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Posted Jun 20, 6:22 PM Hide Post
Beats me how those who have no experience with a product can argue with those who have.

kirk/miro say synlube is the best oil there is. By not using a product he has defended over and over he is doing the opposite of the above statement. Hypocrit much?

But then again, those two have yet to provide any data. Verifiable, trustworty data.

And yet.............
What I find odd about some people and new cars under warranty is this. Because of fear and doubt, they stick with mfg approved oil, follow the book, then when the warranty is up they switch to "The Best Oil". Many times it is a non-approved oil not meeting mfg specs and certifications. I laugh because if I had a new car I'd want the so called "The Best Oil" in that engine first chance I got. Only in my case the best oil IMO meets the mfg specs, so no worries here.

The whole argument makes no sense, if someone is so confident in a product GO FOR IT in the beginning. Besides the oil mfg has your back, maybe that is. Or is that possible fear of having an oil related problem and possible a fight what holds them back because it is not approved oil? I think so, for those people maybe "The Best Oil" isn't really the best after all? LOL

No names mentioned here just general observations. I was talking to some Shipmates about this and a few that are car guys mentioned this, and I see the same logic on message boards. Confusing to me!

bmwtechguy said it best I think.

"API license and starburst means the oil meets the minimum requirements for the spec, such as chemical limits to protect emissions systems, lower viscosity for energy conserving, Noack volitility limits, cold cranking, HTHS, wear protection, shear stability etc. Also, oil companies pay dearly to have their oils licensed, tested, etc. and pay some type of royalty per gallon or quart over a certain amount sold. Non-licensed oils may be better than the spec in some or every way or worse. You have to decide if you trust the company blending/selling the non-licensed oil."

Can also be said of mfg approved oil.

I sure as hell don't trust synlube. They've gone out of their way to make sure I don't.
Originally posted by ADFD1:

The whole argument makes no sense, if someone is so confident in a product GO FOR IT in the beginning. Besides the oil mfg has your back, maybe that is. Or is that possible fear of having an oil related problem and possible a fight what holds them back because it is not approved oil? I think so, for those people maybe "The Best Oil" isn't really the best after all? LOL


That's a good point. If you have an oil related problem using a non spec oil under warranty, you're going to pay for it.

If you have the same problem after the warranty, you're still going to pay for it.

So why would it matter since you pay for it either way?
To quote one SargeGTO on this synlube.

"Here are my thoughts....take em or leave em....
You betcha...the very idea of a better lube for our cars is something we all want, desire. The problem is there have been so many snake oils that credibility becomes an issue almost immediately. Then you throw in all the marketing hype posted here void of any real analytical data and you get skeptics. Of course a manufacturer is going to tell us their product is great. The web site looks like my grandson did it. No I take that back....he could do a better job.
Bottom line is this for me. They have been pimping SynLube in the United States since 1969.....and this how far they have gotten with it after almost 40 years? If it was even a fraction of what it is hyped to be any rational thinking person ( educated or uneducated) would conclude after 40 years and a company or technology is still in the "start up" mode....something is wrong.....with either the product or the folks running the business."
LOL. Remember it costs next to nothing to host a website. Then like Sarge said, even his grandson could have done a better job building the site, so no real cost there either. Go to your local Walmart pick an oil that's on sale, tweak it, rebottle it, there you have it. Magioil, Swiloil, ADoil, Trajoil, you name it.

How to make an informercial for a bogus product.

Step 1: "Educate" the consumer.
Step 2: Introduce product

disclaimer: step 1 must not involve factual information and must not be on a subject that the average individual is well versed in. Step 2 must introduce a product that solves a problem that only exists in the fictional educational "step 1."
Last edited by trajan
Originally posted by Trajan:
How to make an informercial for a bogus product.

Step 1: "Educate" the consumer.
Step 2: Introduce product

disclaimer: step 1 must not involve factual information and must not be on a subject that the average individual is well versed in. Step 2 must introduce a product that solves a problem that only exists in the fictional educational "step 1."

So, should I drain the now(according to you) 'fictional' lubricant out of my $40,000 Jeep G.Cherokee,Trajan!

Trajan,what subject matter are you well versed in?----just curious! Still waiting for that one!

Hey,what ever happened to your BMW? Is it still in the shop?
Last edited by captainkirk
Originally posted by ADFD1:
Originally posted by Captain Kirk:

In case your wondering---Synlube does have anti-foam agents,unlike some other motor oils that do not,and yet needs it in the worst way!

Name some oils that don't contain anti-foam agents. Facts please, not your speculation.

I think the major oil companies know how to blend oil. They don't go the Wal-Mart buy a qt of oil, rebottle it, tweak it, and call it their own, like some companies w/o addresses and business licenses do. Then plant shills on message boards trying to push product.


This is more of a generalized issue,with plenty of evidence to back the foaming issues! Just for starters!
AD-They don't go the Wal-Mart buy a qt of oil, rebottle it, tweak it, and call it their own,

Ever try cooking walmart oil Ad, I have----this is what it looks like(the black test tube is a hint). Don't believe me........try it yourself. Synlube when cooked--------HAS ZERO SLUDGE/VARNISH,BECAUSE I DID THE EXPERIMENT!!


The above link is from Amsoil,but it gets the point across!!
Originally posted by Captain Kirk:
I was gonna remind kirk that anecdotes STILL don't constitute data!

Have you read any of the links I pasted that were based on F-A-C-T ??????

Let's start from the top------------A-G-A-I-N!!!!!!! You guy's are slow learners,so we can now call this SUMMER SCHOOL!!!





THAT'S JUST FOR STARTERS,ROBERT C !!!! The only anecdotes I see are coming from you,Rob!!

Be specific. Where are the FACTS about Synlube?

Those are all general knowledge.

you are providing anecdotes about the wonders of synlube.

Facts are what count, and none have been forthcoming from any reliable source.

Dino doesn't sludge engines, poor maint and poor design sludge engines.


Have you been reading all the proof I gave?

I have done this E-X-A-C-T experiment BELOW----------Have you,AD. I know how to make sludge/varnish........USE DINO OIL!!


The above sludged up beaker on the right cannot be replicated using Synlube...........I tried,and could not even make slight Varnish,and I cooked the synlube to well over 500-F-----I ignited it at one point from the intense heat I put to it!!

I challenge any of the so-called Tribologist experts on this thread to Try it!

Just a reminder of this link too!


Notice that even the Amsoil test tube has at least some sludge/varnish,the synlube heat/cook test I performed yielded no sludge/varnish!

If you changed your 'DINO' oil 'every day',you would still have some sludge/varnish in the rings and ring lands.!! The oil is cooked and baked in that region and the carbonized deposits are abrasive and will cause increased wear---you won't see with Synlube!
Last edited by captainkirk
Kirk, because you say it's so, means it's so? LOL

No one here is going to waste $32 to buy a qt of your oil to test it. Is this some new sales technique?

Imagine someone cooking your oil? You'll tell them they used the wrong stove or heat source. I can get any good synthetic oil that will protect as well, or better than yours and have a company with an address to back it up. Oh yea, and not be using a 50 wt oil in the process. My ride calls for a 30 grade the GF's ride a 20 grade. 50 grade no thanks, especially come winter time.

BTW Mobil cooked their oil in a frying pan to demo a point, nothing new there.

Dino oil hasn't let me or any of my family down. My father and uncle are at this close to 40 years now. If there was a problem they'd have found it. Proper care is the key, and use what the mfg says to use. What could be easier?

And, furthermore. If dino oil was so bad, the oil companies would not make it as no one would buy it. And auto makers would not spec it.

Sure Trajan---That's why you ran (dino)oil in your BMW?? Remember,you only ran the factory approved lube(G-III syn) in your BMW,and look how that turned out! Your car is now toast because of it!


A little education for Ya! The oil companies cannot 'stop' making dino oil as long as we have a need for fuel. Dino oil is a by-product of the refining process of crude into various fuels and all the other fractionated by-products that result from the distillation process!

Bottom line. All the end products get sold and used up in the market place---PERIOD!
Trajan--Shoddy maintainenence leads to sludge. (Includig not changing oil. Overlong oci's.)

We already are aware that nelect is never good, Trajan. Abuse/neglect is not the only thing that causes sludge.

I suppose you could say I am neglecting my car more than anyone out there who had sludge and perhaps didn't change their oil often enough,unlike myself-------WHO NEVER CHANGES THE OIL!....and yet I have no sludge/issues!

According to you Trajan,I should have nothing but sludge due to all the why don't I have at least some sludge??


What's up with your BMW?

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence to back them up.

Like RobertC says "Anecdotes still do not constitute data. Never have, never will. No amount of shilling will make it so."

Marketing hype is no subsitute for analytical data.

Misdirection and smokescreens are no subsitute for analytical data.

Testimonials are no subsitute for analytical data.

Such data is sorely lacking when it comes to synlube.
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