, and don't need to.
Instead, her efforts are characterized by lies, misrepresentations of fact, distortions, and inflammatory comments with no substance.
That is why I choose to challenge Ms. Blake, and I will continue to do so until she becomes honest and forthright in her crusades.
Here are two more graphic examples of her dishonesty; these appear in her latest post(s).
First, she posts under a different username in the Rodney Fitzpatrick piece, above.
That post and her follow on post originate from the same location, and within minutes of each other!
This is no coincidence; it happens repeatedly in her activity on the net. (This is one reason why she was banned from Edmunds!!)
Secondly, she references "Toyota admits Millions of their cars are succeptible to sludge".
Nothing of the sort has ever been said by Toyota.
Yet another bald faced lie!!!!
These are two more very clear examples of the dishonest tactics she uses to publicize her crusades.
EXCUSE ME?? Look at my profile, I am not anyone but who I say I am, and unlike most of the people on this post I actually put my name and contact details in my profile. Dont bother responding because I dont care about either side of this argument and refuse to propagate this garbage discussion. Moderator please remove it.
Well, I certainly agree it's a garbage discussion, and probably should be discontinued.
That said, as long as Ms. Blake (if that's her real name) continues to spew forth with lies, inferences, baseless accuations, or continues to use this site as a propaganda tool for her trumped up crusades, I will continue to agressively challenge her.
That said, as long as Ms. Blake (if that's her real name) continues to spew forth with lies, inferences, baseless accuations, or continues to use this site as a propaganda tool for her trumped up crusades, I will continue to agressively challenge her.
Re: Engine Sludging with Premium Synthetic Engine motor oil.
I had a 4 cyl 16 valve. 5 speed Camry Wagon 23,000 miles diagnosed with a engine knock. On its third oil change.
Toyota Service stated the reason for the problem was the oil being used. A 100% Premium Synthetic.
I had complete oil service records, and with the Synthetic Oil Companies support, after months of written and verbal discussions.
Toyota agreed to do the repair with their top mechanic on the repair.
With a signed inclusion that I may have to foot the bill if it was a oil related problem.
The mechanics repair found faulty valve train components,the parts were replaced at Toyota's cost. The Dealers Top Mechanics repair sub notes were "this was the cleanest block he had worked on", "no oil related concerns"
The mechanic pulled me on the side at the time of vehicle pick up asking me what was the brand of oil I used, the service writer / service management had not informed him.
To all concerned, which ever side of the fence your on, be a consumer with armed facts, and service documentation. Very few consumers with out of warranty engines receive due compensation and too many consumers within warranty fall into the voided category.
I had a 4 cyl 16 valve. 5 speed Camry Wagon 23,000 miles diagnosed with a engine knock. On its third oil change.
Toyota Service stated the reason for the problem was the oil being used. A 100% Premium Synthetic.
I had complete oil service records, and with the Synthetic Oil Companies support, after months of written and verbal discussions.
Toyota agreed to do the repair with their top mechanic on the repair.
With a signed inclusion that I may have to foot the bill if it was a oil related problem.
The mechanics repair found faulty valve train components,the parts were replaced at Toyota's cost. The Dealers Top Mechanics repair sub notes were "this was the cleanest block he had worked on", "no oil related concerns"
The mechanic pulled me on the side at the time of vehicle pick up asking me what was the brand of oil I used, the service writer / service management had not informed him.
To all concerned, which ever side of the fence your on, be a consumer with armed facts, and service documentation. Very few consumers with out of warranty engines receive due compensation and too many consumers within warranty fall into the voided category.
quote:Originally posted by AutoMarine:
Re: Engine Sludging with Premium Synthetic Engine motor oil.
I had a 4 cyl 16 valve. 5 speed Camry Wagon 23,000 miles diagnosed with a engine knock. On its third oil change.
Toyota Service stated the reason for the problem was the oil being used. A 100% Premium Synthetic.
I had complete oil service records, and with the Synthetic Oil Companies support, after months of written and verbal discussions.
Toyota agreed to do the repair with their top mechanic on the repair.
With a signed inclusion that I may have to foot the bill if it was a oil related problem.
The mechanics repair found faulty valve train components,the parts were replaced at Toyota's cost. The Dealers Top Mechanics repair sub notes were "this was the cleanest block he had worked on", "no oil related concerns"
The mechanic pulled me on the side at the time of vehicle pick up asking me what was the brand of oil I used, the service writer / service management had not informed him.
To all concerned, which ever side of the fence your on, be a consumer with armed facts, and service documentation. Very few consumers with out of warranty engines receive due compensation and too many consumers within warranty fall into the voided category.
We see too many so-called "Complaint Stories" where there is only vague reference to proper maintenance.
Most of the time there's no reference to any maintenance at all.
IMO, if people have solid documentation to show they did everything according to the book, there shouldn't be any problem, and there usually isn't.
Those who expect the most who provide the least, and then complain when they don't get it, are the ones we hear from most often in these forums.
jonny-b, if you read the websites I cited above, you would know why the engine oil sludge matter is current at Toyota.
You forget...I have no malice intent toward Toyota. I am Toyota owner benevolent.
Does there need to be a motive if consumer justice is desired?
Why are you, silverfox, and others determined to defame in an effort to distract from the real issue?
What you have posted is libelous. You might want to consider taking that statement down.
I stand by my postings. They are accurate. This matter is unresolved to date.
Charlene Blake
You forget...I have no malice intent toward Toyota. I am Toyota owner benevolent.
Does there need to be a motive if consumer justice is desired?
Why are you, silverfox, and others determined to defame in an effort to distract from the real issue?
What you have posted is libelous. You might want to consider taking that statement down.
I stand by my postings. They are accurate. This matter is unresolved to date.
Charlene Blake
I have been in the automobile business for almost 40 years and have found that pcv system has lots to do with sludge..if the crankcase is not ventilated properly, then moisture can build in the engine helping to create sludge. And as another post said, the extended oil changes don't help especially when most drivers just run a few blocks around town at a time never allowing the oil to properly heat and evaporate the moisture