I am not US Government, so any questions about visiting Mercury, Nevada you have to direct to DoD, or DoE - that is their business and not mine as far as whom they let through the gate.
And if you want to test your ability to access any lube plant, find one in Canada (like SHELL) and show up at the front gate telling then you are there to take a "sample" and see what will your Countrymen tell you.
Every company and every Country have their own procedures, if the fact that we accept all Credit Cards and ship daily to anywhere in the World is not good enough nothing ever will be.
As long as you need excuses you will always find something - to make an excuse for non action.
You can always have your friend or relative buy SynLube for you and we would never know you are getting it.
We ship 10 to 15 orders to NEW customers daily and close to 100 to repeat buyers after all there is over 72,000 vehicles with SynLube, and eventually they all need a Liter of ADD OIL.
Typically once every two years, so do the math
Personally I do not care if we get even one NEW customer as we already produce SynLube just barely at the rate it sells.
New Customers usually have to wait 7 to 10 days and that is one reason we STRONGLY discourage the use of Our Products in OLD, and HIGH MILEAGE vehicles, as that way we would not be able to provide proper service to people that have NEW vehicles which benefit from our products the most.
Since we have several businesses and also a real life, I have neither the time or desire to live on blog boards that are the sole entertainment for handful of people that have no life at all, and if it was not for such blogs, their life would have no purpose – not that it has any now, but imagine if their last coveted reason to be – to change Motor Oil every 3 months or 3,000 miles is removed from their existence, the life as we know it just might end !!!
On the other hand there are Doctors, Lawyers, and other people whose life is valued by the Society at much greater per time value than the cost of even a FREE OIL CHANGE at BMW Dealers, so they opt to save time, money and inconvenience to do such stuff.
Then there are the very very few that do it for the environmental reason, no USED OIL Generated and no POLLUTION !!!
And about 10 to 15% use SynLube just because they do not want to send their money to Arabs for the Crude that normal Conventional oil (and that includes Synthetic) is made from.
I have never started any SynLube Thread anywhere, but our customers did and they always seem to be outnumbered by the same 10 to 15 people that NEVER SEEN, NEVER BOUGHT, NEVER USED, SynLube but of course they know all about the HORRORS it will inevitably do in their bellowed 100,000 + mile junker they drive, etc.
Trajan LIE:
2007 BMW Z4 – damaged by SynLube
Cannot provide even the ZIP code or the City of the owner – can not authenticate the lie generated
Virtual Something:
Claims we misuse credit card info – LIE can not substantiate it – my offer I will pay $1,000 if he finds ANYONE ANYWHERE that EVER had a problem with CC payment for SynLube.
Automaker = Vehicle Lasts MUCH longer, no NEW sales
OIL COMPANY = Fuel Economy is improved, less fuel sold
AUTO MECHANIC = NO Oil Changes, NO UP SALE Business
The only person in the entire World Economy that benefits from SynLube is the ACTUAL vehicle owner, he/she saves TIME, MONEY and the ENVIRONMENT !!!
But you would already known about it if you really did read all that is on